There are 29 schools in the top 3 classes, 38 in Class A. Being the best of 29 is kind of a paper championship, IMHO. While consolidation is about over, there are maybe 5 more small schools that will disappear eventually.
The old system had two, somewhat valid, criticisms.
- The difference between the big schools and the rest in AAA was huge. The last time they did it, they purposefully made AAA smaller than the 1/3rd it should be and the difference was still 1000 students between the largest and the smallest. (If they did it the old way, exact thirds, the difference is over 1250). While AA was only 350, and, leaving out some real outliers, only 300 in A.
- The religious schools, mostly Catholic, one, recruit, and two, generally are based in cities, which has lots of advantages over the public A schools, which are generally the small unpopulated counties in the middle of the state.
Both issues could have been handled differently, IMHO.