Waiting for the Commander In Chief

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
To issue his statement of political correctness.

To that I say, political correctness is not going to solve this issue. He and others can bury their head in the sand all the want to. Hell, he will probably come out and blame guns or a dirty black rifle. We will hear about a peaceful religion.

Well, sir, you as Commander In Chief, have 4 dead Marines(who were unarmed) and that your responsibility to address the situation. You might find the religion one of peace. I don't know if that comes from your upbringing, liberal tendencies, political correctness, or you are one at heart. I don't really care.

Better wake up America. This guy is going to do nothing other than milk the clock and do what he can in the next 17 months to white wash it and not deal with it.

This is only the beginning.
Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil by Group, From 1980 to 2005

It's easy to be at 6% when the administration refuses to acknowledge Islamic terror. Some white trash racist shoots 9 black people and we have an epidemic of unresolved racial violence. A hogie shoots up FT Hood, another chops of a woman's head in Wisconsin, another kills 4 Marines and it's workplace violence.
Seriously you post data from 10 years old

It's the only study I could find quickly. Bet you won't like this one either.........And as a 2014 study by University of North Carolina found, since the 9/11 attacks, Muslim-linked terrorism has claimed the lives of 37 Americans. In that same time period, more than 190,000 Americans were murdered. There were 26 killed in one incident alone at Sandy Hook, 20 of which were children. Maybe you could provide updated statistics............
It's the only study I could find quickly. Bet you won't like this one either.........And as a 2014 study by University of North Carolina found, since the 9/11 attacks, Muslim-linked terrorism has claimed the lives of 37 Americans. In that same time period, more than 190,000 Americans were murdered. There were 26 killed in one incident alone at Sandy Hook, 20 of which were children. Maybe you could provide updated statistics............
Is that the same study that said the ft hood shooting was work place violence? And I know more people,have been killed by murder than Muslim terrorist. I don't think anyone has said otherwise.
"Extra - defender of Muslim terrorist."

I understand it mush be difficult for you, but try to maintain some semblance of sanity.
I've seen everyone blaming Bush I or Clinton for soldiers not being armed, but back when I was in high school I don't remember the Marine recruiters having a sidearm. Which I think is dumb, very dumb, these days.

But it is smart to remember we don't have an Islam problem. We have a 1% problem. I've stated this here many times. It is 1% who have a likelihood to be swayed to extremism and violence. I understand Obama trying his damnest to have a dialogue with non-extreme Muslims. They are our best hope for informants to find that 1%.
I've seen everyone blaming Bush I or Clinton for soldiers not being armed, but back when I was in high school I don't remember the Marine recruiters having a sidearm. Which I think is dumb, very dumb, these days.

But it is smart to remember we don't have an Islam problem. We have a 1% problem. I've stated this here many times. It is 1% who have a likelihood to be swayed to extremism and violence. I understand Obama trying his damnest to have a dialogue with non-extreme Muslims. They are our best hope for informants to find that 1%.
I don't think people except for herdman disagree with you but sometimes calling a spade a spade is necessary
The USA better realize what the Muslim religion is and what radical elements of it will do. Are they vast in numbers. Not in military terms but these goat screwers are here and they are going to do this. It is what it is. Americans will just have to start shooting back. Our grandparents would have locked them up in internment camps. But, we can't do that now.

As for weapons. I think the regulation went in around 92 or 93. Prior to that company commanders could carry sidearms at least and they could at their discretion order others to do so. I remember when threat conditions were raised, even in reserve centers, NCO's/officers who were on active duty in the center would put security measures in place and they would carry sidearms.

Now we are a politically correct society and this is what we get. The boob in charge won't even call it for what it is. Down the road someone is going to have shit pile to clean up over there and we better get used to it over hear. The people are nutso crazy and so is their religion.
I don't think people except for herdman disagree with you but sometimes calling a spade a spade is necessary

I don't disagree with that. I also see the benefit of letting others do that, as the FBI SAC and US Attorney on the case are doing. We are walking some fine lines, and not just for my earlier stated reason. Shit, we are working Sunnis and Shias against ISIS. I am no fan of Islam, but when 99% of them are potential allies it isn't smart to give the extremists quotes to say the US actually does hate Islam.

We do have to beef us security for our troops CONUS troops. Sidearms at a minimum for troops out in the public. All installations need security carrying rifles. All convoys need troops with rifles. This shit will continue until it is evident they are no longer easy targets. When he tried to ram that gate at the Naval reserve center he should have had lead coming his way. We cannot pussyfoot around with this shit anymore. No one needs to make a big announcement, just change it quietly. Let the next one find out the hard way.
There were 23 confirmed terrorist attacks by Muslims in the decade of the 1990s. So far in 2015 there have been 46. Twice as many in 6 months then were committed in 10 years. There were only six confirmed in the 1980s. This decade may see as many as 1,000 confirmed Muslim terrorist attacks committed worldwide.

If anyone denies this issue, or wants to blame it on some radical 1%, I believe they have firmly lodged their head up their keister. Yes, it may be the 1% that actually carry it out, but a much higher percentage is funding the training and the implementation of the plans. A much higher percentage is preaching the rhetoric of hate against the infidels. A much higher percentage is supportive of the goals the attacks are trying to achieve.

It's like saying only 1% of Christians are really against abortion because only 1% blow up abortions centers. It's amazing how people like Rifle generalize all Christians but won't generalize Muslims.
If anyone denies this issue, or wants to blame it on some radical 1%, I believe they have firmly lodged their head up their keister. Yes, it may be the 1% that actually carry it out, but a much higher percentage is funding the training and the implementation of the plans. A much higher percentage is preaching the rhetoric of hate against the infidels. A much higher percentage is supportive of the goals the attacks are trying to achieve.

One percent of 1.6 billion is 16 million. That's more than enough to act, fund, train, preach, etc.

As for being supportive of the goal (a world-wide Islamic state), well no shit. I wonder how many Christians support the idea of a world-wide Christian theocracy. Probably a good ten percent of each.