and you get your next feel good token president, you are still in denial there is an ILLEGAL immigration problem in this country and it shows what hypocrites you are.
1)Oh you are for labor and wages. Well, illegal immigrants drive down wages. Basically it is cheap labor and modern day slavery. So, when you do nothing because you want to get at Trump you are supporting it
2)We actually have laws as a sovereign nation. It is the duty of the President, no matter who it is whether it be Trump Or Cuddly Bear, they have a duty to enforce the laws.
3)The job of the President, whether it be Trump or you Cuddly Token Bear, has a Constitutional Mandate to protect the people and nation.
4)I won't post all the videos, but you know they are out there. The ones where Schumer, Pelosi, Clinton, and Lord Obama are railing on illegal immigration. Now they, and you, are suddenly against doing anything. Now suddenly against it.
5)Multiculturalism is rot got of this country. Come here legally, legally I say. Follow the law.
Go ahead with ruination of the country all because you are butt hurt over an election and don't like Trump.
Hypocrites. Denial. And, not doing best for the country. The job of the President is not to make you feel good and cuddly. Snowflakes and country ruination is on your hands.
1)Oh you are for labor and wages. Well, illegal immigrants drive down wages. Basically it is cheap labor and modern day slavery. So, when you do nothing because you want to get at Trump you are supporting it
2)We actually have laws as a sovereign nation. It is the duty of the President, no matter who it is whether it be Trump Or Cuddly Bear, they have a duty to enforce the laws.
3)The job of the President, whether it be Trump or you Cuddly Token Bear, has a Constitutional Mandate to protect the people and nation.
4)I won't post all the videos, but you know they are out there. The ones where Schumer, Pelosi, Clinton, and Lord Obama are railing on illegal immigration. Now they, and you, are suddenly against doing anything. Now suddenly against it.
5)Multiculturalism is rot got of this country. Come here legally, legally I say. Follow the law.
Go ahead with ruination of the country all because you are butt hurt over an election and don't like Trump.
Hypocrites. Denial. And, not doing best for the country. The job of the President is not to make you feel good and cuddly. Snowflakes and country ruination is on your hands.