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Platinum Buffalo
Aug 17, 2011
Brewpub w/coeds
Just got out of the hot tub with the water set at 104 degrees. Feel great, but my weiner shriveled up so bad it looks like a button on a worn out sweater. Seems both cold and excessive hot water is bad for shrinkage.

No way would I consider hot tubbing it with the York College coeds. I've been called a lot of things, but button dick is not one I desire to hear.
Just got out of the hot tub with the water set at 104 degrees. Feel great, but my weiner shriveled up so bad it looks like a button on a worn out sweater. Seems both cold and excessive hot water is bad for shrinkage.

No way would I consider hot tubbing it with the York College coeds. I've been called a lot of things, but button dick is not one I desire to hear.
Maybe try for the Dickinson chicks, they are closer to you. Or you can try Wilson.
Maybe try for the Dickinson chicks, they are closer to you. Or you can try Wilson.
Damnz, just how close to me do you live? Are you the person pecking on my bathroom window last time I was chocking my chicken? York College neighborhood is where rich guys like me, rifle, and murox live.
Damnz, just how close to me do you live? Are you the person pecking on my bathroom window last time I was chocking my chicken? York College neighborhood is where rich guys like me, rifle, and murox live.
Gettysburg College is not too bad, my sister-in-law went there. I am sure the freakier chicks attend the Lutheran seminary in Gettysburg.

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