
are a thicket of idiots.
Mark Margolis Rage GIF by Breaking Bad
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Reactions: 30CAT admit you're a Russian Bolshevik rutin for putin oath breaker. Already knew. And you're licking Snotlicker.

trumptards: a thicket of idiots bowing down to a lying insurrectionist dictator wannabe​


trumptards: a thicket of idiots bowing down to a lying insurrectionist dictator wannabe​


trumptards: a thicket of idiots bowing down to a lying insurrectionist dictator wannabe​

How self unaware can this lying idiot be? Supports an installed illegitimate regime and any candidate selected for him.

trumptards: a thicket of idiots bowing down to a lying insurrectionist dictator wannabe​


trumptards: a thicket of idiots bowing down to a lying insurrectionist dictator wannabe​