Tulsi is now a Republican.

Democratic Debate Shocker GIF by GIPHY News
Why do people think one can't be a conservative and a Democrat at the same time? It's almost like they don't know what Democrat and Republican mean.
Damn it's almost like she always was.
Well it does if you are stupid enough that you don't recall her knocking COMala out of the Democratic primary on stage less than four years ago. I think COMala finished about 15th in that race🤣🤣🤣
I dunno, why would your kind always deny that Manchin was a conservative and a Democrat at the same time?

My kind? What is my kind?

With Joe Manchin voting to impeach Trump, which was against his constituents' wishes, makes conservatives question his conservatism.

That is just an example of a few things where he ditched his conservative constituents. Pedo-Joe claims to be a Christian. His policies go against Christian faith. Manchin, more than once chose party over conservative values.

If you're a conservative, be a conservative. Not just sometimes.

If you're a Christian, be a Christian, not just sometimes.
You people.

ross perot GIF

With Joe Manchin voting to impeach Trump, which was against his constituents' wishes,
In an impeachment trial, it's not a senator's job to vote as his constituenta" wishes. It is a senator's job to vote as the evidence demands.

I could absolutely make an argument the Founding Fathers never intended a senator to vote only for constituents' wishes. And no, that's not some play on pre-17th Amendment choosing of senators. The Senate was designed to not reflect the immediate wishes of the great unwashed masses.
If you're a Christian, be a Christian, not just sometimes.
Good advice for your Orange Dude. Except he's not really a Christian.
In an impeachment trial, it's not a senator's job to vote as his constituenta" wishes. It is a senator's job to vote as the evidence demands.

I could absolutely make an argument the Founding Fathers never intended a senator to vote only for constituents' wishes. And no, that's not some play on pre-17th Amendment choosing of senators. The Senate was designed to not reflect the immediate wishes of the great unwashed masses.

Well, if he'd had done his homework instead of playing party politics, he'd had known (and I believe he did know) the impeachment was bogus. A true conservative and not a Trump hater, he would have voted nay. He's part of the establishment.

He dropped out because he knew he was in trouble with his constituents.

He is part of the commie machine.
Well it does if you are stupid enough that you don't recall her knocking COMala out of the Democratic primary on stage less than four years ago. I think COMala finished about 15th in that race🤣🤣🤣
When he's not watching porn with the kids, H&H is getting his latest marching orders from his television.
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Dukie still thinks the Russia Collusion was real.

He also thinks Trump wasn't exonerated of the impeachments.

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I dunno, why would your kind always deny that Manchin was a conservative and a Democrat at the same time?

Probably because he isn’t. When you vote with the Democrats 90% of the time or more, how conservative can you be? He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He talks the talk, but sides with the Democrats, almost every time, when the rubber meets the road.
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Lies No GIF

I've never said Trump himself personally "colluded" with Russian government. Members of his team were certainly in communication with Russian representatives and assets.

I've also said that "no collusion" is propaganda meaning "no Russian interference". And that's complete bullshit.