I would have thought a greater amount of revenue would have been brought in, of course revenue certainly does not equal profit.They don't make any $$$. The key word is "profit". Without profit and growth of profit there isn't a need to own it long term. Until that changes, the price will lag
In that case, why do you even contribute anything into your 401(k)?It all seems like a gamble. I consider the pittance I throw at 401k money I'll never see. Better off with whatever you can make yourself. Hell, I might as well invest that dinky percentage in lotto tickets.
I don't invest in anything that relies on being the cool or latest thing. That's not just technology, it's also things like apparel, restaurants, etc., but especially things like Twitter that are socially driven. Too much money is spent trying to constantly reinvent yourself in order to stay relevant, so very little ever makes it back to shareholders.