What Dtard missed in the colin powell emails.....


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 22, 2010

it misses the bigger takeaway from those leaked emails: They are far more damaging to Hillary Clinton than to Donald Trump.

Far more damaging are the emails where Powell discusses Clinton, her email scandal, her health, and her apparent hatred of President Obama

With Clinton's email scandal still very much in the news, it's disastrous that several of the hacked Powell emails contain his strong explanation of how his use of private email was fully legal and Clinton's was not.

But the truly most damaging thing for the Clinton campaign in this pile of hacked emails are the discussions about President Obama and how Clinton apparently feels about him personally. Make no mistake, Hillary Clinton's liberal supporters will clearly forgive her for almost anything — from lying to the FBI to lying to everyone else about her health. But any evidence that shows she does not like their untouchable hero in President Obama will be the toughest pill to swallow.

In several emails from Leeds to Powell, Leeds says that Clinton hates and envies the president in the extreme. Leeds adds that she will sometimes refer to President Obama as "that man." Finally, Leeds tells Powell that the Obama team wouldn't mind seeing Clinton lose. The timing on this couldn't be more devastating — it comes just as President Obama is taking to the campaign trail to help Clinton while she recovers from her medical problems
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This is all unraveling so quickly the Dems are in straight attack mode. There's another DNC leak of emails trickling out now, one of which actually has the term Pay to Play. Hillary's campaign is imploding faster than a Vegas hotel.
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wait until the non classified emails that the FBI just got subpoenaed to release come out...

Exactly. They are being hit from so many angles they're just rabid in their counterattacks. Hell, we may not see Hillary in public until the first debate.
Another reason Hillary got "sick". The longer she's out of the public eye, the better her approval numbers. That's just how disliked she is.