What you get with woman wardens

Walden Pond

Platinum Buffalo
Oct 8, 2007
Old fat skank got sweet talked into letting them damn killers out. This is what you get when you let women run the show. This is why America is weakening. No matter how much of a hog or a bitch a woman is, she's still just a woman.

They're naturally weaker than men, especially real men like killers in prison. Who the hell let a woman have this position? Let her be a warden back in Mayberry with Aunt Bee and leave the serious business to men. That is, if there are any left who haven't turned to mush like all us pencil pushers. Find some that flunked out of school and had to work at ups or something.
She wasn't a warden, moron. She basically taught them how to sew. She was a tailor for the prison.
Old fat skank got sweet talked into letting them damn killers out. This is what you get when you let women run the show. This is why America is weakening. No matter how much of a hog or a bitch a woman is, she's still just a woman.

They're naturally weaker than men, especially real men like killers in prison. Who the hell let a woman have this position? Let her be a warden back in Mayberry with Aunt Bee and leave the serious business to men. That is, if there are any left who haven't turned to mush like all us pencil pushers. Find some that flunked out of school and had to work at ups or something.
Yet you voted for a female to become the President of the United States.
Yet you voted for a female to become the President of the United States.

Because the men were all weaklings just like now. John McCain was a foot in the grave lib apologist. He was apologizing for comments made on conservative radio shows.

He sucked and so do all of the GOP candidates now. I won't vote for Hillary in the general, but I'll only vote for the Republican out of symbolism. They're just like Reds baseball now. I watch and root for them, but when they lose it really doesn't bother me any. It's what I expected. I know they're not very good, but I'm not moving to St. Louis or Los Angeles to watch baseball.
She wasn't a warden, moron. She basically taught them how to sew. She was a tailor for the prison.

All right, then this is what you get when you let women who work in prisons have any contact with the prisoners. Still proves the point that they are weak and will fall for sweet talking. Especially when they're old, fat and nasty, yet somehow still interested enough to lay around with garbage.

There's a way to cut down on the welfare population. Need to starve these women into no longer wanting it. Make 'em show up at the welfare office under 100 pounds or they get nothing on their food stamp cards.
In my 24th year of working in a prison and 2 of my last 4 Wardens have been women. They are a lot tougher on the inmates than some of the recent male Wardens I've worked for.
In my 24th year of working in a prison and 2 of my last 4 Wardens have been women. They are a lot tougher on the inmates than some of the recent male Wardens I've worked for.

Do you work at the FCI off Capital Circle? Our softball league used to play a bunch of games there at the fields close to the prison. That one is low security, if memory serves.
Awesome. Sometimes, I wish I was still down that way. Used to love heading down 319 to hit 98 on over to St. George Island, followed up by many oysters and beer at Appalachicola. Has to be a great drive on a bike.