Why wait for the court


Gold Buffalo
Nov 18, 2017
Bongino made a good point today, rather than wait and see if the SC will take up the Colorado ballot case, red states need to remove Biden from the ballots for not protecting the border among other crimes. See how the left likes that.
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Yep just have judges declare that Biden is giving aid to the enemy by allowing unfettered access to cross our border.
You'll have to do better than unfettered. magat. They've removed or returned over 300,000 individuals plus 36,000 in detention.
The most crossings in our history setting records daily. Giving comfort and aid to the enemy.

Biden is a traitor and should be removed from all ballots.
You'll have to do better than unfettered. magat. They've removed or returned over 300,000 individuals plus 36,000 in detention.
Bongino made a good point
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You'll have to do better than unfettered. magat. They've removed or returned over 300,000 individuals plus 36,000 in detention.

There has been an average of over 2 million illegal foreign nationals crossing Pedo-Joe's open borders in each of his years in office. That's not counting the ones that got in undetected.

Totally unsustainable and puts Americans in danger. Totally opposite of what he took an oath to do, dumbass.
So they have returned 10% and have 1% detained and you think that’s doing the job? We have been having 12,000 known crossers a day this week. That detained number equals 3 days worth.
Nope. Just a bunch of stuff written by deists.

I'd settle for Reason today rather than the illogical and unintelligent ramblings from the Left and certain "libertarians" that say that it is in their copy of the Constitution...
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Bongino made a good point today, rather than wait and see if the SC will take up the Colorado ballot case, red states need to remove Biden from the ballots for not protecting the border among other crimes. See how the left likes that.
That's a terrible point. You don't violate the rule of law just because someone else did.
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I’ve thought about it a lot because this feels like a potential Rubicon moment for America.

I think half-assing here is the worst outcome. The question is, is what Trump did bad enough to break all political norms and jail him? If it wasn’t, then I think you have to let judicial integrity etc take one on the chin and hope the American people do the right thing and keep him out of power a second time. Trying to take chip shots is inevitably going to look political because it is.

"Had (ex) president trump been charged under section 2383, he would have received the full panoply of constitutional rights that all defendants are afforded in criminal cases."

Your dissenter makes my case for me. He was NOT charged in a criminal case, as Section 3 is a disqualifying clause, and contains no penalty.

The list of those disqualified in the past includes six officials aligned with the Confederacy who held office after the Civil War, as well as former New Mexico County Commissioner Couy Griffin

No one who has been formally disqualified under Section 3 was charged under the criminal “rebellion or insurrection” statute (18 U.S.C. § 2383) or its predecessors.
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