You put the fries in the oil and you cook it all up


Platinum Buffalo
Jan 2, 2007
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It was ridiculous but it was a media win IMO. Took up a news cycle, showed him in a favorable light for the most part.

I dont know - I don’t know much about winning elections but I felt like it probably helped more than hurt.

It was ridiculous but it was a media win IMO. Took up a news cycle, showed him in a favorable light for the most part.

I dont know - I don’t know much about winning elections but I felt like it probably helped more than hurt.

Connecting with the average American, when the average American looks down on fast food workers? That doesn't even make sense. No, it's cringy if you are being honest. We've got 5k nuclear bombs to give to the winner and this clown is playing McDonald's, Jesus.

(Side note: 5k nuclear bombs is a big reason I'm not voting for her either, she'd laugh like a hyena while cracking open the codes.)

It's as dumb and cringy as Pappy Bush going to the grocery store. But probably not as dumb and cringy as talking about Arnold Palmer's giant crank.

And here's a hint: you can call the media Librul all you want, but the fact is they want Trump to win. Nothing sells better than chaos and outrage. That's why they would show Trump acting like he's slinging fries, instead of him once again threatening to send the military after Democrats, which is without a doubt the most insane fvcking thing said in American history in a Presidential race. But no, let's put him on loop with the fries.
lmao. Triggered over trump cooking fries at McDonald’s. TDS is in full effect. Safe spaces will be needed soon.
Kamala lied about her employment at McDonalds.

But, that is ok.

Trump is having fun with it. You miserable sons a bitches.
She did it first though. And look at that vape, she’s a real one.

She makes me sick. She presented herself as one thing her entire career, then goes out and marries a wannabe' "Swamp People" cast member.

It was ridiculous but it was a media win IMO.
No chance. He creates more opportunity for mockery. But I guess fast food is a rare place that a 34X convicted felon has a chance to get a job.

Kamala lied about her employment at McDonalds.
She did? When? Months ago, I saw her talking about her time working there.
She makes me sick. She presented herself as one thing her entire career, then goes out and marries a wannabe' "Swamp People" cast member.

No chance. He creates more opportunity for mockery. But I guess fast food is a rare place that a 34X convicted felon has a chance to get a job.

She did? When? Months ago, I saw her talking about her time working there.

I don't know about her marriage (I thought it was fake, was it real?)...she's just one of the very few female singers I like.
She makes me sick. She presented herself as one thing her entire career, then goes out and marries a wannabe' "Swamp People" cast member.

No chance. He creates more opportunity for mockery. But I guess fast food is a rare place that a 34X convicted felon has a chance to get a job.

She did? When? Months ago, I saw her talking about her time working there.
It appears she never worked there.
It appears she never worked there.
It doesn't "appear" that way. That's your bias showing again.

She has made that claim, even outside of politics, for many years. Why would she boast about that, especially when referenced outside of a political point?
It doesn't "appear" that way. That's your bias showing again.

She has made that claim, even outside of politics, for many years. Why would she boast about that, especially when referenced outside of a political point?
She can claim anything but, there is no proof she ever worked there. Her running mate claimed he used his weapon in war but, it is not true. Co-workers? tax records? Nobody remember working with a young Kamala Harris?

She can claim anything but, there is no proof she ever worked there. Her running mate claimed he used his weapon in war but, it is not true. Co-workers? tax records? Nobody remember working with a young Kamala Harris?

Do you have tax records from a summer job 40 years ago?

She has people who have vouched for her having worked there.
I wouldn't have allowed the orange idiot near hot oil for obvious reason, near a cash register for obvious reason, or near a female employee for obvious reason. Since he claims he's good a draining the swamp, then his position should've been janitor duty.
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Do you have tax records from a summer job 40 years ago?

She has people who have vouched for her having worked there.
If I was the damn VP of the United States and could call up the IRS I guess I could probably get them.

what people?
Breaking Points' Krystal Ball (real name) who is vehemently anti-Trump was talking how she thought the PR stunt was actually a success for Trump. This one was even more surprising...