What is he Doing?!


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
Who the fvck thought it was a good idea to allow Trump to have a news conference with no script?!l I despise the guy, but this is uncomfortable even for me.

He claims he will get “sued” for perjury if he testified? He’s sounding as mentally unstable as Biden has at times. This is abysmal, and his entire team should be let go for allowing this.

It’s all nonsensical rambling about random topics.
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I dunno admitting you couldn’t possibly take the stand without perjuring yourself is a pretty hilarious thing and I’m glad they let him talk.
All of the networks cut away from him since he was all over the place and not making sense. I had to go to Fox News to see the rest. Immediately after, even the Fox News host said “ . . . he was ranging all over the place with his topics.”

The number of either factually incorrect or completely mistruths were so frequent, that they couldn’t be kept up with. His racist comments (pointing out that Congo is in Africa, where people are black) and dog-whistling, just like most of his other fear tactics, relate to the lowest denominator of the intelligence of our voters.
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Yehh that's called the 5th amendment.
I totally agree that no one should be forced to take the stand in their own defense, but saying you didn’t because you would’ve perjured yourself is hilarious and had Biden said something similar you’d be “literally crucifying” him.
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Hasn't stopped posting about Trump for the past 24 hours.

Says we are the ones who are obsessed.

You can't make this shit up.
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