We could be just days away from Greeds self imposed permaban


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Jan 6, 2008
TITM Combat Veteran
Since @extragreen agreed to the terms, if Biden’s out so is Greed.

Clock Tick Tock GIF by MOODMAN
We need some type of Board museum where members who have passed on or been permanently banned can be memorialized. Like a digital house of wax.

I can just see Greed standing there wearing his shop apron with a piece of sanded poplar in one hand and a measuring tape in the other. Tucked in his back pocket would be a paperback edition of L Ron Hubbard’s Dyanetics. Below his likeness would be carved his immortal words: “You’re an idiot.”
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Honor the church of scientology in no way if it's in a memorial
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Someone with skills could create the pictures and we could pin a memorial thread. Or just make an an old school look alike thread for them.