Who Would Pay Chelsea Clinton $65,000 to Speak?


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 4, 2007
Muswell Hillbilly
When Hillary Clinton’s speaking fees proved too steep for one public university last year, school officials reached for a less expensive alternative: her daughter, Chelsea.

According to a report from The Washington Post, representatives from the former secretary of state’s office gave officials at the University of Missouri-Kansas City a $275,000 quote for a one-time speaking fee.

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“Yikes!” one official emailed another, according to the report. Rather than paying that much, UMKC opted to pay Chelsea $65,000 for a brief appearance in February 2014. The former first daughter spoke for 10 minutes before participating in a 20-minute Q&A session and posing for pictures.

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65k/hr but they are for the working man. How anyone can vote for the Clintons is beyond me.
What does their salary have to do with their political beliefs?

Typically nothing at all, but when you prop yourself up as a poor person, i.e., misleading the public, then it does mean something.

I'm just not sure the public is going to trust her enough to pull her through. I'm actually looking for another candidate to enter the race, one that would give her a stiff challenge for the nomination. I'm thinking the governor of New York may toss his hat into the ring.
Read up on interviews Chelsea has done in the last two years. If people think Hillary is out of touch, Chelsea (who to her credit has done charity work) seems to live a fantasy world.
I would pay her 65K to speak........................about all the dirt on Hillary!
I suspect she wouldn't be pulling down that kind of coin if she didn't have the Clinton name behind it. To think the salary is not tied to her political beliefs in some manner is naïve.

Her accepting $65,000 for a job doesn't exclude her from being for "the working man." I could be a billionaire and it wouldn't change my political stance nor ethics and morals.

I don't see how Chelsea accepting $65,000 for a job somehow changes what she is allowed to fight for, represent, or believe.

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