What more is California going to do, to hurt America and its citizens?


Platinum Buffalo
May 29, 2001
Democrats, their policies and their bleaters are destroying our country.

Reform California chairman slams proposal mandating illegal immigrants be hired for taxpayer-funded state jobs

Remove the comma from the subject. It is unnecessary and grammatically incorrect. You're more obsessed with commas than you are with far superior states than the one you live in.
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Remove the comma from the subject. It is unnecessary and grammatically correct. You're more obsessed with commas than you are with far superior states than the one you live in.

Steer clear of the topic. California where America and its citizens are last.
On the bright side, California is rolling out its pilot program in August to tax drivers for every mile they drive. This is ignorant on two fronts that fly directly in the face of their claimed love of the environment.

1. It punishes people that got with their program and bought an EV. One of the main selling points of EVs is you don’t buy gas and thereby avoid gas sales tax. That helps offset the higher cost of the vehicle. Advantage eliminated.

2. It will reduce costs for people that drive big ol’ gas guzzlers. Their gas tax is $0.58 a gallon, so if you get 20 miles to a gallon it costs you $0.029 per mile. If you get 10 miles to a gallon it costs you $0.058 per mile. If you get 40 miles to a gallon it costs you less than $0.015 per mile. With the per mile tax everyone will pay $0.03-0.04 per mile. Tax break for poor mileage, tax increase for people that share your love of climate.

Really smart people leading Cali.
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Other, smaller states have either implemented or are exploring mileage-based tax systems. Both Utah and Oregon have voluntary mileage tax programs that range from 1 to 2 cents per mile driven. Hawaii, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington have all discussed or introduced legislation related to mileage-based taxes.
Meanwhile, Texas has opted for a different approach, charging EV owners a $200 annual registration fee to compensate for lost gas tax revenue. At least four other states — Iowa, Kentucky, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania — are trying to recoup lost fuel tax revenue by taxing the electricity used at public charging stations.
On the bright side, California is rolling out its pilot program in August to tax drivers for every mile they drive. This is ignorant on two fronts that fly directly in the face of their claimed love of the environment.

1. It punishes people that got with their program and bought an EV. One of the main selling points of EVs is you don’t buy gas and thereby avoid gas sales tax. That helps offset the higher cost of the vehicle. Advantage eliminated.

2. It will reduce costs for people that drive big ol’ gas guzzlers. Their gas tax is $0.58 a gallon, so if you get 20 miles to a gallon it costs you $0.029 per mile. If you get 10 miles to a gallon it costs you $0.058 per mile. If you get 40 miles to a gallon it costs you less than $0.015 per mile. With the per mile tax everyone will pay $0.03-0.04 per mile. Tax break for poor mileage, tax increase for people that share your love of climate.

Really smart people leading Cali.
I saw this and was going to mention in the other thread. The other interesting thing about this pilot program is the initial rollout will involve the state paying people to sign up. $$Billions in lost gas tax revenue and now going to pay people to pay per mile.... 🤣
One of the main selling points of EVs is you don’t buy gas and thereby avoid gas sales tax
I don't believe limiting free-riders is the liberal policy you think it is.

I vehemently oppose the government tracking my driving. But as long as we pay for road building and maintenance with the gas tax this is an issue that needs solved. I personally like the extra fee at registration solution. I would prefer we do funding a different way, it is ridiculous to think road users are the only ones that benefit from, and thus should pay for, roads. Everyone benefits from robust infrastructure.
I don't believe limiting free-riders is the liberal policy you think it is.

I vehemently oppose the government tracking my driving. But as long as we pay for road building and maintenance with the gas tax this is an issue that needs solved. I personally like the extra fee at registration solution. I would prefer we do funding a different way, it is ridiculous to think road users are the only ones that benefit from, and thus should pay for, roads. Everyone benefits from robust infrastructure.
Th problem with a tax like this is that once it’s in place the incremental increase is too easy and devastating. If it starts at $0.04 per mile, which is the likely number, they will sell moving it to $0.05 as “only a one cent increase”. Of course that has the same effect as increasing the gasoline tax by 40% on the driver’s wallet, because it’s increasing the tax $0.20 a gallon for a person getting 20 miles to the gallon.

It’s a deceptive action. Just raise the gas tax to $0.80 a gallon and charge EV owners $1,000 a year registration fee. Be honest about how much you want to take from your citizens.
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Th problem with a tax like this is that once it’s in place the incremental increase is too easy and devastating. If it starts at $0.04 per mile, which is the likely number, they will sell moving it to $0.05 as “only a one cent increase”. Of course that has the same effect as increasing the gasoline tax by 40% on the driver’s wallet, because it’s increasing the tax $0.20 a gallon for a person getting 20 miles to the gallon.

It’s a deceptive action. Just raise the gas tax to $0.80 a gallon and charge EV owners $1,000 a year registration fee. Be honest about how much you want to take from your citizens.
I am in agreement. But for me, my base disagreement will always come down to it's not the government's business how much I drive. Hell, I even hate these tracking things the insurance companies have, but hypocritically use one because they have lowered my insurance $600 a year for my car lol.

I'd rather we just raise income and business taxes to pay for roads, and make adjustments on registration for commercial users. Like I said, everyone benefits from infrastructure. You like groceries? Well, they got to the store on highways, even if you walk you benefitted.

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