Was the Civil War Really Necessary

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Was it really even a necessary war? Slavery was going to die at the hands of the American Industrial Revolution and slavery was going to die in America as it already had in Europe. Slaves were not going to be needed anymore.

Shouldn't history be looked at in different ways?

Let's put in modern day perspective. We basically have modern day slavery of some sort with immigration from Mexico and Central America. This is rampant throughout parts of the country. Let's be honest. It is cheap labor.

California may be the worst and even where I live in the South it is used a cheap labor. The blacks and whites don't do the labor on construction jobs for the most part. It is the Hondurans, Mexicans, etc. Those of you in WV may be sheltered by this. The laborer on the highway job is not a great job for your cousin or your Uncle. In many parts of the country that is the job for the Honduran immigrant. The guys framing the new house are Mexicans and so are the painters. Hollywood elites and the fat cats in Silicon Valley love the house cleaners and guys the put mulch out and mow the lawns.

Would it be worth telling California, Florida, or hell North Carolina for that matter that if you don't stop this labor gouging and under the table economy and cheap wage stuff that we are going to star a war over it?

Going back to slavery. That barbaric practice had met its end. it was going to die off because of technology and the advancement of machinery and science.

Instead this country fought a stupid war(on both sides), killed a million people, destroyed half the country, and here we are not burying the hatchet after 150 damn years.

Frankly, in my opinion the Civil War was not necessary. And, both sides North and South profited from slavery until it wasn't popular anymore and then they fought over it.

If the leaders at the time would have just let it die like it was going to anyway there would have never been a civil war. History should show that this was one of the most useless wars ever.