Wal Mart/ Dicks Sporting Goods:

I wonder if the Dick's family will stop selling handguns(in their field and stream stores) as well? They kill more people than AR's do. They going to stop selling shotguns when somebody blows somebody away with a shotgun?

Oh and they are already to be proven liars. You can still buy this from them. Ruger Mini 30. They are calling it a varmit gun. 20 round magazine from the store and it it is 7.62 x 39. The same round as the infamous AK47. IT just doesn't look as scary as the even AR black rifle.
I wonder if the Dick's family will stop selling handguns(in their field and stream stores) as well? They kill more people than AR's do. They going to stop selling shotguns when somebody blows somebody away with a shotgun?

Oh and they are already to be proven liars. You can still buy this from them. Ruger Mini 30. They are calling it a varmit gun. 20 round magazine from the store and it it is 7.62 x 39. The same round as the infamous AK47. IT just doesn't look as scary as the even AR black rifle.
You have a lot of stored up anger. You should probably be on a watch list or two.
I wonder if the Dick's family will stop selling handguns(in their field and stream stores) as well? They kill more people than AR's do. They going to stop selling shotguns when somebody blows somebody away with a shotgun?

Oh and they are already to be proven liars. You can still buy this from them. Ruger Mini 30. They are calling it a varmit gun. 20 round magazine from the store and it it is 7.62 x 39. The same round as the infamous AK47. IT just doesn't look as scary as the even AR black rifle.

Yep he mad
I wonder if the Dick's family will stop selling handguns(in their field and stream stores) as well? They kill more people than AR's do. They going to stop selling shotguns when somebody blows somebody away with a shotgun?

Oh and they are already to be proven liars. You can still buy this from them. Ruger Mini 30. They are calling it a varmit gun. 20 round magazine from the store and it it is 7.62 x 39. The same round as the infamous AK47. IT just doesn't look as scary as the even AR black rifle.

Send them an email and tell them they are liars. Let them know about that gun. Maybe it's an oversight. Would you feel better then if they removed it?
I really don't care what they do. I never bought guns from them anyway. Too high priced.

The name brand brick and mortar stores price guns 20% higher across the board. They aren't user friendly, they aren't helpful or knowledgeable (mostly just college kids), they can't mount a scope or barrel sight one. Who the hell buys guns from Dicks anyway? Plus their ammo prices are ridiculous. This 'movement' means nothing to gun owners. Dick's went flaccid years ago.

You want a quality AR? Build it. Fvck, I'll help you.
I have a real problem with 21 for long gun purchases. If you are old enough to vote, old enough to join the military, you are old enough to put food on your family's table. The anti-gunners are mostly urban/suburban and simply do not understand rural culture.
Hell they have been suggesting lowering the voting age to 16, so kids are responsible enough to vote but cant handle a firearm.
It's Louganis, moron. If you're going to call someone an idiot, as well as reference them as a fag, at least don't look like an idiot yourself when doing so.
Bwahaha. I was wondering if marine would figure it out. Big ol' nope.
Bwahaha. I was wondering if marine would figure it out. Big ol' nope.
I was giving him the benefit of the doubt the first time he called you that, but after the 2nd or 3rd time of totally butchering it, I had to call him out on it. Once a dumb Marine, always a dumb Marine.
I was giving him the benefit of the doubt the first time he called you that, but after the 2nd or 3rd time of totally butchering it, I had to call him out on it. Once a dumb Marine, always a dumb Marine.
Marine's no Einstern, that's for sure.