
Platinum Buffalo
Feb 23, 2007
At first it sounded like hyperbole, the escalation of a Twitter war. But now it’s clear that Bob Corker’s remarkable New York Timesinterview—in which the Republican senator described the White House as “adult day care” and warned Trump could start World War III—was an inflection point in the Trump presidency. It brought into the open what several people close to the president have recently told me in private: that Trump is “unstable,” “losing a step,” and “unraveling.”

n recent days, I spoke with a half dozen prominent Republicans and Trump advisers, and they all describe a White House in crisis as advisers struggle to contain a president who seems to be increasingly unfocused and consumed by dark moods. Trump’s ire is being fueled by his stalled legislative agenda and, to a surprising degree, by his decision last month to back the losing candidate Luther Strange in the Alabama Republican primary. “Alabama was a huge blow to his psyche,” a person close to Trump said. “He saw the cult of personality was broken.”

According to two sources familiar with the conversation, Trump vented to his longtime security chief, Keith Schiller, “I hate everyone in the White House! There are a few exceptions, but I hate them!” (A White House official denies this.) Two senior Republican officials said Chief of Staff John Kelly is miserable in his job and is remaining out of a sense of duty to keep Trump from making some sort of disastrous decision. Today, speculation about Kelly’s future increased after Politico reported that Kelly’s deputy Kirstjen Nielsen is likely to be named Homeland Security Secretary—the theory among some Republicans is that Kelly wanted to give her a soft landing before his departure.
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thanks for pointing that out the typo, but you have to consider - we are not used to using the word unraveling, particularly
when referencing the president of the united states.

However, we are used to you unreaveling.
I'll throw in my 2 cent$....for whatever it's worth.

I'm a card carrying Democrat that voted for Trump because I could never support Hillery. She is a liar, sexual enabler (roommate to Bill---some of the time), $$$$ are her Idol.....and, "she ain't too purty either."

However, I am beginning to wonder what the hell is Trump's problemS. I guess when you have lived a lifetime with people fearing you (You're Fired) expect to run a country like a reality show. He pisses almost everyone off. He should "clean his own swamp-self" before trying to fix our problems. I thought Obama divided our country racially...but Trump is topping his performance. I wonder if his children are more like him...or are embarrassed to call him dad...any longer. His wife should kick him in the balls and get his attention more often. Three or seven more years of "this circus" is more than my old heart can stand. Perhaps, he will grow tired of the folks "pounding on his ass" and resign---returning to His Business World. I voted for him because I wanted to see "what a businessman could do in our White House---rather than an attorney." Boy, am I shocked!

Hope Trump does not subscribe to Herd Nation...."cause I will be receiving a nasty tweet from him."

HerdZilla22 in Charlotte

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