White Nationalism Such a Huge Problem

I never understood the point of giving either side any press coverage at all. Ignore both sides.
It is if this is your take...

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All you have to do is look at Charlottesville last year to see the issue it is. cheeto gave that fringe group - many of whom stayed hidden out of fear of public response - confidence and power to spread their hate.

Hell, there are videos where white supremacists who were seen in Charlottesville pictures are confronted and then exposed. They, one of who was military at the time, lost their jobs for taking part in the Charlottesville march. It's no wonder they don't get the same number this time around.

If you don't think it's an issue, check out what the leading Republican media organization said a few days ago. This is mainstream media spewing this bullshit which is now acceptable thanks to you deplorables:

Do you believe
All you have to do is look at Charlottesville last year to see the issue it is. cheeto gave that fringe group - many of whom stayed hidden out of fear of public response - confidence and power to spread their hate.

Hell, there are videos where white supremacists who were seen in Charlottesville pictures are confronted and then exposed. They, one of who was military at the time, lost their jobs for taking part in the Charlottesville march. It's no wonder they don't get the same number this time around.

If you don't think it's an issue, check out what the leading Republican media organization said a few days ago. This is mainstream media spewing this bullshit which is now acceptable thanks to you deplorables:

I completely agree with her. We keep importing people from shithole countries with shithole values and a lack of understanding of western culture (at best), and it changes the makeup of the country for the worse.

If believing western culture is superior to all other cultures makes me a white supremacist, then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Do you believe

I completely agree with her. We keep importing people from shithole countries with shithole values and a lack of understanding of western culture (at best), and it changes the makeup of the country for the worse.

If believing western culture is superior to all other cultures makes me a white supremacist, then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Well, that leaves you with a problem. By far, Mexico is the country where the most people are "imported" to the U.S. each year. By all accounts, Mexico is a western culture country. So based on your complaints, Mexican immigration shouldn't be an issue for you.

But we know it is. Why? Because they have darker skin and don't have a hillbilly accent. That makes you claim they have "shithole values" and changes the country negatively.
There are plenty of white nationalists. 99.9999999% are smart enough to have a job and not get involved in shit like this.

yes...those nuts with jobs, families, and obey the law....involved in their communities....yes they are racist far right because libtards say so.
yes...those nuts with jobs, families, and obey the law....involved in their communities....yes they are racist far right because libtards say so.

Would you care to logically explain how having a job, a family, and obeying the law makes one magically incapable of being a bigot? Even more interesting, would you care to explain how there are not plenty of nationalists when your nationalist President won the election? Keep in mind that nationalism is not necessarily a bad thing. Thanks in advance for your anticipated response lacking anything remotely approaching intelligence and logic.
Would you care to logically explain how having a job, a family, and obeying the law makes one magically incapable of being a bigot? Even more interesting, would you care to explain how there are not plenty of nationalists when your nationalist President won the election? Keep in mind that nationalism is not necessarily a bad thing. Thanks in advance for your anticipated response lacking anything remotely approaching intelligence and logic.
Damn! You are the brainiac that said 99% of white nationalist are smart enough to have jobs and not get involved with that. (Closet white nationalist?). I didn’t say it made anyone incapable of being a bigot. I would agree nationalism isn’t a bad thing.
Damn! You are the brainiac that said 99% of white nationalist are smart enough to have jobs and not get involved with that. (Closet white nationalist?). I didn’t say it made anyone incapable of being a bigot. I would agree nationalism isn’t a bad thing.

You are the Einstein that said no one in that position is a bigot, but "libtards" say they are. Unless you just write like shit and that isn't the point you were trying to convey, which is a distinct possibility.
Well, that leaves you with a problem. By far, Mexico is the country where the most people are "imported" to the U.S. each year. By all accounts, Mexico is a western culture country. So based on your complaints, Mexican immigration shouldn't be an issue for you.

The vast majority of Mexicans I know are hard workers, very religious (I know some of you are bigoted toward Catholicism, but shit folks it is the same team), and like to drink beer. They are basically Brown Irish.
Well, that leaves you with a problem. By far, Mexico is the country where the most people are "imported" to the U.S. each year. By all accounts, Mexico is a western culture country. So based on your complaints, Mexican immigration shouldn't be an issue for you.

But we know it is. Why? Because they have darker skin and don't have a hillbilly accent. That makes you claim they have "shithole values" and changes the country negatively.

Can't we debate immigration without calling someone racist?

There can be negative economic impacts of mass immigration.

I know murox said "western culture," but my own personal concerns on the culture side include out of wedlock birth rates for Hispanics in 2016 are 68% and violent crime rate of hispanics are higher.

I know some of these can be poverty-related issues not as much as cultural issues. Probably some of both. Teasing out what % is responsible for what is difficult or impossible. I do contend that some of these issues are not fully all poverty influenced and there is a cultural component. However if you say things like this, you are labeled a racist , even if you are black or a Democrat (see Coleman Hughes and Sam Harris, respectively)

On a personal level, I have thoroughly enjoyed caring for my undocumented hispanic patients. There is a non profit in town that helps them get into clinics that are willing to see them and I work with them to get them in for treatment for free. They are typically very appreciative and often "pay me" in baked goods, which I find endearing.

On a policy level though, I think there are major problems with mass immigration, especially quickly. You can't solve Mexican/South American poverty with immigration and I think even reasonable people on both sides of the aisle think it may hurt the U.S. by doing so.
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You are the Einstein that said no one in that position is a bigot, but "libtards" say they are. Unless you just write like shit and that isn't the point you were trying to convey, which is a distinct possibility.

there you go misquoting. I didn't say no one in that position is a bigot.

I guess we can agree, it's great for the minorities that, despite the vast amount of white nationalist across the country, they can feel safe because the white nationalist are in the closet or otherwise too busy with work to commit hateful racist acts.
Well, that leaves you with a problem. By far, Mexico is the country where the most people are "imported" to the U.S. each year. By all accounts, Mexico is a western culture country. So based on your complaints, Mexican immigration shouldn't be an issue for you.

But we know it is. Why? Because they have darker skin and don't have a hillbilly accent. That makes you claim they have "shithole values" and changes the country negatively.

You know, there once was a time in the not-too-distant past when I would read your posts and consider them thoughtful. Now your entire ideology can be summed up as "virtue-signalling social justice warrior." Your most salient arguments are calling out people for grammatical and spelling errors, while dismissing your own as "oops, typo."

And here you've built a straw man to tear down. I very clearly said "sh!thole countries with sh!thole values." I vacation in Mexico at least once per year, and sometimes as many as three times in a year. I'm looking for property in Mexico to buy so I can live there on a semi-perminant basis some day. So I'm not even going to dignify your retarded argument with a response.

But by all means, keep race-baiting. Keep calling people racists and bigots. Your ideology aligns with about 15% of the population, and that's why you got trump and will get more trump in 2020.
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And here you've built a straw man to tear down. I very clearly said "sh!thole countries with sh!thole values." I vacation in Mexico at least once per year, and sometimes as many as three times in a year. I'm looking for property in Mexico to buy so I can live there on a semi-perminant basis some day. So I'm not even going to dignify your retarded argument with a response.

I pointed out that the country we are taking in the most from, by far, is not one of those “shitholes” which lack western values. It is Mexico. Huntington, fvcking West Virginia is not getting deluged with anyone from shithole countries. The bigoted Fox News host was talking about Mexicans as much as any other immigrants.

So you’re allegedly talking about countries outside of Mexico, yet Mexico is overwhelmingly the country home to our highest number of immigrants. Yeah, that makes sense.

Look out for all of those Somalians in Huntington and Omaha. I hear those red areas are turning into Little Afghanistan.

" Your most salient arguments are calling out people for grammatical and spelling errors, while dismissing your own as "oops, typo."

Do you and BC plan your lines together while meeting over Coffee and Cars? You guys use the same lines.

In the very rare occasions I spell something wrong, it is a case of a typo- an inadvertent keystroke. My mistakes aren’t common misspellings of words frequently misspelled. They are clearly auto-correct or a fat finger mistake such as spelling “the” as “tge.”

Your frequent spelling mistakes aren’t like that. For instance . . .

semi-perminant basis some day. .

Perminant? That’s cute. When you make it down to Mexico, ask some of them how to properly spell that word in English.
i guess i'm a bigot and i'm a racist . . . and, according to the resident candy dick libs, every other word that ends with 'ist'. fvck you. close the borders, build the wall, keep them all the hell out and all you motherfvckers that are so for keeping the illegals and bringing more in, you can go with them. if someone wants to immigrate to the states the legal way, fine, have at it, i'm all for it. fvck the illegals, send them back and block any others from coming.

why in the hell does the united states have to be the safe haven for every person in the world who doesn't like their country? how about you bleeding heart liberal fvckheads that want to open our borders to anybody and everybody try entering canada, north korea, russia, mexico, or any other country on earth illegally and staying. can it happen? sure. prove it: leave. even better: stay.

it all goes back to what michjackass said in another thread: you assholes are all for it as long as they're not staying in your backyard. i've witnessed the difference the illegals make here in po-dunk, west virginia, and there hasn't been anything positive from the experience. hell, the only positive that comes is the once a year raids when illegals are rounded up and shipped out.
your opinions are based on race. leftist are obsessed with race.

demographics include age, sex, race, income level, employment, education, etc ….but you go on about race.
I pointed out that the country we are taking in the most from, by far, is not one of those “shitholes” which lack western values. It is Mexico. Huntington, fvcking West Virginia is not getting deluged with anyone from shithole countries. The bigoted Fox News host was talking about Mexicans as much as any other immigrants.

So you’re allegedly talking about countries outside of Mexico, yet Mexico is overwhelmingly the country home to our highest number of immigrants. Yeah, that makes sense.

Look out for all of those Somalians in Huntington and Omaha. I hear those red areas are turning into Little Afghanistan.

Do you and BC plan your lines together while meeting over Coffee and Cars? You guys use the same lines.

In the very rare occasions I spell something wrong, it is a case of a typo- an inadvertent keystroke. My mistakes aren’t common misspellings of words frequently misspelled. They are clearly auto-correct or a fat finger mistake such as spelling “the” as “tge.”

Your frequent spelling mistakes aren’t like that. For instance . . .

Perminant? That’s cute. When you make it down to Mexico, ask some of them how to properly spell that word in English.

What does living in Huntington have to do with anything? Importing these sh!thole people with sh!thole values (like yours) gives them the ability to vote for their sh!thole values that I have to pay for. I understand that's not an issue for you since you run an all-cash business, but I have to pay taxes.
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Mexico outside of the resort towns is absolutely a shit hole

That statement is absolutely not true. Where have you been in Mexico? I’ve been to Guadalajara, Leon and Ciudad Acuna for business purposes. Those are all decent cities with good, hard working folks. i’ve also been to some of the border towns which are pretty cruddy and to resort areas.
What does living in Huntington have to do with anything?

Ingraham's comment about demographics changing wasn't a complaint about having to pay taxes used by these people. It was about people getting stuck living next to those who have an accent, look different, etc.

The Huntington reference was because that area (and most of the other red areas) do not have to worry about that. Those immigrants you complain about aren't going to bastions of modernism, economic prosperity, and class such as Huntington, Laramie, and Dubuque. Your complaint is entirely different than what Ingraham was referencing.

people with sh!thole values (like yours)

You voted for/didn't vote for/voted for/didn't vote for/say you now will vote for a guy who has publicly boasted about cheating on his wives, boasts about sexually assaulting women, has been fined millions by the Justice Department for racial discrimination, has a history of racist acts, boasted about the size of his genitals during a presidential debate, mocked the disability of a reporter, mocked the appearance of a fellow presidential candidate, mocked the appearance of a fellow presidential candidate's wife, routinely uses his office to deride dozens of people who disagree with anything he says/does, incites violence against peaceful protesters . . . and you say I am the one with shithole values?

since you run an all-cash business, but I have to pay taxes.

Less than a year ago I posted a picture of about $35,000 in checks that I hadn't endorsed yet. So much for your "all-cash" claim, much like your other ones.
That statement is absolutely not true. Where have you been in Mexico? I’ve been to Guadalajara, Leon and Ciudad Acuna for business purposes. Those are all decent cities with good, hard working folks. i’ve also been to some of the border towns which are pretty cruddy and to resort areas.

He won't answer. He is clueless.

I, too, have been to Ciudad Acuna . . . three times in the last two years. It is by no means a modern, huge metropolitan area, but it is a cool little city. Mexico City is phenomenal. Little towns across the border are great. I could do without Juarez again.
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That statement is absolutely not true. Where have you been in Mexico? I’ve been to Guadalajara, Leon and Ciudad Acuna for business purposes. Those are all decent cities with good, hard working folks. i’ve also been to some of the border towns which are pretty cruddy and to resort areas.

He won't answer. He is clueless.

I, too, have been to Ciudad Acuna . . . three times in the last two years. It is by no means a modern, huge metropolitan area, but it is a cool little city. Mexico City is phenomenal. Little towns across the border are great. I could do without Juarez again.

While not ultra modern, I thought Ciudad Acuna was a very cool little town. I visited a very modern, state of the art manufacturing facility there and was very impressed with the engineering and sourcing staff. They were all brown people too!!
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