Why are you all messing with Michigan?

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Why are you all messing with Michigan? He is a great poster and is welcome on this forum.

This appears to be a targeted attack. There are others who commit clear violations but, you chose to keep targeting Michigan.

Going around the People's Moderator.

Travesty of Justice.
Why are you all messing with Michigan? He is a great poster and is welcome on this forum.

This appears to be a targeted attack. There are others who commit clear violations but, you chose to keep targeting Michigan.

Going around the People's Moderator.

Travesty of Justice.
Snot^^^licking Snotlicker.
Why are you all messing with Michigan? He is a great poster and is welcome on this forum.

This appears to be a targeted attack. There are others who commit clear violations but, you chose to keep targeting Michigan.

Going around the People's Moderator.

Travesty of Justice.
Pull rank on 'em. You were the duly elected moderator of, by, and for the people.
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They will have to allow him back once Trump pardons him along with the others on day 1.
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Why are you all messing with Michigan? He is a great poster and is welcome on this forum.

This appears to be a targeted attack. There are others who commit clear violations but, you chose to keep targeting Michigan.

Going around the People's Moderator.

Travesty of Justice.
Why did your other thread get removed? Ya' know, the one where you called me out along with some others . . . hell, even when I am banned, I am still able to cause so much shit that I get threads removed.
Why did your other thread get removed? Ya' know, the one where you called me out along with some others . . . hell, even when I am banned, I am still able to cause so much shit that I get threads removed.
You went and got banned. see what I can do.
I have until late March (spring). I love to spend my winters browsing the building supply and paint stores.
I only know of ONE finish that will not amber. And that ONE will still allow the wood itself to turn over time.
I only know of ONE finish that will not amber. And that ONE will still allow the wood itself to turn over time.
We are probably thinking of the same one. You would be an interesting guy to talk construction with if this were a woodworking board instead of a crazy, insult everyone Marshall board.
I only know of ONE finish that will not amber. And that ONE will still allow the wood itself to turn over time.
Several years ago, I built a simple fold down table for the prep area of my grill kitchen (that I never use). I used a crystal clear poly that has held up well and not yellowed but I can’t remember what I used. I’ll figure it out.