Back from a 3 week suspension


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 17, 2011
Brewpub w/coeds
Bunch of bullshit. I got a post edited by a moderator by saying the word jigs in a thread about the NFL or NBA.

I was referencing fishing jigs, and some woke SOB must have thought it was some slang thing, perhaps jigaboos. Not sure, but my friend rifle has been royalty here for the last few days and I haven't been able to respond. Shut out looking at strike 3 by these sumdabitches.

Lots to catch up on, but kudos to banker for calling out that lying red on the head like a dick on a dog, but I go to talk about Huff.

Rifle is right about us rednecks, despite being one himself. In my opinion, Huff didn't do anything wrong about calling people out. Many coaches do so, but he's on a shorter noose than most, due to being a colored guy. Rifle is correct about this, whether you agree with me or not.

Also, BC is wrong as well. That $700MM dollar contract is really closet to rifles numbers due to the California tax code, so he's not making nearly as much money..

I want an investigation into this jigs suspension. I'm calling on the moderator to get to the bottom of this.

Lastly, mlblack, what's up with your selfies, and where did you get those glasses from? I'm not saying you're gay, but you might be.
They’re talking about chinking on another thread. I expect more suspensions forthcoming.
MH's black ass heading into that thread like:

He gets by because he is mentally challenged(formerlly known as retarded but they dont like when we use that). ADA compliance crap.

We can call him extragretarded.

He's retarded.


Guys, c’mon. You can’t say “retarded” any more. It’s 2023. The term is “Biden supporter”
^^^5 trumptards talking about retardation. Heavy irony.^^^

Lastly, mlblack, what's up with your selfies, and where did you get those glasses from? I'm not saying you're gay, but you might be.
He’s very sensitive to this topic. He and his partner blocked me on Facebook after the pictures.

The best part? I’ve need planning on this for over a year. I created duplicate Facebook accounts based on the pages of his real friends and added him, so I still have access to their pages. They’ll have to go through all of their friends to see which pages are fakes and which I actually am.

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