Wouldn’t You Know . . .


Gold Buffalo
Sep 29, 2010
Long range weather forecast for next Saturday’s game in Huntington with NC State - RAIN. Hopefully that will change BUT if Florence hangs around we probably will be wet.
When was the last time we had a totally sunny day and no rain, or good chance of rain for a home game?

The weather will certainly hurt us as we are a true passing team on offense with the weapons we have at WR, Green at QB, and an OL that pass blocks much better than they run block.
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I believe when people started tracking Flo and thinking she would be a serious storm, there were the notions that 2 or more storms could develop coming off of Africa!!
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Can’t speak to Weatherunderground W-S but The Weather Channel and WSAZ longrange (including Saturday) calling - as off today (Monday) 60% rain showers during day tapering to 20% in the evening and temps in the upper 70s day into mid-60s evening.
YES this hopefully will change by weeks end!
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It is now reversed as of today - Saturday 20% in day to 60% evening. Will more than likely change again.
I'm sticking with Tony and Spencer...they both say it will be dry for the game. Holding out hope they're both right!
Well herdfan93 stick with Tony and Spencer but the rain has arrived in Htown. Hope it’s gone by game time but doesn’t look like it! Still I will be there with rain gear. Go Herd