Marshall obsessed Eerbillys....all I ask is why?


Silver Buffalo
Aug 17, 2012
Over time the one constant I've found about every Eerbilly is this, they are all Marshall obsessed. Yet they support a school most never attended and seem to feel an allegiance in coming to our boards and posting posts that laud Eerbilly superiority, but likewise refuse to play us in any sport they can dodge.

My question to every lurking eerbilly troll, if MIFART ( Morgantown institute for furniture arson and riot training) is so superior , why not just play ball? Home and home , every sport. Straight up, Mano a Mano , not Horseteeth NCAA slander.

Thoughts? Chime in Herd dat, as our latest addition to Marshall obsessed Eerbillys, we want your opinion. Personally I think a few more IQ points and some testosterone would benefit ever eerbilly I know, and maybe a new yellow MIFART tee without so many BBQ stains. Look professional when your beating that pregnant mother!
Although I agree with you that I do wish they would play every year, at least in basketball, I don't think it'll ever be a home and home. Out of conference teams don't play two games a year. I think there is a better chance of it being at the Cam one year and then in Morgantown the next. But definitely not in the same year.
As far as football goes- I just don't think it benefits either school to play that game every year. That's just my personal opinion. I'd much rather play teams like South Carolina and Louisville because it's more about football games than it is trying to beat an in state rival we hate..
I don't understand why having a differing opinion makes someone a 'troll'

Most Herd fans are open-minded, sensible folks who can have intelligent conversations about things. Then there are the fanboys that are immediately dismissive of any opinions opposite of theirs and, since you disagree with them, you must not be a "true" Herd fan. Every school has fans like these, Marshall is no different.

You are the new guy that doesn't fall into the fanboy category. Until you've posted here for a while people are going to be skeptical of you. Just the way it is.
You are a troll because you are a non-alumni (of anywhere, probably including HS) who claims to be and MU student.

We get your kind regularly. Pretending, even on the internet, to be something you are not is difficult and evently you slip up. Last season we had a troll who claimed to have something like 5 or 6 degrees, incluing one from MU, who, like yourself, just bashed the Herd all the time.. A couple of minutes on the internet said BS, as he did not even know the proper name of several schools he claimed to have attended and several did not even offer the degree he claimed to have.

As to the orignial question, yep. We have been down this path before, but the total obsession of the non-alumni Spamites (and, yes, it is 99% limited to the non-alumni, people the actually went to WVU, being educated to a degree and having seen a little more of the world besides the inside of their trailer and the motel in Myrtle Beach once a year, are smart enough to realize the Spamspew from the lapdog media is idiocy) with MU is pretty unique. Find any other school in the position to which the non-alumni Spamites think WVU is in relative to the postition MU is supposedly in, in any state, and find ONE POST in the same vein. It just does not happen.

IMHO, a combination of:

- petty personal jealousy as MU people are generally the only college graduates they know
- the fact that MU people are often the only ones in their little dark world that tells them the idiocy that the lap dog media spews is, well, idiocy
- the fact that WVU, one, has no rivals, and, two, has never acomplished anything in sports of any note, which leads to bitterness, and, as they spend yet another year as a field filler in a far off conference, leaving them nothing but to say "But Marshall...." to asuage their continued irrelevancy.
SamC I stopped reading halfway through your diatribe. I'm sure it was informational. My question is how do we know you are the REAL Sam C? You could be the fake one and just claiming to be the real one. Smells like a troll to me
Sounds like a troll

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Over time the one constant I've found about every Eerbilly is this, they are all Marshall obsessed. Yet they support a school most never attended and seem to feel an allegiance in coming to our boards and posting posts that laud Eerbilly superiority, but likewise refuse to play us in any sport they can dodge.

My question to every lurking eerbilly troll, if MIFART ( Morgantown institute for furniture arson and riot training) is so superior , why not just play ball? Home and home , every sport. Straight up, Mano a Mano , not Horseteeth NCAA slander.

Thoughts? Chime in Herd dat, as our latest addition to Marshall obsessed Eerbillys, we want your opinion. Personally I think a few more IQ points and some testosterone would benefit ever eerbilly I know, and maybe a new yellow MIFART tee without so many BBQ stains. Look professional when your beating that pregnant mother!

The best is the dude on Twitter who uses @HerdHater. He's a douchebag that lives in Proctorville, OH on Scott Drive. All kinds of blew & yeller blowing in the wind.
Over time the one constant I've found about every Eerbilly is this, they are all Marshall obsessed. Yet they support a school most never attended and seem to feel an allegiance in coming to our boards and posting posts that laud Eerbilly superiority, but likewise refuse to play us in any sport they can dodge.

My question to every lurking eerbilly troll, if MIFART ( Morgantown institute for furniture arson and riot training) is so superior , why not just play ball? Home and home , every sport. Straight up, Mano a Mano , not Horseteeth NCAA slander.

Thoughts? Chime in Herd dat, as our latest addition to Marshall obsessed Eerbillys, we want your opinion. Personally I think a few more IQ points and some testosterone would benefit ever eerbilly I know, and maybe a new yellow MIFART tee without so many BBQ stains. Look professional when your beating that pregnant mother!
Both schools should do what is best for both schools - not a hard concept.
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Both schools should do what is best for both schools - not a hard concept.

No. Both schools should do what is best for the PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA.

A task Marshall and most of the state colleges perform every day and a task that WVU abandoned long before any of us were born.

The purpose of public education is service to the public. WVU thinks WV exists to serve it, rather than the other way around. And, because it is sports that causes these hilljack idiots to not question the taxwaste that is WVU, every loss for WVU is a great victory for the people of WV.
I'm not sure colleges are supposed to do what's good for other people's opinions, rather they do what is good for the school. At the end of the day colleges are a business. Even a state school has to make money to stay afloat.
If a school acts in its own interest by avoiding playing its in state rival to avoid losing then why the need to come to this board , post negative comments about Marshall and run down CUSA.

If your a coward then stay that way. No reason to post ANYTHING ever about Marshall on your own board or our board. WHY COME HERE!?!?!?

Just go away, we don't need you, we don't want you. We have the best IAF in the nation built 100% by our funds. We are more self supporting than you are, we have a great fan base and have a program that's won 4 straight bowl games.

We don't define ourselves by you, we define ourselves by getting on a truck loaded with emergency supplies and helping flood victims in the state.

We are Marshall, you are Marshall obsessed.

Go the F away you idiotic moronic Ollie schmuck slandering hill jacks. PLEASE just go away.
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No. Both schools should do what is best for the PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA.

A task Marshall and most of the state colleges perform every day and a task that WVU abandoned long before any of us were born.

The purpose of public education is service to the public. WVU thinks WV exists to serve it, rather than the other way around. And, because it is sports that causes these hilljack idiots to not question the taxwaste that is WVU, every loss for WVU is a great victory for the people of WV.
If a school acts in its own interest by avoiding playing its in state rival to avoid losing then why the need to come to this board , post negative comments about Marshall and run down CUSA.

If your a coward then stay that way. No reason to post ANYTHING ever about Marshall on your own board or our board. WHY COME HERE!?!?!?

Just go away, we don't need you, we don't want you. We have the best IAF in the nation built 100% by our funds. We are more self supporting than you are, we have a great fan base and have a program that's won 4 straight bowl games.

We don't define ourselves by you, we define ourselves by getting on a truck loaded with emergency supplies and helping flood victims in the state.

We are Marshall, you are Marshall obsessed.

Go the F away you idiotic moronic Ollie schmuck slandering hill jacks. PLEASE just go away.

Hard to support you when half the post is bs.
Whats too high strung about calling a school that mugs and batters pregnant visiting mothers ,idiots?

What's to high strung when your AD becomes an NCAA official yet still slanders Marshall?

Her ditty, come on girl, your school is an embarrassment to the state.
The high strung part is you constantly ranting and whining about people posting on message boards. Whaaa... Shhhhhut up already

Never made the Charleston Gazette but we know how that works don't we her billy.

Pittsburgh man, pregnant wife attacked after WVU-LSU game

BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS | Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2011
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MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — Morgantown police say four LSU football fans, including at least two from Pittsburgh, were attacked after the game against West Virginia, with one of them suffering severe head injuries.

The attack occurred late Saturday as spectators left Milan Puskar Stadium. In a news release, the Morgantown Police Department said someone threw a rock through an open window of the vehicle carrying the four fans.

Several people then approached the car and began assaulting the driver. The three others in the car were also assaulted.

The Charleston Daily Mail reports that the most seriously injured LSU fan, Marcus Mason, of Pittsburgh, sustained a broken nose, a crushed eye socket and other injuries. He was taken to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center for surgery. The newspaper reports that his wife, Hannah, who is 22 weeks pregnant, also was involved in the altercation.

Just in case you feel it isn't true Green Duke, wanted to post it in B&W!
I consider myself as a beacon of truth and light, and am here only as a servant to the eerbilly nation, allowing them greater self awareness and through that, reducing the embarrassment the state suffers by your unknowing and unthinking , basically ignorant actions.

OUT! :)
Greenhouse you are kind of embarrassing yourself and the others you are trying to represent...
Whats too high strung about calling a school that mugs and batters pregnant visiting mothers ,idiots?
The girl in question tried to step in between the two guys fighting and slipped on loose gravel and skinned her knee. That hardly constitutes "mugs and batters" in my book.
Over time the one constant I've found about every Eerbilly is this, they are all Marshall obsessed. Yet they support a school most never attended and seem to feel an allegiance in coming to our boards and posting posts that laud Eerbilly superiority, but likewise refuse to play us in any sport they can dodge.

My question to every lurking eerbilly troll, if MIFART ( Morgantown institute for furniture arson and riot training) is so superior , why not just play ball? Home and home , every sport. Straight up, Mano a Mano , not Horseteeth NCAA slander.

Thoughts? Chime in Herd dat, as our latest addition to Marshall obsessed Eerbillys, we want your opinion. Personally I think a few more IQ points and some testosterone would benefit ever eerbilly I know, and maybe a new yellow MIFART tee without so many BBQ stains. Look professional when your beating that pregnant mother!

I will try to explain my obsession with Marshall, Greenlouse, and in terms understandable by you and Sam the Sham.

Obsession or no, as an un-degreed individual and furthermore an inbred, hilljack(according to the current herdspeak)is it any wonder why I'm one of those now accorded pariahs who know no better than to cheer for WVU all the while losing sleep over the Green Storm Rising in Cabell County?

Under the stentorian phrase "We hold these truths to be self-evident" I understand why MU is regarded as the better program and the 8 WVU fb wins in the modern era can be dismissed with an airy wave of the hand. Upsets? Yeah, every last one so never mind that WVU was heavily favored in each one.

Given the narrative established by you, Greenlouse and Sam the Sham, I can see where you can believe that average crowds of 26,000 versus crowds of 55k would be easily interpreted as overwhelming support for the Herd instead of us Mountaineers.

Regardless, the thousands(is it ok for me to suggest thousands of WVU fans?)of WVU fans who fear MU and spend many a waking moment conspiring against the Herd, will be ever vigilant, or so I'm told, to shy away from playing MU for fear of the inevitable, just like all the other losses.

Anyway, keep up the especially good work, disregard those visions and pay no heed to the voices you hear quite often.

Otherwise, I come in peace to the sane MU'ers.
Greenhouse I'd just like to see something productive from you. You basically state statistics than are false, cry about WVU fans yet bring them up constantly, and use some retarded anagram like MIFART to try to explain your nonsense. It's really just laughable. The WVU fans might stay away if it was logical conversation. YOU are the one bringing them out because of your gibberish
The best is the dude on Twitter who uses @HerdHater. He's a douchebag that lives in Proctorville, OH on Scott Drive. All kinds of blew & yeller blowing in the wind.

Probably the same dude who trolls this site.
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Morgantown Justification
Not justifying, just clarifying. In that story that reported only the Pittsburghers' side of the story, the AP's words were:

"...his wife, Hannah, who is 22 weeks pregnant, also was involved in the altercation."

I'm just saying her "involvement" in the incident did not include mugging, beating, or battering as has been posted numerous times by Greenhouse and others. She slipped and skinned her knee.