FBI director warns of ‘very dangerous threats’ at border, smuggling network with 'ISIS ties'


Platinum Buffalo
May 29, 2001
Good job, Pedo-Joe. Way to keep your oath of protecting our borders. Dumbass.

Democrats, their policies and their bleaters are destroying our country

But "Let's have a heart," right extradumbass?

FBI Director Christopher Wray on Monday warned of a "wide array" of dangerous threats coming from the U.S. border, including drug trafficking, violent gangs and smugglers with ties to ISIS.

Good job, Pedo-Joe. Way to keep your oath of protecting our borders. Dumbass.

Democrats, their policies and their bleaters are destroying our country

But "Let's have a heart," right extradumbass?

FBI Director Christopher Wray on Monday warned of a "wide array" of dangerous threats coming from the U.S. border, including drug trafficking, violent gangs and smugglers with ties to ISIS.

Biden is an oath breaker
Good job, Pedo-Joe. Way to keep your oath of protecting our borders. Dumbass.

Democrats, their policies and their bleaters are destroying our country

But "Let's have a heart," right extradumbass?

FBI Director Christopher Wray on Monday warned of a "wide array" of dangerous threats coming from the U.S. border, including drug trafficking, violent gangs and smugglers with ties to ISIS.

Mush brain and his side does not care for this country or it's people. They want to tear down our democracy.
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^^^trumptards don't believe a word the FBI says unless they agree with it.

Overall, we rate Fox News right biased based on editorial positions that align with the right and Questionable due to the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, the use of poor sources, and numerous false claims and failed fact checks.
^^^trumptards don't believe a word the FBI says unless they agree with it.

Overall, we rate Fox News right biased based on editorial positions that align with the right and Questionable due to the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, the use of poor sources, and numerous false claims and failed fact checks.

^^^Snifftard still denying facts. Sorry, extradumbass, but when the FBI bitches about Democrat policies, it definietly raises a red flag. Again, it's national news. It's not an opinion piece. Why do you enjoy looking like a dumbass, dumbass?
Hell, you don't have to have the FBI telling you that. You can just see and listen to other people talk about it.

Plain as day.
You know it must be bad in the WH if the FBI is admitting there are national threats at the border and/or crossing into the country. Makes you wonder why they are finally admitting its becoming problem.
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Like I have said before he believes he sits in judgement of us all. He hates Trump for being morally corrupt but ignores all the horrible stuff that Biden has done and all of Biden's lies.
You're a Godless lying trumptard oath breaker.
Don't think so.
I am a Christian and scientologist. I have accomplished the "impossible". The first requires faith, the latter requires participation. Christianity is as compatible with scientology and Christianity is with geometry.
You want to question other people.
I'm not questioning. I'm stating straight up that you're a Godless lying trumptard.
Maybe look in the mirror.
I did. Almost 47 years ago. Now, you try it. oath breaker.
Don't think so. You want to question other people. Maybe look in the mirror.
When the dude looks in the mirror he sees a guy with multiple religions. It angers him so much that he questions everyone else's faith. The ignored member is a bitter old man.
I am a Christian and scientologist. I have accomplished the "impossible". The first requires faith, the latter requires participation. Christianity is as compatible with scientology and Christianity is with geometry.

I'm not questioning. I'm stating straight up that you're a Godless lying trumptard.

I did. Almost 47 years ago. Now, you try it. oath breaker.
Christianity and Scientology cannot be compatible.
For people relying on grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, by the Bible alone for the Glory of God alone, there can be no compatibility, no syncretism with Scientology. The Gospel plus anything is an anti-gospel.
When the dude looks in the mirror he sees a guy with multiple religions. It angers him so much that he questions everyone else's faith. The ignored member is a bitter old man.
You're a Godless lying trumptard oath breaker.
You're a Godless lying trumptard oath breaker. You know nothing about any religion other than worshipping your orange Jesus.

Religion is man-made, for one...Two, you're a dumbass.

LINK: Though scientologists will claim that Scientology is compatible with Christianity, the Bible counters each and every belief they hold to.

The Bible teaches that God is the sovereign and only creator of the universe (Genesis 1:1); mankind was created by God (Genesis 1:27); the only salvation available to man is by grace through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:8); salvation is a free gift that mankind can do nothing to earn (Ephesians 2:8-9); and Jesus Christ is alive and well and is seated at the right hand of God the Father even now (Acts 2:33; Ephesians 1:20; Hebrews 1:3), awaiting the time when He will gather His people to Himself to reside with Him for eternity in heaven. Everyone else will be cast into a very real hell, separated from God for eternity (Revelation 20:15).

Scientology categorically denies the existence of the God of the Bible, heaven, and hell. To a scientologist, Jesus Christ was simply a good teacher who unfortunately was wrongfully put to death. Scientology differs from biblical Christianity on every important doctrine. Some of the most important differences are summarized below:

God: Scientology believes that there are multiple gods and that some gods are above other gods. Biblical Christianity, on the other hand, recognizes the one and only true God who revealed Himself to us in the Bible and through Jesus Christ. Those who believe in Him cannot believe the false concept of God as taught in Scientology.

Jesus Christ: Like other cults, Scientology denies the deity of Christ. Instead of having a biblical view of who Christ is and what He did, they assign to Him the characteristics of some sort of lesser god who has obtained legendary status over the years. The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus was God in the flesh and through His incarnation He could act as a sacrifice for our sins. It is through Christ’s death and resurrection that we can have the hope of eternal life with God (John 3:16).

Sin: Scientology believes in the inherent goodness of man and teaches that it is despicable and utterly beneath contempt to tell a man he must repent or that he is evil. On the other hand, the Bible teaches that man is a sinner and the only hope for him is that he receive Christ as his Lord and Savior (Romans 6:23).

Salvation: Scientology believes in reincarnation and that personal salvation in one’s lifetime is freedom from the cycle of birth and death associated with reincarnation. They believe that religious practice of all faiths is the universal way to wisdom, understanding, and salvation. In contrast, the Bible teaches that there is only one way of salvation and that is through Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).

Comparing the teachings of Scientology with the Bible, we see that the two have very little, if anything, in common. Scientology only leads away from God and eternal life. Scientology, while sometimes disguising its beliefs in Christian-sounding language, in fact diametrically opposes Christianity on every core belief. Scientology is clearly, and most definitely, not Christian.
You Godless lying trumptard. Christianity is as compatible to scientology as it is geometry.
For people relying on grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, by the Bible alone for the Glory of God alone, there can be no compatibility, no syncretism with Scientology. The Gospel plus anything is an anti-gospel.

I was mainly joking about Greed going to Hell but this confirms it. There's still time to turn it around Greed. I'll be praying for your lost soul.
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I was mainly joking about Greed going to Hell but this confirms it. There's still time to turn it around Greed. I'll be praying for your lost soul.
Your prayers are not heard, since they come from a son of satan.

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