Massachusetts' Don't Say Gay


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 16, 2015
Harvard's President Gay to resign as president as claims of plagiarism & anti-semitism mount.
When ability isn't the main attribute for hiring, it gets incredibly difficult to do what's right when it's obvious they need to be let go.
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I am starting to think everyone plagiarizes.

I’ve not seen this in my experience in the science and medicine realm. I have maybe more publications than her and I’ve reviewed for some journals. It’s easy to just cite if you’re cutting and pasting, no shame in that. What she did is atypical in my world.
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Is this where we bitch about cancel culture?
Only when someone truly deserves it. This isn't a comedian making jokes. Kids were getting kicked out of the same institution for the exact same offense, only with far less instances of their offenses. Hell, apparently she plagiarized part of her resignation letter.
Only when someone truly deserves it. This isn't a comedian making jokes. Kids were getting kicked out of the same institution for the exact same offense, only with far less instances of their offenses. Hell, apparently she plagiarized part of her resignation letter.
Kids were getting kicked out while she was there? Or before her tenure?

I don’t know how pervasive her plagiarism was, or if it was severe enough for her to be ousted. I also don’t really, at all, care about the President of Harvard. Just funny to see you all circlejerking about this while bitching and moaning when someone who is more aligned with you suffers consequences for their actions.
I’ve not seen this in my experience in the science and medicine realm. I have maybe more publications than her and I’ve reviewed for some journals. It’s easy to just cite if you’re cutting and pasting, no shame in that. What she did is atypical in my world.
Over Christmas break, my niece was in from Stanford & we got to talking about the rise of ChatGPT as it relates to college kids turning in papers. On the one hand, you can't hide emerging tech from students if you want them to be prepared. However, their ability to do actual research & write their own papers is nose-diving.
Kids were getting kicked out while she was there? Or before her tenure?

I don’t know how pervasive her plagiarism was, or if it was severe enough for her to be ousted. I also don’t really, at all, care about the President of Harvard. Just funny to see you all circlejerking about this while bitching and moaning when someone who is more aligned with you suffers consequences for their actions.
I don't know if the 2023 numbers have been released yet, but in 2022 it's being reported they had 138 academic integrity cases - with plagiarism being #2 on the list of offenses. 27 students were expelled.

This isn't really about a single administrator at an Ivy League school. Do you also just think the Bud Light controversy is about one single can or was the reaction because people were getting sick of obvious agendas being forced upon them that they have every right to question? People have kids at schools not named Harvard & they have serious concerns about what their money is going toward, what the kids are being taught, & how their kids will be affected by it. Same with Bud Light. It's not just one political party that stopped buying it. People see the bigger picture & they're venting at that.
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I don't know if the 2023 numbers have been released yet, but in 2022 it's being reported they had 138 academic integrity cases - with plagiarism being #2 on the list of offenses. 27 students were expelled.

This isn't really about a single administrator at an Ivy League school. Do you also just think the Bud Light controversy is about one single can or was the reaction because people were getting sick of obvious agendas being forced upon them that they have every right to question? People have kids at schools not named Harvard & they have serious concerns about what their money is going toward, what the kids are being taught, & how their kids will be affected by it. Same with Bud Light. It's not just one political party that stopped buying it. People see the bigger picture & they're venting at that.
I actually thought you meant that students had been kicked out for anti-Semitism and not for pro-Palestinian (there’s a layer of extreme irony there) statements. You know, the reason anybody knows who she is in the first place, that they called her to testify for. But yeah if she plagiarized then sure kick her out.

Bud Light was maybe the dumbest ****ing thing you all have riled yourselves up about. They never even did and never even were going to sell the can with the influencer’s face on it. The part where people bought a bunch to shoot and blow up was pretty funny though.
11 journal articles in a 26 year career. That’s really not great.

I’d bet more original thought was done on Pullman square over the years than this. A bunch of Appalachians on here (some rich but still Appalachians) contributing more to the pursuit of truth than the President of Harvard.

At the same time the ability to publish articles probably has absolutely nothing to do with how effective someone would be as a university president. But we keep Peter principaling people up.
At the same time the ability to publish articles probably has absolutely nothing to do with how effective someone would be as a university president. But we keep Peter principaling people up.
Yes - typically you’d hire either an established academic or a known competent executive/managerial type leader.

She seems to have been neither.

Most of these places are now hedge funds wearing a skin suit of places of higher ed now anyway.
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"Nothing wrong with plagiarism when you're a liberal. Copying and stealing another's work is just another day at the office. Everyone does it." ---- HH & Raoul
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I’ve not seen this in my experience in the science and medicine realm. I have maybe more publications than her and I’ve reviewed for some journals. It’s easy to just cite if you’re cutting and pasting, no shame in that. What she did is atypical in my world.
I'm just surprised this seems to be on the news at least once a year. And obviously if it is on the news it is prominent people....what the hell are non-prominent people doing?
Reading is tough though I’ll give you that.
Reading is simple.

"...plagiarism was, or if it was severe enough for her to be ousted. I also don’t really, at all, care about the President of Harvard."

Imagine not knowing or caring whether a recognized "academic's" plagiarism is "enough" to be ousted from an elite institution like Harvard...
Reading is simple.

"...plagiarism was, or if it was severe enough for her to be ousted. I also don’t really, at all, care about the President of Harvard."

Imagine not knowing or caring whether a recognized "academic's" plagiarism is "enough" to be ousted from an elite institution like Harvard...
I don’t have to imagine it. I know nothing about the Presidents of every university in the country every day. In the world, in fact. There is not a single way that whether a President at Harvard or Radford or Liberty plagiarized or needs to be fired for it impacts my life. I’m glad people to whom it does matter care, I guess, but I’m losing no sleep over it.
The Bud Light reaction wasn't about one can. It was the tipping point in reaction to an agenda people are frankly sick of having shoved down their throat, being told they're trash for not playing along. Similarly, the public is reacting to multiple agendas they don't agree with & Claudine just happens to be low hanging fruit.
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I don’t have to imagine it. I know nothing about the Presidents of every university in the country every day. In the world, in fact. There is not a single way that whether a President at Harvard or Radford or Liberty plagiarized or needs to be fired for it impacts my life. I’m glad people to whom it does matter care, I guess, but I’m losing no sleep over it.
Noted. "Losing sleep"... The true measure of a HH being interested.

Just fascinating pointing out those that use their positions of authority and proclaim their superiority due to educational acronyms/accolades, are nothing more than cheating frauds.

No one is asking you to "imagine every University in the country". This is about just 1. The leader of the "premier" academic institution in the country personally stealing another's work and benefitting from it.
Noted. "Losing sleep"... The true measure of a HH being interested.

Just fascinating pointing out those that use their positions of authority and proclaim their superiority due to educational acronyms/accolades, are nothing more than cheating frauds.

No one is asking you to "imagine every University in the country". This is about just 1. The leader of the "premier" academic institution in the country personally stealing another's work and benefitting from it.
If she were a student at the exact same institution, would President Gay give student Claudine Gay the benefit of the doubt when it comes to repeated violations of their plagiarism policy?

Harvard's code of conduct:

Students who, for whatever reason, submit work either not their own or without clear attribution to its sources will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including requirement to withdraw from the College.
Noted. "Losing sleep"... The true measure of a HH being interested.

Just fascinating pointing out those that use their positions of authority and proclaim their superiority due to educational acronyms/accolades, are nothing more than cheating frauds.

No one is asking you to "imagine every University in the country". This is about just 1. The leader of the "premier" academic institution in the country personally stealing another's work and benefitting from it.
Yeah and she got fired for it. Good. I had no idea who this person was until a couple weeks ago. Neither did any of you.

Edit: where is the windmill you all are tilting at that is stating she shouldn’t have been fired?
Yeah and she got fired for it. Good. I had no idea who this person was until a couple weeks ago. Neither did any of you.
It actually took her a couple of weeks for her to own up to the cheating that was realized and resign. No one really "knew" her until Congress introduced her (and her bigotry) to the country a couple weeks ago. Not sure that has anything to do with this specific discussion either.

We get it though. You dont lose sleep over academic frauds at Harvard or any other university throughout the country. Moving on.
Yeah and she got fired for it. Good. I had no idea who this person was until a couple weeks ago. Neither did any of you.

Edit: where is the windmill you all are tilting at that is stating she shouldn’t have been fired?

It's easy to see why the outrage became the latest big thing...she's an archetype for everything wrong about academia....a focus on DEI over pursuit of truth or excellence...heavily favoring the administrative side (look at admin bloat over the years) over actual academics that publish or teach...selectively enforcing what is acceptable campus speech (Harvard was dead last on FIRE's free speech rankings).

I think a lot of this isn't about her. It's about that. The congressional testimony optics just put the eyes of everyone rallying against the above phenomenon directly on her....sprinkle in a little perceived anti-Semitism and the die was cast.
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It's easy to see why the outrage became the latest big thing...she's an archetype for everything wrong about academia....a focus on DEI over pursuit of truth or excellence...heavily favoring the administrative side (look at admin bloat over the years) over actual academics that publish or teach...selectively enforcing what is acceptable campus speech (Harvard was dead last on FIRE's free speech rankings).

I don't think most of this is about her. It's about that.
(HH after reading this^^)

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Raleigh is this the first time you’ve heard the expression “losing sleep” or something? It’s an odd thing you’ve fixated on.