I continue to find the humor in a lot of this really. Trump has the political elites/hacks (on both sides) in this country so out of whack they really don't know what to do.
More interestingly, if we are to believe the fake moderates/independents and devout lefties everywhere, it would be wise for the GOP to nominate ONLY moderate candidates who are willing to "cross the aisle and work with Dems" (cave to every Dem demand) in order to have a chance to win. Of course it would also "help" if the GOP candidate had no real wealth or privilege (proving they are not greedy opportunists...only until the premise, that wealth is needed, as proof of success by the Dem candidate over the GOP is necessary); had no Ivy league education to mock (unless the GOP candidate is female, at which time it is necessary to have, in order to demonstrate intelligence because the Dem also has a Harvard degree); needs to be "politically accomplished" (meaning they have spent their entire careers in govt bureaucracy sucking on tax payer $$$--only until the Dems need their usual excuse to bitch and moan about corruption occurring in the system with long time/term political elites who work the system); have no ties to banks, corporations or big business (up until the Dem nominee needs that rhetoric silenced because (she and her husband) have sucked $100s of millions from those same "evil-profiting" banks, corporations, foreign countries for their own personal gain over the last 2 decades); denounce the Christian faith, and southerners as largely extremists and uneducated bible thumpers (up until the Dem candidate needs to be seen in a black church, speaking from the pulpit with a fake southern dialect); should focus on consensus building and bringing groups together with strict attention to sensitivity of others feelings (just until the class warfare message is needed to fuel skepticism, doubt, and jealousy about the GOP candidate); needs to be more inclusive of minorities (only then can an accomplished minority GOP candidate then be castigated as an uncle tom to "his" people)................................................
This list of hypocrisies and worthless, consensus, "advice" for how the GOP should go about winning elections is endless. And like most things out of leftists/independents/GOP establishment's mouths.........should be largely ignored IMO. Do I think Trump has a shot to win? Hell no. But its not because he is any less qualified to do the job than anyone else that has run or won over the last several decades.
American voters have become so needy of electing politicians who will fondle their sensitivity in order to stimulate fairness and utopian existence for all, that any real ability the candidate has to lead or actually get shit done is ignored. Never mind, that once the usual politician is elected, their actions become exactly the opposite and stump speech promises ignored; At which point, the voter not wanting to take responsibility for their "feel good" vote, mumbles their dissatisfaction, blames someone else for their ignorance, sticks their head in the sand until the next election cycle where it all starts again.
This country is fvcked long term. But it isn't because guys like Trump are running for President. Its because voters seem to only find legitimate value in the same self serving long term political hacks and willing to promote (elect) them up the levels of power no matter what the candidate's real qualifications or abilities are (not).