"The bigger issue is that this was LEAKED!"
*Liberals, everywhere
Can we all make a pact to stop posting fake news?
There goes half the posts.
Bullshit you thought it was reali'm just trying to get Greed's e-meter pegged... can't believe he didn't jump on this like Bill on an intern...
or Hillary on a parking post...
Man, is there no end to how corrupt the Clintons are?
My source is your history of posting stupid shit like this.source?
My source is your history of posting stupid shit like this.
The old hag is old news. Time to forget about her. Thank goodness we don't have to hear her squawking on there everyday.
At least Obama isn't a screeching woman. I'll give him that much.
My source is your history of posting stupid shit like this.
and mine is your "double digits" predictions.
to Greed's credit, he never made that one...
Can we all make a pact to stop posting fake news?
El Chapo is the man
There can never be enough Ned Ryerson.
Confirmation bias, also called confirmatory bias or myside bias, [Note1] is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses, while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities.