Whomever wins the election America loses


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Sep 1, 2007
I'm pushing 40 and have never in my lifetime seen such a divide in our country. Trump supporters despise Hillary. Hillary supporters despise Trump. regardless of who wins the election we are in for 4 years (at least) of a 50/50 split down the middle of the country. add the racial divide on top of that, and i think we have some serious problems on the horizon. even in the last election we were split almost 50/50 but Obama was nowhere close to Hillary in terms of the other side's hatred of him.

have any of you "old timers" seen more of a divide both politically and racially in the past?
I'm certain of one thing.... it has nothing to do with having a black nominee and a female nominee.
i just wonder if the Nixon days along with the civil rights movement were as "flammable" as it seems today. you have people ready to fight in the street over their Presidential support. and i really don't see either one of them doing anything within the first two years of their presidency to bring everyone together.
Andy - things were pretty interesting in the early and well basically throughout the 60's and late 50's regarding the racial divide. Cooled off somewhat or was pretty much ignored or was looked at assomething that was not really an issue for most people as it once was until 2008.

From there its been down hill and full speed in reverse when I think many people thought if anything he would be able to keep things in check so to speak..not the case at all.

About all that has taken place over the last 8 years is to create a divide and something out of many situations that did not warrant the news coverage provided and there in lies a major (or at least to me) area of concern - the media and its ability whether television , radio or print to influence people one way or the other as they attempt to do and in too many cases are successful in that attempt.

Too many times we have watched as the television media has for whatever reason fueled the fire - by giving too many the time of day and in doing so escalate situations for what appears to be more the sake of the talking heads than anything that has to do with whatever the problem or issue is or was. The media begins to make the news vs report the news

Politically - I have been voting since 1970 , this without a doubt beats any other time hands down. Generally there has been one candidate between the two we could at least tolerate. But this election is purely voting for the person you feel is the lesser of two evils.

Over the years I have often said , is this the best we can do candidate wise or foolishly commented after 2008 and 2012 that it cant get any worse. , it has.

I have no idea where we are headed as a nation , for the first time in my life I am not seeing things as improving as quickly as is needed but possibly (you have to call it as it is) becoming even worse which is not all that far fetched when you think about it.

I made a statement in high school around 1968 or so that I felt as if I would live long enough to one day see another Civil War , one that would make the first one look like a Sunday school picnic..add the current state of racial affairs to the mindset of the radical hate groups both black and white along with those that seek in one way or the other to overthrow the government - illegal immigration , internal and externally fueled terrorism and there you have the recipe for a revolution or civil war.

No idea what my children or grandchildren are going to be left with..maybe the Lord will return in short order and take care of things as he has to be getting pretty fed up with what he is watching take place.
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Yep, everything was groovy right up to the 2009 inauguration. Consider how much better off this country would be if obama had been awake at the helm when the 911 terrorist attack occurred, and hadn't started the recession, and then on top of that bailed out the financial institutions. Who would have believed that obama would have ginned up a WMD excuse to enter iraq in a preemptive war, and then for gosh sake, sign an exit agreement before the job was fully done, and without an exit strategy. On top of that, doing so while taking his eye off the Afghanistan war. And then pay for that war with a tax break for the wealthy? Stupid obama wouldn't interrupt his vacation to help Americans suffering from Katrina. What's up with that? Like the true thug he is, obama then not only permitted torture in violation of the geneva convention, but then allowed one of his terrorist buddies bin laden to roam the middle east unfettered. And then there's his unpatriotic wire tapping scheme that proves his "big government" mentality. I always knew a black man was unfit to occupy the White House, and there's ^^^^the proof that I was correct. I hope the next president is a white man, because that's what's required to run this country. So be it, amen, and pass the gravy.
i just wonder if the Nixon days along with the civil rights movement were as "flammable" as it seems today. you have people ready to fight in the street over their Presidential support. and i really don't see either one of them doing anything within the first two years of their presidency to bring everyone together.

The Civil Rights movement was brought to the forefront during the presidency of Eisenhower as well as the brief period JFK served and then on into the LBJ presidency (Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 , ideas JFK actually came up with but due to his untimely demise were signed into law by LBJ.

Ike actually created the first civil rights office inside the Department of Justice and then formed the first Civil Rights Commission which was more about voting issues than anything

The Watts Riots of 1965 ( all started over a DUI traffic stop and subsequent arrest) ended with $40 million ( in1960's dollars ) worth of damage along with 34 - 31deaths and a massive amount of South Central LA in rubble. LA did not experience anything near to this until the incident involving Rodney King in the 90's and once again came the looting and fires. Not sure what looting and burning down your neighborhood has to do with protesting..thats another issue and story.

What did get out of hand (politically) was the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968 Mayor Richard Daley went all out and the Battle of Michigan Avenue became a historic moment in the history of politics. So there is your fighting in the streets but at a much higher level than what you see today regarding Trump and is minions.
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To hell with this. No matter who wins the election, America's gonna keep winning. If we can get through what we've got now, that proves we don't even really need a president. I'd say get rid of it, but hell it makes for nice ceremony so we can keep it for that.
I think things have gotten worse especially the past 25 years. IMO social media and the total abandonment of fairness by the main stream media has caused this divide. I mean when NPR, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS and even search engines like Google are on the side of Clinton it makes it necessary to dig in and fight back since the liberal media lies every day.They give a 24 hour news cycle over pending litigation in a Trump U story but little or no mention of the Clinton Foundation which is a much bigger scandal.I could go on all day but you get the point I hope.
I think things have gotten worse especially the past 25 years. IMO social media and the total abandonment of fairness by the main stream media has caused this divide. I mean when NPR, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS and even search engines like Google are on the side of Clinton it makes it necessary to dig in and fight back since the liberal media lies every day.They give a 24 hour news cycle over pending litigation in a Trump U story but little or no mention of the Clinton Foundation which is a much bigger scandal.I could go on all day but you get the point I hope.
Ohioherd is one of the wisest posters on this board
I think things have gotten worse especially the past 25 years. IMO social media and the total abandonment of fairness by the main stream media has caused this divide. I mean when NPR, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS and even search engines like Google are on the side of Clinton it makes it necessary to dig in and fight back since the liberal media lies every day.They give a 24 hour news cycle over pending litigation in a Trump U story but little or no mention of the Clinton Foundation which is a much bigger scandal.I could go on all day but you get the point I hope.

Any other tin foil conspiracy theories you want to share?
case in point...

CNN runs an article with the headline, "Trump: Military suicides happen to troops who 'can't handle it'

the actually story (i watched in it's entirety), Trump gives a speech in front of hundred of Vets earlier today. after the speech they have a "town hall" with open questions. he was asked about the VA problems. he gave an extremely well thought plan outlining the problems and what he was going to do to fix them. he said that Vets are waiting 6, 7, 8 days to see a Dr. and many of them can't handle it anymore and commit suicide. now how completely FVCKED UP is CNN to run that headline??
It's a shame Sean McDonough's calling Monday Night Football. We're left with all these women and womanly sounding men calling the college games now. Once Chuck Woolery hangs it up, it's all over. Chris Fowler absolutely sucks at calling games. He should go back to Bristol where he belongs to bring us updates.

Talk about hell in a handbasket.
case in point...

CNN runs an article with the headline, "Trump: Military suicides happen to troops who 'can't handle it'

the actually story (i watched in it's entirety), Trump gives a speech in front of hundred of Vets earlier today. after the speech they have a "town hall" with open questions. he was asked about the VA problems. he gave an extremely well thought plan outlining the problems and what he was going to do to fix them. he said that Vets are waiting 6, 7, 8 days to see a Dr. and many of them can't handle it anymore and commit suicide. now how completely FVCKED UP is CNN to run that headline??

From what I saw in the clip, I agree, headline is misleading.
I'm going to explain this to you. You won't be able to comprehend it, but I'll do it any way. The reason the media is liberal biased is because reality is liberal biased.
thanks for the laugh EG! keep drinking the kool aid and repeating the company line
case in point...

CNN runs an article with the headline, "Trump: Military suicides happen to troops who 'can't handle it'

the actually story (i watched in it's entirety), Trump gives a speech in front of hundred of Vets earlier today. after the speech they have a "town hall" with open questions. he was asked about the VA problems. he gave an extremely well thought plan outlining the problems and what he was going to do to fix them. he said that Vets are waiting 6, 7, 8 days to see a Dr. and many of them can't handle it anymore and commit suicide. now how completely FVCKED UP is CNN to run that headline??

This type of story is a daily occurrence with virtually every media outlet. Yet we are told on here that there "isn't a media bias". It's laughable.

This is clearly the main reason the "unlikeable" factor remains high for Trump. Intentional misreporting and opinion hit pieces labeled as "fact checking ".

The most amazing thing? Hillary needs the media to do this or she loses big. She is outspending Trump by 10s of millions. Getting free ass covering media cover daily and still can't get beyond the margin of error in the polls. It speaks to just how pathetic she really is.

Has she given a real policy speech yet? Her entire campaign is anti Trump spin because she can't admit to what she really wants is another 4 years of failed Obummerism.

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