Top Democrat in tight Senate race backs citizenship, voting rights for millions of illegal foreign nationals

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How would Bills speech have been accepted over Bidens?
The days before the Democrats bowed to the far Left.

Shit, mid-90's Dems weren't that different from modern day conservatives. The Democrats today need all the votes they can get, and by any means necessary. If they don't appease the far Left and try to recruit deadbeats (by paying for everything so they don't have to work) they wouldn't get elected.

California's single-payer health care boondoggle is back and worse than ever...Those lovely Democrat policies....

My sister in law went about a month in February unable to keep food down. She then went to a doctor and they diagnosed she needed gall bladder surgery. Got that done. Still can't keep food down. Told her they need endoscopy? Called to schedule appointment and was told the first opening they had was June.

^^^4 months

Is she on Obama care product?

What insurance does she have and where does she live? There is something about your assertion that needs explored. Please tell us more.
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Top Democrat in tight Senate race backs citizenship, voting rights for millions of illegal foreign nationals

But what I posted is straight news and from your own source: Fox News: Straight news reporting from beat reporters is generally fact-based and accurate
Overall, we rate Fox News right biased based on editorial positions that align with the right and Questionable due to the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, the use of poor sources, and numerous false claims and failed fact checks.

California's single-payer health care boondoggle is back and worse than ever...Those lovely Democrat policies....

Good luck with that in Canada or England.
My sister in law went about a month in February unable to keep food down. She then went to a doctor and they diagnosed she needed gall bladder surgery. Got that done. Still can't keep food down. Told her they need endoscopy? Called to schedule appointment and was told the first opening they had was June.

^^^4 months

By the way, is she on Medicare by any chance?

homeowner arrested for getting rid of squatters

I’m not saying that the squatters aren’t doing something illegal, I’m asking who you want to distinguish between a legal renter and illegal squatter, and how you want them to do that. Right now it’s supposed to go through the court. But the courts are backlogged.

You own a house. You discover a squatter has been there. You call the police to kick him out. They show up and the guy says he’s renting it. What do you want the cops to do at that point? If you say “kick him out while it gets sorted out” then you’re going to be doing the same thing to legitimate renters.

What is it you want changed other than fixing the courts so it gets resolved faster?
It's pretty simple, actually.

If the squatter paid rent and has a signed lease then they shouldn't get booted just for missing 1-2 month's rent. There should be protection to help prevent greedy/asshole landlords from booting them and making them homeless.

But most cases of squatting involve people who are trespassing. They don't own the property. They have no leasing agreement to be there. In what world do they have any rights? If I come home and there's a total stranger here, telling me they won't leave, then one of us will get carried out, possibly in a body bag. Squatters trying to take up residence in this manner are no different.

Only in the mind of a liberal would the obvious differentiation not be clear.

4 years ago.

Real disposable income higher than any time pre covid.

The number of people without health insurance has gone down.

Yes sir, disposable income is take-home income AFTER TAXES paid. Also, lower corporate taxes, results in more net ("excessive" 🤣) income... enables pay raises, more employees, and more employees with benefits.

You're inbred. Pure inbred.
Like I said. You're an idiot. Pure idiot.

2018 and 2019 were years that your precious tax cuts were in effect and makes your pitiful attempt irrelevant, you lying idiot. So, like I said, Real disposable income higher than any time pre covid.
