What Trump was up to while McCain was a POW

More stuff that doesn't matter when we're trying to pick somebody to run the country here. We've got to have some sap in there who apologizes to everyone, I guess. So we can be weak enough to get scalped by the Chinese.
Who gives a shi&? This country elected Clinton(draft dodger) and Obama who if he was a normal joe couldn't touch a security clearance with a 10 foot pole and probably would be on a watch list(matter fact I actually can say with 99% accuracy that is true).

This country doesn't care who is a war hero or not. Who was the last war hero elected President? Eisenhower? And, hell he was a General not a grunt on the front line.

Trump may not win but he is at least a Republican with balls. Screw political correctness. We need a cut throat Somebeotch in there. I don't care how he got there. John McCain was another sackless PC correct caving Republican. Has nothing to do with being a war hero or not. Damnation, SGT York was a war hero and wasn't elected President.
I have no clue whether Trump would make a good president or not, but I know he would make a good clown. As a person who worked with many successful business people when I was in the insurance industry, I can honestly say that their success in business is absolutely no indicator of their intelligence or ability to lead people. Most felt like their success in business also meant they were experts on everything else. You take many of those people outside of their business environment where their money, influence, and position carries no weight they won't be successful. Don't get me wrong, most successful business people owe much of their success to hard work and tenacity. But politics is a different game. Trump is a buffoon and would be a laughing stock.

Why are so many people enamored with, "I just tell it like it is" blowhards? Just because it's offensive to people doesn't mean they are right. It just means they're a pompous a**. Trump's statement about McCain is pathetic and given his own upbringing not very smart politics. But I suspect Trump us more addicted to the attention than he is to the possibility of the presidency.
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Why are so many people enamored with, "I just tell it like it is" blowhards?

Because beneath the thin veneer of the quiet chicken shit I have to be to keep from getting fired, yelled at, people breathing on me, etc., that's what I really am.
I am less concerned about what Trump was doing while McCain was being abused than I am about his character and what he can bring to the table. If this were High School politics, he would win, sadly many Americans are still stuck in the high school drama phase and will never get out. Quite sad.
sadly many Americans are still stuck in the high school drama phase and will never get out. Quite sad.

Not as sad as life without it. Think of the boredom. This is all just entertainment anyway. No matter who wins, the same stuff will happen. Pop culture runs the show. Politicians are just its puppets.
you all are missing the boat on what Trump is doing. He is telling the old guard of the Republican Party, which includes McCain, F you. This was calculated. It is why he surging ahead in the Republican polls. People are tired of the McCain, Romney's, etc. Trump doesn't have to be politically correct or bow to the feet of the establishment. There is a reason he said what he did. The John McCain's of the party need to go. They have brought nothing but losing.
"They have brought nothing but losing."

Trump will deliver more of the same.
you all are missing the boat on what Trump is doing. He is telling the old guard of the Republican Party, which includes McCain, F you. This was calculated. It is why he surging ahead in the Republican polls. People are tired of the McCain, Romney's, etc. Trump doesn't have to be politically correct or bow to the feet of the establishment. There is a reason he said what he did. The John McCain's of the party need to go. They have brought nothing but losing.

Telling a decorated war veteran he's not a hero is telling off the old guard? You might be right about Republicans tiring of the same candidates that haven't mounted a successful campaign, but what does that say about the party when a candidate surges off the back of saying that a war veteran wasn't a hero? I mean look at what McCain did compared to Trump. Trump was the son of a rich business man that put him through Wharton and put him in the position to be successful. So while he was going to parties and screwing supermodels, McCain was being broken and tortured. McCain's was shot out of the air, ejected unconscience, and landed in a lake with three broken appendages. He was then dragged out of the water and beaten. And how does Trump see that? He chastises him for surrendering. That is the most pathetically delusional statements I've ever heard from a candidate. And it caused a surge in Trumps favor? God help us.

And this is the candidate that you're backing because you are somehow fascinated with the fact that he said McCain isn't a hero? I mean can people be taken in by something as cheap and lazy as just making a brash statement like it actually took some kind of schutzpah to say it. It takes zero guts to run your mouth. Volunteering for a mission, getting shot down and tortured, and buying more time in captivity by not complying takes actual guts and indicates character. Partying and running around while young men were being killed and mutilated does not buy you the license to criticize others as not being a hero. In fact it makes you a first class a** if you do.

The problem with the Republican Party is that it is filled with people who are actually being taken in by this nonsense.
Trump-troll gonna troll.

Heaven help us though if enough Americans were actually suckered into The Hair's trolling exploits & actually elected him!
And heaven help us if enough people vote for Hillary like you, no doubt, will.

I dont agree with Trump's comments on McCain. I do, however, find it hilariously hypocritical that the left is now defending the man they lambsted in 2008 while jizzing all over the thought of electing a guy who was good friends with terrorists.
And heaven help us if enough people vote for Hillary like you, no doubt, will.

I dont agree with Trump's comments on McCain. I do, however, find it hilariously hypocritical that the left is now defending the man they lambsted in 2008 while jizzing all over the thought of electing a guy who was good friends with terrorists.

Name those good friend terrorists.....
Telling a decorated war veteran he's not a hero is telling off the old guard? You might be right about Republicans tiring of the same candidates that haven't mounted a successful campaign, but what does that say about the party when a candidate surges off the back of saying that a war veteran wasn't a hero? I mean look at what McCain did compared to Trump. Trump was the son of a rich business man that put him through Wharton and put him in the position to be successful. So while he was going to parties and screwing supermodels, McCain was being broken and tortured. McCain's was shot out of the air, ejected unconscience, and landed in a lake with three broken appendages. He was then dragged out of the water and beaten. And how does Trump see that? He chastises him for surrendering. That is the most pathetically delusional statements I've ever heard from a candidate. And it caused a surge in Trumps favor? God help us.

And this is the candidate that you're backing because you are somehow fascinated with the fact that he said McCain isn't a hero? I mean can people be taken in by something as cheap and lazy as just making a brash statement like it actually took some kind of schutzpah to say it. It takes zero guts to run your mouth. Volunteering for a mission, getting shot down and tortured, and buying more time in captivity by not complying takes actual guts and indicates character. Partying and running around while young men were being killed and mutilated does not buy you the license to criticize others as not being a hero. In fact it makes you a first class a** if you do.

The problem with the Republican Party is that it is filled with people who are actually being taken in by this nonsense.
Who do you want, GK? The son of Bush? Hillary is she a war hero? Which war hero do you choose. Obama, the guy who couldn't even get on Ft Bragg if he wasn't POTUS? How bones in that closet?

Oh, I give great admiration to McCain for what he did. Doesn't mean he was a good candidate for POTUS. Frankly, he sucked. One of the worst the Republicans have ever put forward. That has nothing to do with it. And, McCain fired the first shot calling the supporters of Trump crazy. Well, get it back then, War Hero.
The Son of An Admiral. It was not like he was a grunt in a rice patty that had an average life span of 11 seconds. He went through hell, like many others. But, if he is going to dish it out then he better get ready to take it. Doe he deserve some protection because of it?

Every candidate outside of Trump has no chance of winning because they are the same old tired bull shit the Republicans keep running. Democrat Lights. PC correct weenie heads.

Personally, I don't think he should have said and I don't agree with him on McCain. McCain sucks as a POTUS candidate but what he went through was Hell...I can't imagine. But, at least Trump is not politically correct and will make harsh decisions that need to be made. He is not a coward like we currently have in office.
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Name those good friend terrorists.....
Bill Ayers. Next question. What did they teach Obama over Indonesia? WHo was his daddy? Apples don't fall far from the tree.

Do you think Obama could get a security clearance if he was not an elected official? Not with a 10 foot pole could he.
Let's put another life time politician in there. That seems to be working.
Bill Ayers. Next question. What did they teach Obama over Indonesia? WHo was his daddy? Apples don't fall far from the tree.

Do you think Obama could get a security clearance if he was not an elected official? Not with a 10 foot pole could he.

He was not good friends with Ayers.
Trump is not brave, he's a coward. If any democrat had said the same thing about McCain that Trump did, you would have written them off as unfit to hold county office, not to mention the office of the president.
I continue to find the humor in a lot of this really. Trump has the political elites/hacks (on both sides) in this country so out of whack they really don't know what to do.

More interestingly, if we are to believe the fake moderates/independents and devout lefties everywhere, it would be wise for the GOP to nominate ONLY moderate candidates who are willing to "cross the aisle and work with Dems" (cave to every Dem demand) in order to have a chance to win. Of course it would also "help" if the GOP candidate had no real wealth or privilege (proving they are not greedy opportunists...only until the premise, that wealth is needed, as proof of success by the Dem candidate over the GOP is necessary); had no Ivy league education to mock (unless the GOP candidate is female, at which time it is necessary to have, in order to demonstrate intelligence because the Dem also has a Harvard degree); needs to be "politically accomplished" (meaning they have spent their entire careers in govt bureaucracy sucking on tax payer $$$--only until the Dems need their usual excuse to bitch and moan about corruption occurring in the system with long time/term political elites who work the system); have no ties to banks, corporations or big business (up until the Dem nominee needs that rhetoric silenced because (she and her husband) have sucked $100s of millions from those same "evil-profiting" banks, corporations, foreign countries for their own personal gain over the last 2 decades); denounce the Christian faith, and southerners as largely extremists and uneducated bible thumpers (up until the Dem candidate needs to be seen in a black church, speaking from the pulpit with a fake southern dialect); should focus on consensus building and bringing groups together with strict attention to sensitivity of others feelings (just until the class warfare message is needed to fuel skepticism, doubt, and jealousy about the GOP candidate); needs to be more inclusive of minorities (only then can an accomplished minority GOP candidate then be castigated as an uncle tom to "his" people)................................................

This list of hypocrisies and worthless, consensus, "advice" for how the GOP should go about winning elections is endless. And like most things out of leftists/independents/GOP establishment's mouths.........should be largely ignored IMO. Do I think Trump has a shot to win? Hell no. But its not because he is any less qualified to do the job than anyone else that has run or won over the last several decades.

American voters have become so needy of electing politicians who will fondle their sensitivity in order to stimulate fairness and utopian existence for all, that any real ability the candidate has to lead or actually get shit done is ignored. Never mind, that once the usual politician is elected, their actions become exactly the opposite and stump speech promises ignored; At which point, the voter not wanting to take responsibility for their "feel good" vote, mumbles their dissatisfaction, blames someone else for their ignorance, sticks their head in the sand until the next election cycle where it all starts again.

This country is fvcked long term. But it isn't because guys like Trump are running for President. Its because voters seem to only find legitimate value in the same self serving long term political hacks and willing to promote (elect) them up the levels of power no matter what the candidate's real qualifications or abilities are (not).
candidate surges off the back of saying that a war veteran wasn't a hero?

That's not why he surged. People who aren't full of fake outrage over insignificance realize what this was. Trump telling a loser like McCain to go away.

The surge was on telling it like it is about all the Mexicans coming in. The real world is not TV utopia. A lot of people don't like this garbage. Trump's the only guy who will say it.
[QUOTE="big_country90, post: 116379, member: 538"jizzing all over the thought[/QUOTE]

You are a regular churchgoer and talk dirtier than I do. Sure you are not Catholic?

I don't recall a general groundswell of criticism of McCain's character, intellect, or credentials as a genuine American hero. I do recall people thinking an old guy with health issues picked a nutty bitch as a running mate. And I do recall W's operatives calling McCain a n!gger lover, accusing his wife of having a drug issue, and calling McCain a homo in South Carolina in 2000.
This was calculated. It is why he surging ahead in the Republican polls. People are tired of the McCain, Romney's, etc. Trump doesn't have to be politically correct or bow to the feet of the establishment.
1. How has he done in the polls taken after he made the comment?
2. Is he saying it how it is or are his comments calculated moves?
Who do you want, GK? The son of Bush? Hillary is she a war hero? Which war hero do you choose. Obama, the guy who couldn't even get on Ft Bragg if he wasn't POTUS? How bones in that closet?
There is no way you are missing his point, you are much smarter than the way you play off on here.
[QUOTE="big_country90, post: 116379, member: 538"jizzing all over the thought

You are a regular churchgoer and talk dirtier than I do. Sure you are not Catholic?

I don't recall a general groundswell of criticism of McCain's character, intellect, or credentials as a genuine American hero. I do recall people thinking an old guy with health issues picked a nutty bitch as a running mate. And I do recall W's operatives calling McCain a n!gger lover, accusing his wife of having a drug issue, and calling McCain a homo in South Carolina in 2000.[/QUOTE]
Exactly. I think dherd was the only one (maybe FAtG joined him) posting traitor nonsense, everyone else blasted him for it. Heck, if you tell a lie long enough, it becomes real (Politics 097).

If McCain was played off as being gay in South Carolina, what do they think of Lindsey Graham?
Walden had it correct.

Trump i telling
He was not good friends with Ayers.
Trump is not brave, he's a coward. If any democrat had said the same thing about McCain that Trump did, you would have written them off as unfit to hold county office, not to mention the office of the president.

How good of friends does he have to be by your definition.

What is a community organizer? Let me tell you. Pot stirring socialist is what it is.
Walden had it correct.

Trump i telling

How good of friends does he have to be by your definition.

What is a community organizer? Let me tell you. Pot stirring socialist is what it is.

I know what your definition of good friends in this incidence = being in the same room.

A community organizer in this incidence is the former work of the president of the United States, twice legally elected by it's citizens.

I hope your hero Donald Turnip wins the GOP nomination so I can watch a socialist destroy him.
He was not good friends with Ayers.
Trump is not brave, he's a coward. If any democrat had said the same thing about McCain that Trump did, you would have written them off as unfit to hold county office, not to mention the office of the president.

Now see what you did, you made me agree with you. This is exactly the mantra I maintain on here. Ad nauseum for everyone I'm sure.:p

But seriously, I'd love to be able to save this thread somehow and then go back and manipulate this event to where Hillary said the same thing that Trump did. I would guarantee you that the outrage and defense would be almost perfectly reversed among ideological lines. I mean, I'd bet the house on it.

Except Walden...he'd still be calling everyone a bum.
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But seriously, I'd love to be able to save this thread somehow and then go back and manipulate this event to where Hillary said the same thing t

Your wish is my command....

At issue was the MoveOn ad, published in Monday’s Times, attacking Petraeus’ honor as a man and as a soldier.
How disgusting was it?
Even Pelosi, one of the most left-wing speakers ever, said she’d have “preferred that they won’t do such an ad.”
But Clinton not only couldn’t bring herself to criticize it, she also attacked Petraeus’ honesty: “The reports that you provide to us really require the willing suspension of disbelief,” she huffed to the general Tuesday.
And she slammed him (and Ambassador Ryan Crocker) as “de facto spokesmen for a failed policy,” pointedly refusing to criticize the ad – which called him an outright liar who’d “betray” his nation.

This ended up making her look even less likeable at the time. She would go on to LOSE her presidential bid to a no name, less than one term, senator.

Of course Petraeus would go on to have his own issue with govt emails and extra-marital affairs and plead to misdemeanors due to allowing access to classified emails and govt documents..................(hmmmm, sounds like someone else we know just a few years later. But lets move on, Hillary is (once again) the front runner for the Dem nomination, and her buffoonery cant be discussed this time.)
He was not good friends with Ayers.
Trump is not brave, he's a coward. If any democrat had said the same thing about McCain that Trump did, you would have written them off as unfit to hold county office, not to mention the office of the president.

Instead of defending him, why don't you just tell us what level of association that you would deem unacceptable for an American to have with a terrorist? Regular friend, tertiary friend, associate, aquaintance?
I know what your definition of good friends in this incidence = being in the same room.

A community organizer in this incidence is the former work of the president of the United States, twice legally elected by it's citizens.

I hope your hero Donald Turnip wins the GOP nomination so I can watch a socialist destroy him.

I don't really care anymore. This country has probably jumped the shark in terms of long term survival. When people want a socialist to win then we have trouble. We we defend and think 30 year old men should stay and live at home instead of supporting themselves we are in trouble. Just wait until whitey is gone by 2070. This country is way hosed. It will be a big Detroit.

I am not necessarily a Trump supporter. The one good thing I think he has done has one smacked the old guard of the Republican party in the rump. At least he is not a bought and paid for politician.

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