1. Allow millions of illegal immigrants stream across the boarder.
2. Kiss up to our enemies.
3. Alienate our Allies.
4. Invite racist groups like BLM to the White House.
5 Take the side of thugs over the police.
6. Make trade deals that ship jobs overseas
7. Dismantle our military.
8. Lie and call Islam a religion of peace.
9. Try to destroy the coal industry
10.Vacation at Martha's Vineyard with elite nutcases.
11.Not Allow Obama Care to Continue as it now exists
2. Kiss up to our enemies.
3. Alienate our Allies.
4. Invite racist groups like BLM to the White House.
5 Take the side of thugs over the police.
6. Make trade deals that ship jobs overseas
7. Dismantle our military.
8. Lie and call Islam a religion of peace.
9. Try to destroy the coal industry
10.Vacation at Martha's Vineyard with elite nutcases.
11.Not Allow Obama Care to Continue as it now exists
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