Huff Speaks on What He Expects From The Fans


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Jan 25, 2010
Huff spent the last four minutes of his press conference yesterday expressing that he expected more out of the fans this season.

Here is what all he had to say.

"I expect Albany to be a sellout. I don't know we haven't announced it Grant, but I mean the expectation for this football team is to when every game and I accept that. Well the expectations for the fans is to show up every game. If we're going to be in this thing together then we're going to be in the this thing together. It can't be because we're playing "X" school everyone wants to show up. If I coached like that you guys wouldn't me here because we're playing "X" school I'm going to coach really really hard. And that's not a knock because I know there are a lot of fans that do show up, but we need more. You know we need some people that actually get in the car and drive 4 and 5 hours. Because that's what we do. That's what Marshall Football is about.

I think we have shown. I'm not saying we're perfect. I'm not saying we're there by any stretch of the imagination. I think we as a department, university wide, has shown that we're making strides and making efforts to improve things around here. Now we need the fans do their part and come and cheer and come and be loud and support regardless of the opponent. Regardless of the outcome.

Umm its our job as a football coach, and basketball coach, and tennis coach, and every other coach around here to win every game. That's the expectation. There's no if ands or buts about it. Okay if that's the expectation for us and our program which I fully accept. Umm then the expectation is for the fans to fill the stadium and the gyms and the courts and the pools. I don't understand why we have such a.....I still don't understand why we have such an issue. I don't care six hours away or twelve hours away. You get in your car and you support your family. Every weekend. People go to family reunions all over the world. You come to every family reunion here. I just think that's where we gotta get out of this well I'm gonna come to this game. But no. We're coming to every game.

If I just said well the teams just not going to show up to the Virginia Tech game. We're not going to show up. We got something to do. You know what. We got something to do. Well everybody would be wait what was that. The person that Section 328 Seat B you're supposed to be here. And I don't say that in a negative way. We just got to change our thinking. i think the university. I think Brand Smith and Christian Spears and all the other department heads that board. They're showing that we're making strides to do things in a different way. Umm now I think we've got to start to do things together in a different way. And I know there's life. Trust me. I slept on a hospital cot last night. There's life. I get it.

Umm but if you can't come then give your tickets to your neighbor. It's that simple. Somebody's got to be in your seat. Somebody's got to be in every seat out there. And when we get to that level. No different then we get to the level to where we've got depth across the board and we execute consistently we will win every game. Ummm. But we can't say when they win every game we'll come. When basketball wins every game we'll come. When baseball wins every game. That's not...that's not how it works. We're in this together. We're a family. Ummm and trust me. There are a lot people that do. There's a lot of fans out there that are at every event. Who are supportive.

And I'm not saying that those people aren't appreciated, but we need more like we need more wins. Nine wins is great. Awesome. High five everybody, but we need more. We're not satisfied as a program with nine wins and we're not satisfied with half a stadium or half a gym or half a court. And until we get to there I'ma come up here every week and say every game should....we should sell out the bye week. There should be people that don't care if we play or not. They should just be here man. I got a chance to come to the Joan man. We could sell out the bye week. And...and we are making strides from a holistic organizational standpoint. Uhhh we got to make sure we get everybody on board and that's what hopefully this season will show."
Fan engagement would be doing something about $5 for a bottle of water. #watergate
I’ve been to a lot of games at a lot of stadiums and prices for concessions are almost always high. Honest question: Is that keeping you from going to a game? I’m not trying to be a terd, just trying to understand why our fanbase seems more fickle than most. App State has sold out almost all of their games already and they play most of the same teams we do. They also sucked last year.

I live 8 hours away and wish I could go to every home game like I did growing up. It ticks me off to watch a game on TV and see a half empty stadium.
I’ve been to a lot of games at a lot of stadiums and prices for concessions are almost always high. Honest question: Is that keeping you from going to a game? I’m not trying to be a terd, just trying to understand why our fanbase seems more fickle than most. App State has sold out almost all of their games already and they play most of the same teams we do. They also sucked last year.

I live 8 hours away and wish I could go to every home game like I did growing up. It ticks me off to watch a game on TV and see a half empty stadium.
I have 8 season tix so it doesn't affect me; but; the cheapest ticket is $25. For a family of four to go to one game, that's $100. 00. Plus any parking, plus concessions. Looking at least $130.00 for one game. In this area, that's a week's worth of dinners for a family. Now if we gave out free needles, we'd have to build an upper deck on both sides. Sadly, cost plays a big role for many in our area. Boone is doing well, captive audience with students, and Asheville, Charlotte areas are only 2 hours away. jmho
Also, people forget how much bigger they are than us with almost 21,000 students. We are one of the smaller D1 schools. Also forgotten, when people talk attendance and our students, is how few actually live on or near campus. We are a largely commuter school. Appy state has much more students on campus than us.
Also, people forget how much bigger they are than us with almost 21,000 students. We are one of the smaller D1 schools. Also forgotten, when people talk attendance and our students, is how few actually live on or near campus. We are a largely commuter school. Appy state has much more students on campus than us.
We are "commuter school", so kids are close enough to go home regularly...just not "close enough" to attend football games on Saturday...uhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ok.

Fans of Appy drive 3 hours from Raleigh every home game, gladly. Shit, Asheville to Boone is almost a 2 hour drive, and they show up. Generally, Marshall fans are fair weather, and find greater pride in complaining than driving an easy 45 minutes or less to a game. Appy fans are loyal to their school. Marshall fans are "loyal" to a point.

the cheapest ticket is $25
Lets just admit this is still the cheapest entertainment the area offers. The same "fans" complaining about ticket prices and rusty urinals, probably drop 100's of dollars a month on other frivolous expenses. Eating out at McDonalds, going to bars, (based on my last trip to Htgn) cartons of Marlboros. Marshall sports just isn't a priority, and never will be.
We are "commuter school", so kids are close enough to go home regularly...just not "close enough" to attend football games on Saturday...uhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ok.

Fans of Appy drive 3 hours from Raleigh every home game, gladly. Shit, Asheville to Boone is almost a 2 hour drive, and they show up. Generally, Marshall fans are fair weather, and find greater pride in complaining than driving an easy 45 minutes or less to a game. Appy fans are loyal to their school. Marshall fans are "loyal" to a point.

Lets just admit this is still the cheapest entertainment the area offers. The same "fans" complaining about ticket prices and rusty urinals, probably drop 100's of dollars a month on other frivolous expenses. Eating out at McDonalds, going to bars, (based on my last trip to Htgn) cartons of Marlboros. Marshall sports just isn't a priority, and never will be.
We can't control what others do. Our student attendance has sucked for years.
They'll come to the first game with their brand new green T shirts on and leave at halftime. Similar for Va Tech. After that, it will be slim pickings.
We are "commuter school", so kids are close enough to go home regularly...just not "close enough" to attend football games on Saturday...uhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ok.

Fans of Appy drive 3 hours from Raleigh every home game, gladly. Shit, Asheville to Boone is almost a 2 hour drive, and they show up. Generally, Marshall fans are fair weather, and find greater pride in complaining than driving an easy 45 minutes or less to a game. Appy fans are loyal to their school. Marshall fans are "loyal" to a point.

Lets just admit this is still the cheapest entertainment the area offers. The same "fans" complaining about ticket prices and rusty urinals, probably drop 100's of dollars a month on other frivolous expenses. Eating out at McDonalds, going to bars, (based on my last trip to Htgn) cartons of Marlboros. Marshall sports just isn't a priority, and never will be.
I appreciate your post and understand your position. I am by no means making excuses, just putting in perspective. It is what it is. When you have more students, you have bigger group to get fans from. It is just simple math.

As far as commuter, yes that does hurt. Let's think about it, a lot of freshmen students have not bought into college football or what it means to be in that atmosphere. So, if a kid is driving 5 days to class, many won't make that drive a 6th day if they are not interested.

When you have kids already on campus, and the only thing to do on a Saturday is go to a game, they will go just for the social event. But after they go to it for a social event, chances are they are going to become fans and be passionate about it where they would drive 2-4 hours to game, especially when they are alumni.

You have to get some of them there to develop the passion for it. Not all kids come to college already passionate about it sports teams. So if they are commuters, they will not make that 6th 30 minute to a hour drive for the week just for football. If they are already on a campus, better chance to get them to the game.
I appreciate your post and understand your position. I am by no means making excuses, just putting in perspective. It is what it is. When you have more students, you have bigger group to get fans from. It is just simple math.

As far as commuter, yes that does hurt. Let's think about it, a lot of freshmen students have not bought into college football or what it means to be in that atmosphere. So, if a kid is driving 5 days to class, many won't make that drive a 6th day if they are not interested.

When you have kids already on campus, and the only thing to do on a Saturday is go to a game, they will go just for the social event. But after they go to it for a social event, chances are they are going to become fans and be passionate about it where they would drive 2-4 hours to game, especially when they are alumni.

You have to get some of them there to develop the passion for it. Not all kids come to college already passionate about it sports teams. So if they are commuters, they will not make that 6th 30 minute to a hour drive for the week just for football. If they are already on a campus, better chance to get them to the game.
Exactly. They look at their phones more than what's going on on the field.
When I went to Marshall (fall of 1980 Class of 1984) there wasn't much to do except go to the game, return to the Pike House and end up at the Double Dribble or the Varsity later on. In those days all you had was 1-2 game of the week on ABC or NBC. Today the options are endless. I am sure this has something to do with the turnout among the students
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Also, people forget how much bigger they are than us with almost 21,000 students. We are one of the smaller D1 schools. Also forgotten, when people talk attendance and our students, is how few actually live on or near campus. We are a largely commuter school. Appy state has much more students on campus than us.
True, however we brag about how much Marshall matters to the community because of the crash yet when I'm driving in on gameday there are people a block from the stadium mowing their lawns. There isn't jack to do in Huntington. Huntington should be like Green Bay on gameday. A complete ghost town because everyone is at the games.

It's not like we're trying to fill a 65k+ seat stadium. Now put a P5 team in there and we're selling out which tells you that our fans are event fans and all the "Marshall matters" stuff is just something people say.

I'm afraid that in the 10-20 years as most everyone touched by the crash have passed on, we're not going to have that many people at the games.
When I went to Marshall (fall of 1980 Class of 1984) there wasn't much to do except go to the game, return to the Pike House and end up at the Double Dribble or the Varsity later on. In those days all you had was 1-2 game of the week on ABC or NBC. Today the options are endless. I am sure this has something to do with the turnout among the students
The options are not endless in Huntington, WV.
True, however we brag about how much Marshall matters to the community because of the crash yet when I'm driving in on gameday there are people a block from the stadium mowing their lawns. There isn't jack to do in Huntington. Huntington should be like Green Bay on gameday. A complete ghost town because everyone is at the games.

It's not like we're trying to fill a 65k+ seat stadium. Now put a P5 team in there and we're selling out which tells you that our fans are event fans and all the "Marshall matters" stuff is just something people say.

I'm afraid that in the 10-20 years as most everyone touched by the crash have passed on, we're not going to have that many people at the games.
Whether we want to admit it or not, the younger generation in Huntington doesn't have the connection they once did. Their parents likely didn't go to Marshall or to college at all. They are more interested in other things, that's just a GD fact, sadly.
And I agree, Marshall has to grow the on campus enrollment in the next few years and Smith and the schools efforts to bring in professionals for the newer programs can help. But we can no longer rely on the city citizens to pack the house.
Fact - the 18-24 age group in Huntington is the second poorest in the country - according to Forbes/USA Today.
If you have out free needles, that would do the trick.

Let's control what we can control and enjoy it. I don't know what the answer is.
We'll have 30K for Tech. That helps.
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Huff spent the last four minutes of his press conference yesterday expressing that he expected more out of the fans this season.

Here is what all he had to say.

"I expect Albany to be a sellout. I don't know we haven't announced it Grant, but I mean the expectation for this football team is to when every game and I accept that. Well the expectations for the fans is to show up every game. If we're going to be in this thing together then we're going to be in the this thing together. It can't be because we're playing "X" school everyone wants to show up. If I coached like that you guys wouldn't me here because we're playing "X" school I'm going to coach really really hard. And that's not a knock because I know there are a lot of fans that do show up, but we need more. You know we need some people that actually get in the car and drive 4 and 5 hours. Because that's what we do. That's what Marshall Football is about.

I think we have shown. I'm not saying we're perfect. I'm not saying we're there by any stretch of the imagination. I think we as a department, university wide, has shown that we're making strides and making efforts to improve things around here. Now we need the fans do their part and come and cheer and come and be loud and support regardless of the opponent. Regardless of the outcome.

Umm its our job as a football coach, and basketball coach, and tennis coach, and every other coach around here to win every game. That's the expectation. There's no if ands or buts about it. Okay if that's the expectation for us and our program which I fully accept. Umm then the expectation is for the fans to fill the stadium and the gyms and the courts and the pools. I don't understand why we have such a.....I still don't understand why we have such an issue. I don't care six hours away or twelve hours away. You get in your car and you support your family. Every weekend. People go to family reunions all over the world. You come to every family reunion here. I just think that's where we gotta get out of this well I'm gonna come to this game. But no. We're coming to every game.

If I just said well the teams just not going to show up to the Virginia Tech game. We're not going to show up. We got something to do. You know what. We got something to do. Well everybody would be wait what was that. The person that Section 328 Seat B you're supposed to be here. And I don't say that in a negative way. We just got to change our thinking. i think the university. I think Brand Smith and Christian Spears and all the other department heads that board. They're showing that we're making strides to do things in a different way. Umm now I think we've got to start to do things together in a different way. And I know there's life. Trust me. I slept on a hospital cot last night. There's life. I get it.

Umm but if you can't come then give your tickets to your neighbor. It's that simple. Somebody's got to be in your seat. Somebody's got to be in every seat out there. And when we get to that level. No different then we get to the level to where we've got depth across the board and we execute consistently we will win every game. Ummm. But we can't say when they win every game we'll come. When basketball wins every game we'll come. When baseball wins every game. That's not...that's not how it works. We're in this together. We're a family. Ummm and trust me. There are a lot people that do. There's a lot of fans out there that are at every event. Who are supportive.

And I'm not saying that those people aren't appreciated, but we need more like we need more wins. Nine wins is great. Awesome. High five everybody, but we need more. We're not satisfied as a program with nine wins and we're not satisfied with half a stadium or half a gym or half a court. And until we get to there I'ma come up here every week and say every game should....we should sell out the bye week. There should be people that don't care if we play or not. They should just be here man. I got a chance to come to the Joan man. We could sell out the bye week. And...and we are making strides from a holistic organizational standpoint. Uhhh we got to make sure we get everybody on board and that's what hopefully this season will show."
His expectations of the crowd go hand in hand with what the fan base wants and expects to see each and every game. Wasn’t impressed with the product I saw on the field. Hopefully we see an improvement each week during the season. Changes need to be made at certain positions due to the lack of improvement since last season.
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When I went to Marshall (fall of 1980 Class of 1984) there wasn't much to do except go to the game, return to the Pike House and end up at the Double Dribble or the Varsity later on. In those days all you had was 1-2 game of the week on ABC or NBC. Today the options are endless. I am sure this has something to do with the turnout among the students
ohio Herd, I joined the Pikes in 84, small world.
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I actually went to a tke rush party freshman year as I was a legacy but they ran Out of beer. Some pikes were crusing the party and invited me and a couple other guys to the house and the rest is history
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