
Always The Herd

Silver Buffalo
Feb 3, 2007
How long should it take an average age/size person to walk 1.5 miles (no running, jogging, etc. ONLY walking)?
It's tough to walk a 15 minute mile, but it can be done. Do 4 miles a day at least four days a week, and the weight melts away fast.
Diet affects weight more than exercise.

How many people do you know that work out but still have alot of excess weight?

Walking does help, and along with a reduced caloric intake the pounds will come off.

Weight control isn't a something thing, it's a lifetime thing. Make a life change, diets are temporary.
I am a 63 year old male and broke my anke this past July 30th.....after surgery, crutches & a boot I have been trying to start walking. My weight at this time is approx. 258 pounds. My time for the walk this morning is 25 minutes. It isn't easy for me to do because of the swelling and stiffness of my ankle. I have been walking the 1.5 miles now for approx. 2 weeks. I am hoping the time gets reduced to approx. 20 minutes.
a fifteen minute mile is a 4.0 MPH pace. on level terrain that is a good walk or pace
Get the app Map My Walk. There's a free version of it. It is a GPS tracking device that maps your walk while giving you feedback on pace and distance. I walk a 4 mile trek that is somewhat hilly. It's part of the Midland cross country course. I generally complete my four mile walk between 60 minutes and 66 minutes. So my mile pace is between 15 minutes to 16:30 per mile. Note that I turn 57 in a few months and I'm 5'11, 220 pounds. I'm trying to get under 200 pounds in the next three or four months. So if you're younger and a little thinner you can probably walk a mile and a half in around 22 to 23 minutes.

If you're doing this to Lise weight look into the step trackers. I got a step Fitbit for Christmas. It monitors steps taken and calories burned. It syncs to your iPhone (or android) device. Yesterday I spent an hour on the treadmill (around 7200 steps) and walked three miles outside. I recorded over 17,000 steps for the day. It allows you to enter calories and tracks your basal metabolism and additional calories burned against your caloric intake. If you want to lose two pounds per week it will give you the amount of calories. You are allowed per day to create the 7000 calorie deficit per week needed to lose it. If you want to eat more in a day just log an extra workout and it automatically increases the daily calorie consumption allowed. I was going out last night so I logged an extra three miles to allow me a little more intake.
I am illiterate(sp?) when it comes to Apps. Are you talking about on a cell phone? I don't have a cell (I know crazy huh in 2014). All I have is a desk top. My wife does
have a cell though. Please let me know.
Thank You
Always...I started typing before I saw your second post. You are a little older and bigger than I am so your pace is pretty good. Keep it up and good luck.

As far as diet is better than exercise comment...I think the best thing to understand is that it is calories in and calories out. To lose a pound you need to create a deficit in calorie consumption of 3500 calories. Find out your BMR (Basal Metabolism Rate). Your BMR is the amount of calories your body burns at rest in 24 hours. For example, for my height, age, and weight I burn around 2380 calories per day. If I eat 1380 calories without exercise I can lose two pounds per week. That's 7(days) X 1000 (calorie deficit per day) = 7000 (calorie deficit per week) divided by 3500 (calories per pound) and that nets you two pound loss per week. There are BMR calculators online.

If you exercise on top of that...say an additional 500 calories in excess of your basal metabolism then you can add 500 calories per day consumption with the same results. Note that as you lose weight your BMR goes down and you burn less calories per day. You have to take that into the equation. The Fitbit will do that automatically. Look into a device or tracker if you want to make a science out of it. It keeps me focused and on task.
Originally posted by Always The Herd:
I am illiterate(sp?) when it comes to Apps. Are you talking about on a cell phone? I don't have a cell (I know crazy huh in 2014). All I have is a desk top. My wife does
have a cell though. Please let me know.
Thank You
App for cell. Borrow your wife's phone for the walk. Here's the link for it...
My thoughts.
Average person walks about 2 miles per hour on level easy terrain, not fast paced.
To walk very fast, you reach about 4 mph.
So, walking at 3 mph (which is 20 minutes for ONE mile) is a rather brisk walk and good for you.

So 1 1/2 miles in 25 minutes is very good for your situation. That's about 3.6 mph. Very good. You can be proud of accomplishing that. Feel good about yourself. Keep it going.

I walk faster than 99% of people. I walk close to 4 mph. I am 80 yo.
My walk is 1/2 hilly and 1/2 flat. Considering as I said the ongoing recovery of a broken ankle and my weight and age......I personally think that is pretty good. One of my doctors told me I have severe arthritus in my right knee.......but I am in good health other than that. Colesterol, blood work, etc. is all below the average.
Personally, I think we should move McManus back to TE, I could see him being our next Gator.

Oh, I'm sorry, I thought I was on a Marshall message board.
Originally posted by Herdules:
Personally, I think we should move McManus back to TE, I could see him being our next Gator.

Oh, I'm sorry, I thought I was on a Marshall message board.
McManus uses a Fitbit.
nothing wrong when a message board helps a fellow HERD fan with health questions. Or helps with anything else, for that matter.

Go Herd! Go McManus! Go Always! Well, you get the general idea.
Originally posted by GK4Herd:

Originally posted by Herdules:
Personally, I think we should move McManus back to TE, I could see him being our next Gator.

Oh, I'm sorry, I thought I was on a Marshall message board.
McManus uses a Fitbit.
Dude is jacked, I bet he walks a 14 minute mile.
I would worry less about what others say is a good time, and simply go out on a walk at a pace you feel confident with to establish a baseline. As others mentioned, use an app like MapMyRun, RunKeeper, Strava etc... or go just use a watch and time it. From here the goal should be to improve upon that time a bit at a time, with the understanding you will have good and bad days. Key is to go out and do it, you will find sometimes those bad days return the best results.
Thank you that is what I am trying to do for now. I have already seen my breathing I just need to "push back" from the overeating and start
eating at the right times and also cut out eating after say 8:00PM each day.
May be an obvious statement, but ibprofren and naproxen will take care of the swelling with minimum side affects even in long term use. If it still swelling, then it's still healing somewhat. Just keep on keeping on, soak your foot in hot/cold water and take some pills to ease.
My time this morning was 22 minutes (yesterday 25 minutes)....I AM WORN OUT RIGHT NOW!!!.
The front calf muscles and my lower back muscles are throbbing also.
Originally posted by Always The Herd:
My time this morning was 22 minutes (yesterday 25 minutes)....I AM WORN OUT RIGHT NOW!!!.
The front calf muscles and my lower back muscles are throbbing also.
That's pretty good. Keep up the good work.
Yes, just don't quit! On those days when your foot is too sore to walk do something else like using a heavy book and do arm curls. Anything that will up your heart rate.
The soreness is normal and will not be as pronounced as your fitness improves.
As a regular walker I just wanted to chime in and offer encouragement to anyone starting (or continuing) an exercise program that includes walking. It has helped me tremendously. Keep at it and good luck!
I just got back and told my wife I walked "10" miles she said did it feel like it.....I said no it felt like "20" miles (even though I am walking approx. "1.5" miles for now. Thanks to all of you for the encouragement!