Well, Me and the Mexicans Have Done It Now

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
We cut a tree down. Appears the HOA didn't like it. They thought the neighbor lady did it and sent her a letter. I guess some snitch turned us in. She got two letters and told me.

Got to get my way out of this one. Tree was an 85 foot or so pine tree. Had it done in about 3.5 or 4 hours one morning. Some nark must have called on us and they have pictures.
Get even. Get hold of a copy of the HOA rule book and read it cover to cover. Almost everyone in that type community is doing some little thing wrong. Start calling them on it.
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My tree, my property. I felt it was a danger to my property and family. See you in court if need be. I have a call scheduled with them to talk about the situation.
Moral of the story. Don't buy a house under a HOA. Why pay extra ti share in the community piss pool.
I don't even use that damn pool and that is why I am probably being targeted. They already got me on a sign that was in yard that a contractor placed when doing some work. It was there maybe 72 hours and some snitch turned me in. The contractor was a young guy and asked if he could place the sign there. It was up maybe 3 days and I got a letter about it. Some snitch took a picture.

This all has happened after I told them they were wasting money on the pool with their swim team. My dues for their organization should not be going towards a swim team and their meets and I don't even use the pool. But, the people who do are getting locked out on certain nights.

I was going to toss a Babe Ruth bar over the fence into the pool on the day of their meet but, there were too many cameras around.
My tree, my property. I felt it was a danger to my property and family. See you in court if need be. I have a call scheduled with them to talk about the situation.
Yeah. I ran into the same situation with mine. Had 3 massive trees taken down during the pandemic. Got a nasty letter (3 years after the fact) saying I didn't ask their permission. Expect fines, attend a hearing, blah...blah...blah.. I called the President of the HOA. Explained they were becoming a danger to my home, actually damaging my landscaping, paint on home etc. By removing the trees and made improvements in landscaping actually increased my value....despite the HOA having no idea I had performed the work 3 years prior. They blinked. Cancelled the hearing
my HOA president served me an order to get the landscaping completed around the house this spring or I'd be cut off.
“what you got in to” can, and will, change over time as the composition of the HOA board changes.

I would never live in an HAO neighborhood.
Knowing it will change is part of knowing what you get in to.

I lived in a beautiful brand new neighborhood in SC without an HOA. It quickly turned into a mess and I wished I had an HOA.

The one I am in now has an HOA on paper but it isn't active. The neighbors just all come together to pay the landscapers annually and we do nothing else with the HOA. There are no morons and the neighborhood looks great.
I will never live in an HOA, ever. No neighbor will ever tell me what I can and can’t do with my own property. And those people over HOA’s are nuts on a power trip. I would hurt somebody.
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I will never live in an HOA, ever. No neighbor will ever tell me what I can and can’t do with my own property. And those people over HOA’s are nuts on a power trip. I would hurt somebody.
I jokingly tell friends that the only rule my HOA has is you must use a solid 16” cinder block when raising a junked car in your yard.
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