Extra were you this pissedcwhen the Chinese hacked OMB and stole info on millions of goby employees
the same "inteligence" that altered reports to make it appear that ISIS was not a viable threat in the ME.
i believe every single word they say. every single time. period.
Im not mad at all. I'm making fun of cons and your Russian backed Cheetos in Chief.
So how did it help Trump? Did they give him more votes to win more states or what?
What wasnt factual in the dnc documents that were released?Propaganda. Stuff that people like you swallow as fact. Russians had a field day once they realized your ilk would believe the Cheetos in Chief when he tells you he's gonna build a wall and make Mexico pay for it, his trickle-down tax plan would pay for itself, and he'd be the best jobs president in history, and we have a better healthcare plan to offer that no one has come up with yet. I'd love to hear a recording of Russian officials laughing at you Cheetos puffs.
Propaganda. Stuff that people like you swallow as fact. Russians had a field day once they realized your ilk would believe the Cheetos in Chief when he tells you he's gonna build a wall and make Mexico pay for it, his trickle-down tax plan would pay for itself, and he'd be the best jobs president in history, and we have a better healthcare plan to offer that no one has come up with yet. I'd love to hear a recording of Russian officials laughing at you Cheetos puffs.
21 million govt employees info stolen no big deal we find out John podesta likes serving pasta when journalist come to his house. DISMISS RUSSIAN DIPLOMATS.
We absolutely should go after Russia for trying to influence election, even though we do it ourselves. We should have had a much tougher response to China for their hack as well
Yeah, another anonymous, CIA source. If the report is top secret, as stated, can you really trust someone who would betray his country and give out top secret info to the press? Why would someone risk their career to do that of their own accord?
Propaganda. Stuff that people like you swallow as fact. Russians had a field day once they realized your ilk would believe the Cheetos in Chief when he tells you he's gonna build a wall and make Mexico pay for it, his trickle-down tax plan would pay for itself, and he'd be the best jobs president in history, and we have a better healthcare plan to offer that no one has come up with yet. I'd love to hear a recording of Russian officials laughing at you Cheetos puffs.
Some things are sort of allowed to be leaked by certain people. It has always been this way. Usually it is leaked to reporters that have a long history covering intel or the military (some of whom may actually have been previous assets, always be skeptical a "foreign correspondent" may be CIA).
and you trust the NY Times and Huffington Post and MSNBC LOL LOL LOLI don't understand why you wouldn't. You believe Breitbart, world news daily, and the Cheetos in Chief.
It is sometimes leaked to throw people off as well.