Video: FSU QB Punches Girl


Platinum Buffalo
Dec 8, 2004
I'm having trouble with this.

Yes, a guy hitting a girl isn't a great option. But, this bitch was the first to throw a punch and seemed to be the aggressor. She didn't go with a slap. She went with a closed fist that could do some damage. She isn't a petite girl.

The good footage picks up around the 1:30 mark. Near the bottom right, it looks like an arm is extended. To me, it looks like somebody is trying to get to the bar to order a drink. The girl who gets punched is aware of it. Seconds later, the QB tries slithering up to the bar, which is a common occurrence in a crowded bar. But, if you watch the girl, she sees the guy trying to get to the bar and purposely jumps in the open spot. Then, she is the aggressor who turns it violent.

How can the prosecutor charge the guy but not the girl? She threw a punch first. Was he supposed to just allow her to throw as many as she wanted before he had to protect himself? He hit her once and then got out of there. It wasn't like he attacked her. She was the aggressor in the situation, both verbally and physically.
nope you're wrong. There is nothing that she did that would warrant getting drilled in the face like that.
Looks like something was going on between them before they got on camera. They show up at the same time, she leans back and says something to him. He was polite to the other girl he was trying to get by, but they were already fighting about something that had nothing to do with getting a drink.

With that said, no reason to punch her. That little half azz punch she throws doesn't justify it.
That little half-ass punch can easily pop a nose and/or leave a black eye. Watch the video again. Even after he tries avoiding any confrontation, she purposely throws her left tree trunk and hip into him boxing him out. He still played it cool. Then, she put up her fist. Assuming she threatened him verbally at that point, which seems likely, she should be getting charged with simply assault in Florida.

To defend himself, he grabs the wrist of the arm she is threatening to punch him with. He has already tried diffusing the situation. He then tries to defend himself from getting punched. Then, she ends up swinging at him with her other fist. is he supposed to just stay boxed in there until she lands a couple of punches?

He threw one punch which made sure she couldn't be a threat to his safety anymore. I see nothing wrong with that. He shouldn't have to risk his safety of getting hit in the face just because she is a girl.

She started it, threatened him, had a chance to stop when he tried restraining her, then proved she wasn't going to stop until he did something to make her.

I don't see how he can be blamed for this.
He could have left the bar BEFORE he threw the punch, in the exact same way he left AFTER he threw the punch. Would have been the best thing to do.
Rifle, you're just making it up as you go. Who knows who said what? Who knows what happened before they got on camera. Just as likely as your story is that he was harassing her off camera, she went to the bar to get away, he followed, she felt threatened and was just trying to get him away. A finely tuned college athlete never has to punch a fat girl in the face.
He has since been dismissed from the team.

Let me throw a spin on Rifle's initial suggestion. What if he had punched a dude under the same circumstances? Is he protecting himself then and does the attacker also get charged?
I have to give the broad a little bit of credit here. Like Rifle stated, based on only what you see in the video, she seemed to instigate the fight. Perhaps there was a history between the two prior to that, but based solely on the video, she too should be arrested. Should he have punched her? No way. With that said, the broad sure as hell can take a punch.
He could have left the bar BEFORE he threw the punch, in the exact same way he left AFTER he threw the punch. Would have been the best thing to do.

And that is absolute bullshit. Why should he, a person who has done nothing wrong and is assaulted, have to be the one to leave? Not only is that rewarding the only culprit at that point, but even worse, it is not holding the guilty party accountable.

You want him to leave just like he did after his punch? So, he should run out of there potentially running people over after he gets a punch thrown at him. That's bullshit. Should he leave the same way he walked to the bar; calmly squeezing by the girl who had threatened to punch him and then did just that? Why should he continue to risk injury to himself and be the one to blame because somebody else, male or female, has started violence against him? He shouldn't have to do that.

Rifle, you're just making it up as you go. Who knows who said what? .

What am I making up in my previous post? Everything I said can be seen on video. The only assumption that I made was that the girl was verbally threatening to harm him while she had her fist raised. Now, perhaps, she was just asking him on a date. But, I don't think it's a big assumption to agree that she was threatening him while holding her fist getting ready to punch him.

Everything else I said in my last post can be seen in the video.

It's bullshit. I've seen too many instances where a female is the extreme instigator of violence. The guy continues to try and diffuse a situation, while at the same time, getting punched in the face, bloodied, and clawed to shreds. Eventually, after trying to stop it and needing to defend himself from more serious injury, he has to combat violence with violence to protect himself, the innocent party.

That girl probably weighs ten more pounds than Floyd mayweather. Even with her girl-punch, she can easily break a nose. He did what he could without looking like he was the instigator: he grabbed her arm to protect himself from her threat of punching him. She then used the other arm. Was he supposed to bear hug her, then opening himself up to appearing like the assaulter and possibly getting jumped?
Equal Rights Equal Fights.

That is my new position. Women want to be treated as equals and join the infantry. Let's give them the same rights we have. We throw the first punch in a bar then someone is going to get their ass kicked.

Welcome aboard, Feminists.

This guy put in himself in a bad position by being there. That being said, she raised her right fist and restrained her at first(his right to do so). No one has to be subjected to physical violence. Then, she had her chance to back off. She threw a punch. He didn't hit her that hard and it ended the threat and did not use unnecessary force and he stopped. She didn't until he had to react. Your fist is a weapon and she used it after ample warning.

This case should be summarily dismissed as a clear cut self defense case.
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These young bitches nowadays feel like they can put their hands on any man and expect to not get hit back. You should see how these young girls talk to dudes and put their hands on them in todays generation. No respect and then no remorse, she deserved it and he deserves to defend himself
What if she was saying "if you don't quit harassing me, I'm going to punch you" and he grabbed her arm and said "shut up bitch, i do what I want"?

The video doesn't mean crap in this case, no audio, no account of events that led up to them being on screen.

As far as the post about what if it had been a guy instead of a girl, that's not relevent. You have to assess risk based on a particular situation. If you are walking down the road and a pit bull charges you snarling with its ears pinned back do you react the same if instead it's a Yorkie? Hey. What if it had been a 90 year old grandma with a walker? You still pop her in the face?
What if she was saying "if you don't quit harassing me, I'm going to punch you" and he grabbed her arm and said "shut up bitch, i do what I want"?

The video doesn't mean crap in this case, no audio, no account of events that led up to them being on screen.

As far as the post about what if it had been a guy instead of a girl, that's not relevent. You have to assess risk based on a particular situation. If you are walking down the road and a pit bull charges you snarling with its ears pinned back do you react the same if instead it's a Yorkie? Hey. What if it had been a 90 year old grandma with a walker? You still pop her in the face?

Well, what if she would have had a knife in her pocket? A gun? What if she kneed him in the ball sack? Or, throat punched him?
What if she was saying "if you don't quit harassing me, I'm going to punch you" and he grabbed her arm and said "shut up bitch, i do what I want"?

You need to educate yourself on laws. Let's say your hypothetical is accurate. In Florida, not unlike most states, threatening violence with the intent to intimidate or cause fear is simple assault regardless if physical contact is made. Based on your hypothetical, the girl is still at fault legally (making a threat of violence) and the guy, simply by grabbing her arm to restrain her/defend himself against a threat in a reasonable manner, is not guilty.

And that's only if your hypothetical were accurate, which it most likely isn't.

I agree with you about assessing the danger factor. A girl of that size who already three one punch, showing she wasn't just talk, can easily break a nose. It doesn't take much, if landed in the right spot, to break a nose. Based on that threat, what should he have done? Remember, you're looking at this legally and not through the eyes of a parent or coach. He, the innocent party (at least based on what can be seen in the video), should not have to leave due to a criminal making threats of violence and then assaulting him.

How about walking over to the bouncers, telling them you are a FSU QB and this bitch is causing you problems, and you don't need problems. At a maximum, just restrain her. There are ways to do that without being violent.

You're looking at this as the best possible method he should deal with something. But, he, as an innocent party, should not have to face that burden. She was at fault from the beginning of what can be seen in the video. She instigated it, threatened it, then committed it. At that point, he has the right to diffuse the threat to his safety in the easiest manner. Walking past her again and trying to leave very easily could have led to another punch from her.

Just restrain her?! Are you watching the same video I did? He DID restrain her! She threatened to punch him. Instead of defending himself against who is now a criminal (her threat is violence is a crime in Florida), he restrained her threat of punching him. He didn't fight back. Then, she threw a punch with her other arm. Was he supposed to risk getting punched by her in the face while trying to restrain both of her arms, not to mention her leg she was using against him?

Was he supposed to bear hug her from behind? Be a black guy, go bear hug a woman who is trying to be violent towards you, and let me know how that works out for you when she starts yelling and trying to fight you off.
1) Yes of course he should have just turned around and left. When possible in a potentially violent situation deescalate it, always. Had he done that he'd be on the FSU football team. He didn't and he's not.

2) There had to be more to this story than you can see in the video. She'd had it with him before they get to the bar. Maybe she hates FSU. Maybe he was being obnoxious toward her before they get there. Whatever happened before would change my opinion on who was in the wrong so it's useless to speculate.
So rifle, same situation you would have blasted her right in the chops also?

If you say yes, then you're no kind of man. Worst case, put her in a bear hug and hold her till the bouncer gets to you.

If you say no, then you're a hypocrite and just prove you've been arguing just to argue.
It is now coming out that she was also using racial slurs and she kneed him in the testicles.

Does the law say you have a right to defend yourself against someone, except for women?

He stopped the threat to him in self defense and without much violence or extreme measures. A man of his physical stature could have knocked her out cold if he wanted to have done that. He didn't follow up with more punches or more action.

If that were my daughter I would be ashamed of her. I would say well stop being a drunk bar fly and hitting someone who is obviously bigger and stronger than you and then you try to hide behind the I am a sweet little innocent girl. BS.

He could have put her in a full nelson and people would still be acting on emotion.

Women can't hide behind that crutch. You punch someone then you are asking for it. I am sorry.
1) Yes of course he should have just turned around and left. When possible in a potentially violent situation deescalate it, always. Had he done that he'd be on the FSU football team. He didn't and he's not.

The only reason he isn't on the team is because of Winston. Had Winston not had all of the issues at FSU, and been kept on the team, this kid would still be on. Jimbo had to take a stand after public outcry against him so much last year.

You said the kid should have just turned around and left? When? The girl put her fist up and threatened him. If somebody puts their fist up like they are about to hit me, the last thing i am doing is turning my back to them. I'm doing exactly what he did and grabbing the threat (her arm). Seconds after that, she punched him.

Nobody would simply walk away in an incident that quick, especially with a fist being held up.

So rifle, same situation you would have blasted her right in the chops also?

If you say yes, then you're no kind of man. Worst case, put her in a bear hug and hold her till the bouncer gets to you.

If you say no, then you're a hypocrite and just prove you've been arguing just to argue.

No, I wouldn't have. But that doesn't change the fact that 1) she committed a crime of simple assault with her threat and then a crime of misdemeanor battery with her knee and punch. 2) he has every right to diffuse a situation with a reasonable amount of force when violence was initiated against him leaving his safety in jeopardy. Just because I would have handled it differently doesn't make him wrong for doing what he did.

I'm not arguing to argue. Did the kid have a better option? Sure. But, he also shouldn't be forced to have to take that option since he wasn't the one at fault.

And the bear hug thing is ridiculous; you need to get off of that. If a black guy does that to a white girl in a bar and she starts screaming for help and fighting him off, he is in even more danger than just getting his nose broken by her punch. He would have a group of guys jumping on him. Wait for the bouncers? Did you see that place? The two bartenders were oblivious to anything that went down until after the girl and her friends told them. biuncere didn't see the fight. What makes you think they would have responded to a bear hug before guys started pounding on a black guy who would appear to be assaulting a white girl?
So your contention is this fat girl, unprovoked in any way, used racial slurs, kneed him in the groin, and threw a punch at him? Does that pass your standard of reasonableness? Does that make sense to you or is it more likely that something else occurred off camera and he followed her to the bar, she clearly got there first, and he followed her to continue the altercation?
So your contention is this fat girl, unprovoked in any way, used racial slurs, kneed him in the groin, and threw a punch at him? Does that pass your standard of reasonableness? Does that make sense to you or is it more likely that something else occurred off camera and he followed her to the bar, she clearly got there first, and he followed her to continue the altercation?

I have no idea if racial slurs were used. Regardless if either party used racial slurs, it doesn't justify violence without in a way to defend oneself or another to an immediate and probable act of violence.

It doesn't matter what may have occurred off camera as long as it wasn't physical. The girl became violent multiple times towards the guy. Any shit talking or harassment before that doesn't justify assault.

And your poor attempt at arguing that she got there first? She clearly saw him trying to get to the bar, she purposely swung her entire body around in an attempt to block him and draw contact in the path he was walking. That is just one of many attempts by her to instigate a situation where she would end up committing multiple assaults against him before he ever touched her in a violent way.
Here I am defending a black guy who punches a white girl. That is correct. You have to separate the emotion from it.

Case of self defense and then a case of political correctness. Especially after the spotlight on FSU athletes.
I the broad sure as hell can take a punch.
really? she'd have gotten a standing 8 count from that one. if not for the bar to hold onto, she may have gone down for the full count.

a cvnt that throws a punch like that got what she deserved. absolutely no need for her to get physical.
You're looking at this as the best possible method he should deal with something. But, he, as an innocent party, should not have to face that burden.

Just restrain her?! Are you watching the same video I did? He DID restrain her!

Of course I look at it that way, because if you are in the spotlight you not only have to be aware that you, but also use that to your advantage. You and I both know the bouncers would have taken her ass out of there, no questions asked. Kids have to be smarter than that...which is also why legalities of self defense aside he should have just walked away.

Give me your arm, like she did, and I can convince you in a second or two that I am going to break it if you don't calm your shit down. Kid needs to learn some judo.

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