What's your thoughts?


What's your thoughts?​

My thoughts are that you should either ask for your tuition money back for that graduate program or they should take away your undergrad degree.

"What is your thoughts"? No, it is what are your thoughts.

I think it seems like a reasonable miscommunication between the sides. The question I have, which seems to be in dispute, is if they all had to take their luggage off the plane. She said they did, yet he made it sound like they didn't (since he asked her why she didn't take anybody's luggage and he left his charger on the plane).

Regardless, I'm not sure why she would take the charger and then turn around to show the people behind her. Why/how would it be their charger? The only way that would be possible is if they landed and it slid upon landing, which wasn't the case. So why was she showing it to people behind her to allegedly ask if it was their charger?

She should leave it there unless she knew exactly who it belonged to and was giving it to him right off of the plane (I did that with headphones that were left behind, as I saw who was sitting there and and wasn't successful trying to get their attention, so I caught them off of the plane). If not, leave it there, as all items are supposed to go to the airline's lost-and-found (I left two headphones in consecutive months and never got them back, so my guess is that the cleaning crew takes home quite a bit).

This week was my first time flying in six months, and I quickly remembered why I don't like most people. Flying brings so many opportunities to see how clueless people are. I had to tell a 20-something year old guy to either put his music on mute or get some headphones. On the same flight, a woman's phone was constantly going off for about 20 minutes straight while she was having a long text conversation. Instead of putting it on vibrate, she had a long and annoying audible alert for each text. Finally, the woman sitting next to her said something to her.

I've only ever seen one issue in first-class between parties, and it was entertaining. Those type of things usually don't happen there, so I get aggravated when that class is full by the time I get a ticket.
Flying is like be herded like cattle. Loaded in a flying germ tube. The Army use to haul soldiers around in cattle cars. The cattle cars are better than flying.

I would have told them both to shut the **** up. Hand him the damn charger and there is your damn $10 charger, nancy. Now put your phone up and shut the **** up.

What is with all this videoing shit? These morons get on our community social media pages and put things like to whover was driving the white Toyota, I saw you roll through a stop. Then, go on about it with 10 sentences and they will say something you are lucky, I don't appraoch you about it. Well, shut the **** up about and follow them and do it.
She’s cute so I’m partially on her side. He overreacted but then she overreacted by not just handing it to him and saying sorry I found it on the floor. This is what should’ve been a fifteen second conversation everyone forgot about immediately but was turned into a TikTok because people don’t know how to people.
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She’s cute so I’m partially on her side. He overreacted but then she overreacted by not just handing it to him and saying sorry I found it on the floor. This is what should’ve been a fifteen second conversation everyone forgot about immediately but was turned into a TikTok because people don’t know how to people.
Exactly. Could have been over within seconds. Everything is drama. Did you take my charger? Yehh, sorry it was laying there. Here you go. Thank you.

Problem solved.