trumps latest stiff


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 23, 2007
Over the years, Donald J. Trump or his businesses have been accused of stiffing carpenters, dishwashers and lawyers, leaving a trail of lawsuits and grudges in his wake. Now he is in a billing dispute with one of his own campaign aides.

Mr. Trump’s most recent filing with the Federal Election Commission indicates that his campaign has disputed a bill for $766,756 from a vendor, the well-regarded Republican pollster Tony Fabrizio.

In Atlantic City, where Mr. Trump’s casinos were roiled by financial problems and bankruptcies, some contractors said they went unpaid, putting their businesses in peril. A USA Today review of court cases, liens and other government files found hundreds of examples where Mr. Trump was accused of not paying his bills.
a man that scrimps over every penny... just wait a country with just under $20 trillion in debt needs...


Obama spent $1.5 billion to "advertise" the Unaffordable Care Act.........
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Good. It's just like the ripoff auto mechanics. They want to run up the bill and do 50 things you don't need. Refuse to pay the bastards.

There are good honest people somewhere out there doing this kind of work, but they're not easy to find. If you deal with them on a large scale, you're going to find a lot of shysters. If you just pay what they say, you'll be a hell of a sucker. Trump won't have it.
good point walden - after all the guy is a "well respected republican
pollster" which means that between the two of them (trump and Frabrizio) there is a 100% chance they are both shysters as you put it. it's just a matter of which one can out lie the
Doesn't bother me if they are. Just like it doesn't bother Democrats what Hillary is.

We're not voting for people. We're voting for a letter. I'd vote Republican no matter what and you'd vote Democrat. The e-mails, woman grabber stuff, shirts made in China, pay for play, FBI, whatever is all worthless and a waste. They could run robots or rabid wolves on each side. Doesn't matter. R and D is all that counts.
the only people who even claim that both sides are
equally bad are conservatives - dems do not believe

the clintons are the most investigated people on the planet
and by their political enemies at taxpayer expense not less.
after all those investigations and all those accusations not
a single thing has been found that they have ever done wrong.

so, no, they are not equally bad - only one political party the
republicans corrupt every single institution they touch. democrats
are not bad - they attempt to do things to help people like you
not matter how hard you fight them - they are still with you.
Plenty of shit has been found. Nothing has been done about it, and won't as long as the media REFUSES to report it.
Dtard, you might want to watch Comey's July press conference in which he lists all the things Hillary did that would land any person on this board in prison.... before not recommending charges be brought against her.
Dtard, you might want to watch Comey's July press conference in which he lists all the things Hillary did that would land any person on this board in prison.... before not recommending charges be brought against her.

What particular law did she break?
Dtard, you might want to watch Comey's July press conference in which he lists all the things Hillary did that would land any person on this board in prison.... before not recommending charges be brought against her.

What particular law did she break?
are not bad - they attempt to do things to help people like you
not matter how hard you fight them - they are still with you

Bullshit. I don't need their damn help. Help is for losers. All that pity shit is for people who throw their hands up, quit, and think they need a handout. That's not me. If you want a handout, take it. They're there and always will be.

But they're the most toxic poison I've ever heard of. Look at the people who take them. I would kick my own ass from here to Toledo if I was like that.

The point was that I'd vote Republican no matter what, and you'd vote Democrat. Not "which one is worse." That was sappy sorry ass shit.
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The Clinton's have just had a string of bad luck. hahahaaaa

Broke when Bill left office and now worth millions upon millions. It is all legit, I am sure of it.
The Clinton's have just had a string of bad luck. hahahaaaa

Broke when Bill left office and now worth millions upon millions. It is all legit, I am sure of it.

herdman think about it.
if they really were crooks they would have been worth millions
upon millions when the left office. they would not have
been broke when they left office and become rich after.
after they left office they had no power and nothing to trade.

i dont understand why cons hate the clintons so much. think about
it - bill grew up dirt poor. he made a success of himself by studying
hard, working hard and doing a good job at every step of his rise.
isn't that what you and i did, isn't that the american success story
that is preached to us from birth.

why do cons try to destroy clinton when he is a middle class guy
who made good. he was not born into wealth and privilege the
opposite is true and those who were born into wealth and privilege
have tried to destroy him for forty years because he wanted to work
for the middle class and he took the power that they were
born into and though they owned by birthright. like the bushes.
"had no power after they left office"

except the whole senator and secretary of state gig...

and this was born the Foundation
How exactly does someone go from "dead broke" (aka...Net worth: 0) to $350 million by setting up a "charitable" foundation... having never created a business or product? The fact that they are worth $350mil alone, should make most lower class dems like Greed and Dtard disdain them.
herdman think about it.
if they really were crooks they would have been worth millions
upon millions when the left office. they would not have
been broke when they left office and become rich after.
after they left office they had no power and nothing to trade.

i dont understand why cons hate the clintons so much. think about
it - bill grew up dirt poor. he made a success of himself by studying
hard, working hard and doing a good job at every step of his rise.
isn't that what you and i did, isn't that the american success story
that is preached to us from birth.

why do cons try to destroy clinton when he is a middle class guy
who made good. he was not born into wealth and privilege the
opposite is true and those who were born into wealth and privilege
have tried to destroy him for forty years because he wanted to work
for the middle class and he took the power that they were
born into and though they owned by birthright. like the bushes.

Yehh not like there are not poor people who Republicans who have made it big. That is not why.

The Clintons are sleazy and trouble seems to follow them. They remind of the WV politicians but they made it much bigger.

They are bought and paid for to the highest bidder. They are masterful politicians, I give them that, but if anybody else did what Hillary did they would be in jail.

Just heard a story a few days ago about a guy who lost his security clearance and was told to retire because he mislead on some expense reports. They said he could no longer be trusted with a security clearance. And, look at Hillary? Are you kidding me?

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