Unbelievable tidbit thread


Platinum Buffalo
Jan 15, 2007
Saw something today that is hard to grasp, so thought I'd share. Feel free to add your own.

John Tyler, 10th President was born in 1790. He had a son named Lyon in 1853 when he was 63 years old. Lyon had two children, one when he was 69 and another when he was 73. Both of those children are still alive, so a President born in 1790 has two living grandchildren. That's blows my mind, a man born 225 years ago has living grandchildren. That's some solid family genetics.
I forget the specifics, and I may be getting some of the facts wrong, but between Lincoln and Kennedy, every president who was elected in a year ending in zero died in office. Reagan broke the streak.


This post was edited on 2/9 9:51 PM by HRHF
That little line of dust at the edge of a dust pan after sweeping is called a frust line
The "S" in Harry S Truman doesn't stand for anything so there is no period after his middle initial.
Found this one surfing the net:

The swastika was actually a symbol of good -- until the Nazis got ahold of it. This picture is of a girl's hockey team in 1916. The Edmonton Swastika's.

Originally posted by banker6796:
Wow, thanks a lot, Hitler.
The Nazis were some real bastards, but they sure had the best looking uniforms.

Coke apparently used the swastika in advertising prior to WW2. This was used in 1925.

This post was edited on 2/10 2:16 PM by i am herdman
From 1927 to 1933, Bugatti made six Type 41 cars, out of a planned run of twenty-five. Also known as The Royale The cars were twenty-one feet long and featured a 12.7 liter straight eight, with an unheard of 275-300 horsepower. Only three were sold, because of the Great Depression.

The Bugatti family hid two, bricked up at their estate, from the Nazis in WWII.

In 1950, Briggs Cunningham (a famous American racer of cars of boats) bought those two cars from the Bugattis for $571 US dollars and two GE refrigerators.

Today, those two cars are worth at least $30 million.
Originally posted by i am herdman:


Coke apparently used the swastika in advertising prior to WW2. This was used in 1925.

This post was edited on 2/10 2:16 PM by i am herdman
I was just about to mention Coke, crazy how quickly the meaning of a symbol can be forever changed.
Originally posted by pj(HN):

Why do Protestants religiously put up statues of Mary, Joseph, Jesus, wise men, etc every year & then turn around & condemn the Catholic Church for having statues?
Well a portion of us crazy whackjob Presbyterians do not celebrate Christmass or any other made up holy day.

In fact almost no non-Lutheran/Anglicans did until the mid 20th Century.
Originally posted by wvkeeper(HN):
Originally posted by pj(HN):

Why do Protestants religiously put up statues of Mary, Joseph, Jesus, wise men, etc every year & then turn around & condemn the Catholic Church for having statues?
Well a portion of us crazy whackjob Presbyterians do not celebrate Christmass or any other made up holy day.

In fact almost no non-Lutheran/Anglicans did until the mid 20th Century.
My dad, one of 11 kids, always said they were so poor growing up, they only got fruit and nuts for Christmas. He was born in '29, so there you had one backwoods southern WV penticostal family marking Christmas in roughly the late 30s, early 40s. I guess you could argue that's mid 20th century...
Originally posted by HRHF:
Originally posted by wvkeeper(HN):
Originally posted by pj(HN):

Why do Protestants religiously put up statues of Mary, Joseph, Jesus, wise men, etc every year & then turn around & condemn the Catholic Church for having statues?
Well a portion of us crazy whackjob Presbyterians do not celebrate Christmas or any other made up holy day.

In fact almost no non-Lutheran/Anglicans did until the mid 20th Century.
My dad, one of 11 kids, always said they were so poor growing up, they only got fruit and nuts for Christmas. He was born in '29, so there you had one backwoods southern WV Pentecostal family marking Christmas in roughly the late 30s, early 40s. I guess you could argue that's mid 20th century...
(I'm referring to the "Religious" celebration, not the "secular" one.)
Originally posted by wvkeeper(HN):

Originally posted by HRHF:
Originally posted by wvkeeper(HN):
Originally posted by pj(HN):

Why do Protestants religiously put up statues of Mary, Joseph, Jesus, wise men, etc every year & then turn around & condemn the Catholic Church for having statues?
Well a portion of us crazy whackjob Presbyterians do not celebrate Christmas or any other made up holy day.

In fact almost no non-Lutheran/Anglicans did until the mid 20th Century.
My dad, one of 11 kids, always said they were so poor growing up, they only got fruit and nuts for Christmas. He was born in '29, so there you had one backwoods southern WV Pentecostal family marking Christmas in roughly the late 30s, early 40s. I guess you could argue that's mid 20th century...
(I'm referring to the "Religious" celebration, not the "secular" one.)
Gotcha. Interesting.
Originally posted by pj(HN):

The current "version" of Santa Claus was also brought to us by Coke a Cola....
I work with the grandaughter of the ad exec who developed that Santa Claus. He worked for a firm in Chicago. He also developed the Michelin Man and Aunt Gemima.
Thought I'd add THIS to jump start the thread. Number four in particular blew my mind.
Originally posted by wvkeeper(HN):
#20 was also interesting.
And terrifying... at least to me. Where's Bob Barker when you need him?
Originally posted by HRHF:
Thought I'd add THIS to jump start the thread. Number four in particular blew my mind.
Thats pretty much exactly what I posted a week ago. Thanks for jump starting the thread with old material.
The day before Valentine's Day, I had my sexond fastest hook-up ever (outside of a strip club) in terms of talking to the girl. The previous weekend, she was my waitress (didn't really get to talk to her because I was with a girl). She had a unique name that I saw on the bill, so I was easily able to find her on Facebook. She happened to be house-sitting her parents place on the beach about .33 miles from my place. The day after adding her on Facebook, she told me to come meet her on the beach. We stood there for 3 minutes talking before she invited me inside because it was too windy for her.

She immediately opened a bottle of wine. Within five minutes on the couch, we made a bet based on a disagreement about a geographical question we had. I won the bet. If I won, she had to makeout with me. Five minutes later, she was on her knees.

Less than 10 minutes of talking in person, a few messages on Facebook, and no phone calls. Not a bad day's work.
Originally posted by big_country90:

Originally posted by HRHF:
Thought I'd add THIS to jump start the thread. Number four in particular blew my mind.
Thats pretty much exactly what I posted a week ago. Thanks for jump starting the thread with old material.
You caught me. Didn't click.

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