Economic indicators are still pretty good overall. GM is a mess. They brought a lot of that on themselves. We had to do something about China for stealing property and manipulating currency and markets. It is always isn't pretty, but overall things are good.I'm sure this is of great solace to the auto workers who will be out of jobs if he closes the Mexican border. Oh, and the soybean farmers. And those people at Carrier in Indianapolis that still lost their jobs after he promised them they would not.
I'm sure this is of great solace to the auto workers who will be out of jobs if he closes the Mexican border. Oh, and the soybean farmers. And those people at Carrier in Indianapolis that still lost their jobs after he promised them they would not.
^^^pretty much this^^^
Economic indicators are still pretty good overall. GM is a mess. They brought a lot of that on themselves. We had to do something about China for stealing property and manipulating currency and markets. It is always isn't pretty, but overall things are good.
isn't that issue with the soy bean farmers(china)? GM might get better, but it is still a mess and that is why they are cutting.Well yeah, fvck China. What does that have to do with the Mexican border?
Like it or not, supply chains are now global. We can't fix that part overnight.
GM actually isn't a mess. They are cutting some sedans, like a lot of carmakers. They are putting that money into EV's and autonomous. That will pay off in the end.
Sounds like you need to try out that new Viagra nasal spray, made specifically for dickheads, like yourself.Not, but I bet those soybean farmers are.
Are you incapable of intelligent discourse? Or just already drunk for the weekend. Stupid fvcking Michigan piece of shit, like everyone else in Michigan.
i'd eat a fvcking bullet.
isn't that issue with the soy bean farmers(china)? GM might get better, but it is still a mess and that is why they are cutting.
Sounds like you need to try out that new Viagra nasal spray, made specifically for dickheads, like yourself.
Is raoul fvcked in the head, bonged out, or simply getting his news from dherd's posts?
Sober up you prick.
give it a shot? i'm not the one crying like a bitch because i, sob, don't like the scary orange man. as for the rest of your post, sorry, not reading another diatribe of crybaby bullshit.Go ahead and give it a shot anyway. Nice pun, right?
I'm holding the orange bastard to his campaign promises. Why? Because he specifically came to my state and made those promises to my fellow Hoosiers. Dreh is a no-good cocksucker that does not care about his fellow no-good Michigan cocksuckers.
And let's talk about the threatened border closure. Ford alone employs 13k people in my metro area. I'd say there are at least another 10k jobs in the auto industry. I'm all for making all the parts in the USA, but that shit can't happen overnight. Those two Ford plants, and the two Toyota ones down the highway, use Mexican parts (better than goddamn Chinese parts). If that bastard closes the border, he will make 23k of the best paying blue color jobs around here disappear, and another 20k within the fringes of my area. This is serious stuff. How many people does this industry supply near you? Absolutely fvcking zero. Of course you don't care, and make this about librul and cvntservative.
bless your little tear soaked heart.
silly faggit, it has nothing to do with "the facts". it has everything to do with every.single.time. a positive posted, you mentally deranged cocksuckers go out of your way to dig up every.single.negative you can to make yourself feel better.Jerking off with the left hand is never as good.
And you don't like the facts. I expect more greatness than just sticking it to the beaners. Sure, it feels good to stick it to the beaners, the naggers, and the towelheads, but that shit doesn't pay the bills.
I think the fvcker got a hold of some killer weed. Tripping like a MFer today.silly faggit, it has nothing to do with "the facts". it has everything to do with every.single.time. a positive posted, you mentally deranged cocksuckers go out of your way to dig up every.single.negative you can to make yourself feel better.
oh, and the fvcking hypocrisy and irony in your "you don't like facts" statement. see the OP for example, you obviously didn't like it and felt the need to overshadow it in your mind with all the negative bullshit you could.
you should open up the weekend of drinking a variation of your beloved craft beers with a tall glass of bleach.
silly faggit, it has nothing to do with "the facts". it has everything to do with every.single.time. a positive posted, you mentally deranged cocksuckers go out of your way to dig up every.single.negative you can to make yourself feel better.
oh, and the fvcking hypocrisy and irony in your "you don't like facts" statement. see the OP for example, you obviously didn't like it and felt the need to overshadow it in your mind with all the negative bullshit you could.
you should open up the weekend of drinking a variation of your beloved craft beers with a tall glass of bleach.
I think the fvcker got a hold of some killer weed.
EL OH EL! you probly coulda stopped with the bold part above. however . . .How about you suck my sack to start off your weekend? SUCK MY VANILLA SALTY BALLS...PUT 'EM IN YOUR MOUTH.
I'm mad
you need one of those vapes. i hear the medical shit will send you to orbit.I don't smoke anymore. Job and shit. If I win the lottery we'll all go to Colorado.
you need one of those vapes. i hear the medical shit will send you to orbit.
Do you think is really helping or is it placebo-ish? Either way, if you feel better then, then it's worth it. But the public introduction came on so fast that I don't feel there's enough history to really know the benefits yet. I say that fully hoping it's as beneficial as everyone is claiming.Still would blow a drug test.
I do take CBD oil. I've been taking it about a month and a half. I see enough in an improvement in my pain and inflammation that I'll keep on spending $50 a month on this stuff. I was able to briskly walk two miles the other day without feeling like I had been beaten in the knees and hips, so there's that.
Do you think is really helping or is it placebo-ish? Either way, if you feel better then, then it's worth it. But the public introduction came on so fast that I don't feel there's enough history to really know the benefits yet. I say that fully hoping it's as beneficial as everyone is claiming.
exactly.pileof horse shit that addressed nothing.
Fvck u and that trash "healthcare", both.
They don't dig up new stuff they just repeat old stuff. Tariff's against China didn't ruin America at all like EG Thought it wouldsilly faggit, it has nothing to do with "the facts". it has everything to do with every.single.time. a positive posted, you mentally deranged cocksuckers go out of your way to dig up every.single.negative you can to make yourself feel better.
oh, and the fvcking hypocrisy and irony in your "you don't like facts" statement. see the OP for example, you obviously didn't like it and felt the need to overshadow it in your mind with all the negative bullshit you could.
you should open up the weekend of drinking a variation of your beloved craft beers with a tall glass of bleach.
Tariff's against China didn't ruin America at all like EG Thought it would
Now, you're a lying idiot.
I do take CBD oil. I've been taking it about a month and a half. I see enough in an improvement in my pain and inflammation