Oh wow Mr Professor man memorized all his Chomsky quotes, so hardcore.
I’m just waiting for anybody to tell me how taking more money from the producers of our society will make society better and make us richer overall.
I’m just waiting for anybody to tell me how taking more money from the producers of our society will make society better and make us richer overall.
Greed is proof trickle down works.
Obama raises taxes on middle class....Greed Cabinetry Inc closes up (errrrr “semi retires”) before he leaves office. (Thank goodness the pink Cadillacs are still being handed out)
We all saw how trickle down works in 2008. moron
I would ask you what a mortgage and debt bubble has to do with low tax policy but highly doubt you could offer any legitimate conversation.
I would ask you what obama had to do with me reaching retirement age while he was in office but I never expect a legitimate conversation from you, or a conversation without you lying.
Why would you “retire” and shutter a successful business with capable employees continuing to operate it?
You brought up trickle down “failing in 2008”. How does a mortgage debt crash relate to trickle down “failing”?
(Never mind...it doesn’t.)
See, you absolutely cannot stop yourself from lying. Liar.
Yeah, idiot, right after you brought up that trickle down works using obama raising middle class taxes as a reason, AND once again lying that my business closed. You get it? Liar.
after you brought up that trickle down works using obama raising middle class taxes as a reason
1 kitchen every 5-6 months really doesn’t count as a business.
Uhhh. You want to try that again