Y'all Ready For the Debates?

Every single thing Booker does is a political cliche turned up to 11. When he rushed in to get Ford a drink at her testimony, because you know, gotta get on camera helping Ford, it was laughable.

I think Biden is gonna make a calculated jump into the race. Let this group of chirping birds see who can out-liberal each other and then come in and sound reasonable compared to them.
The Democrats need a Southerner or a Midwesterner. Only Biden can pull any votes out here in the Heartland, no one is going to vote for Booker or Kamala.

And anyway, when someone says "Kamala", me and most of you think of this dude:

The Democrats need a Southerner or a Midwesterner. Only Biden can pull any votes out here in the Heartland, no one is going to vote for Booker or Kamala.

And anyway, when someone says "Kamala", me and most of you think of this dude:

I don't know anything about politics/getting elected, but we had a president with the name Obama - I don't think The Ugandan Giant or King Bookah will have any problems. Below is my take, probably worth nothing because I don't like politics and don't really study elect-ability, etc...but it's a message board so I'll chime in....

If you promise the youth their college tuition loans are going away or promise enough things they'll get elected. Trump is bound to do something or say something stupid and though I'm long term a believer in the market/index fund investing (and don't believe I can time the market), it's certainly feasible that a market down turn could be coming by the time elections roll around.

Now, if the dems run on the crap that was in the NYT this weekend, it may damn well not matter.

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