WSAZ #1 in Webcams

Walden Pond

Platinum Buffalo
Oct 8, 2007
Some people may argue that the EarthCam networks are better since they show exotic locations like Times Square, Miami Beach, whatever, but give me WSAZ's live shot of Point Pleasant, Huntington or Charleston any day. Beautiful live shot of the Silver Bridge now. River's got a nice chop on it. American and WV flags a whippin'. Barge comes along every now and then.

I've looked all over for webcams of Dayton, Columbus, Cincinnati, Lexington, Knoxville and other places of interest, and none of them are as good as WSAZ's.


This post was edited on 12/12 10:51 AM by Walden Pond
Walden, you need to checkout the webcam from Augusta, Ky located near the ferry dock. Very peaceful and you can watch the ferry dock, unload/ load up, and then start out toward the Ohio side of the river. I would recommend this as a weekend destination for you to take an alternate route across the Ohio.
They got any hicks down there? I don't remember hearing any in Maysville, of course it was about 8 or 9 years ago when I stopped at Wendy's there on the way back from a Reds game and had my first ever vanilla Frosty.
Of course they have hicks, it's Ky. for crying out loud. While you're in Augusta you can tour Rosie Clooney's former home and drive by Augusta HS, alma mater of George Clooney. A vanilla Frosty hits the spot even though I like chocolate with a iced tea after golf when its really hot weather.
The Kentucky around Cincinnati might as well be Ohio. If I want to hear hicks, I need to go to Berea. Anywhere north of that and you're talking hybrid horse shit and yankees sprinkled in. Berea people would call me a yankee. I can't sound as good as them. Used to be able to, but I sold out on that.
Its always easy to identify a Kentuckian, as soon as they say the word "basekitbawl" its a dead giveaway.