I'm no LSAT taker, but it sounds to me like Urban is being spoon fed all of this shit from his hired LSAT takers.
You need intelligence to be able to catch people and to get out of things. You don't need intelligence to be a lawyer. Oh, and you can take the LSAT. It won't teach you anything or make you smarter. But we can see how close you get to 172 on it without doing any studying and being taken early in the morning two hours away after a game.
You can have intelligence without being a lawyer, thus you can catch people and get out of things.
At this point, both Urban, the AD, and Zach Smith have no idea just how much evidence McMurphy has since he clearly didn't show his entire hand in his first report. Now we have Zach lying again today about the allegations. The only downside is now Gene Smith knows that McMurphy may have more evidence. And since Zach Smith already pushed the guilt on Gene Smith and somewhat off of Urban, it isn't likely that Gene will get caught lying.