Nice Crowd

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Honestly, where do people come up with some of this stuff? Is the Huntington area press that homer or inept? Do we just make things into a pretty picture?
In fairness to the low attendance, NIU's fans decided to skip the trip and go to Texas instead. Both Illinois and Illinois state, the two best teams in the state, play their bowl/national championship game within 30 minutes driving distance of each other.
I hope it never comes to light that Marshall actually wanted this bowl.

This post was edited on 12/23 9:45 PM by IslandHerd1
Originally posted by IslandHerd1:
eat shit herdman
Wow. You take bowl games seriously. All we heard about how great this bowl was and how it was sold out. I guess the shi* was all the bull shi* about the bowl game.
This post was edited on 12/23 8:59 PM by i am herdman
Originally posted by riflearm2:
In fairness to the low attendance, NIU's fans decided to skip the trip and go to Texas instead. Both Illinois and Illinois state, the two best teams in the state, play their bowl/national championship game within 30 minutes driving distance of each other.
Illinois blows, they are horrid. Illinois state good 1aa team. NIU is the best team in that state.
I know it frustrates you we didn't lose so you can gloat Herdman, but for one night will you give the negativity a rest. I know it's impossible for you to think we could blowout a good team, but the rest of us would like one night to enjoy this team.
I enjoyed the win and our team played well. I am just amazed at some the BS I read sometimes.
What did I miss ?

Where are ILL.. and ILL. State ranked ? Gee, must be below NIU, didn't see them ranked ahead of NIU.

Just because your brother is good doesn't mean you are good also.
Hamrick will say or do anything to cover his mistakes. They tried to make everyone believe this bowl was sold out and everything was all roses. Empty seats everywhere and we beat a really bad NIU team. They barely beat their horrible MAC brothers this year.
If you think Illinois is better than NIU, you're part of the problem.

Illinois State might be the 2nd best team in the state but we just crushed the best.
ESPN and the Boca Bowl were promoting the game as sold out.

Marshall actually responded saying it wasn't sold out and we had tons of tickets for sale.
Originally posted by Penn2moss:
ESPN and the Boca Bowl were promoting the game as sold out.

Marshall actually responded saying it wasn't sold out and we had tons of tickets for sale.
Correct. Lord, what a bunch of nitpickers and losers. As with all bowls, each team gets so many tickets and then the bowl sells so many locally. The "sold out" deal, as with all bowls, refers only to the local tickets. Once the team tickets are delivered to the teams, the bowl organizers consider them "sold". It does often place three retailers in competition with one another for the same product, but it is what it is, and has been the system for the last 15 years or so.
Originally posted by Gochneaur645:
If you think Illinois is better than NIU, you're part of the problem.

Illinois State might be the 2nd best team in the state but we just crushed the best.
what problem would that be?

just for once admit that this NIU team is not very good. there are easily 4 teams in CUSA that would beat them on any given day. Illinois is not good either. again, nobody has EVER said Illinois was better than NIU. beating Illinois 52-23 looks better in the eyes of average Joe football fan and ALL OF THE BRAINWASHED MEDIA than beating NIU....
Please stop!

Beating 6-6 Illinois at 1pm on the day after Christmas wouldn't have meant jacksh!t for next year. Just like beating Maryland last year did nothing for 2014.

It was a reward to a great Senior Class, a great location, good for recruiting, against a well thought of G5, and great exposure for the University.

Unless you are in one of the New Years Six Bowls, the difference between the bowls available to C-USA was tiny.....We chose or were awarded the bowl best for us!

Three G5 teams that were being considered for the access spot (The one Boise got) were Marshall, NIU, and Memphis.....Who looks the best now?

Enjoy the win, enjoy what this team has accomplished, be happy that we are keeping our coach for at least one more year and hopefully many more.
Originally posted by Gochneaur645:
If you think Illinois is better than NIU, you're part of the problem.

Illinois State might be the 2nd best team in the state but we just crushed the best.
Claiming that NIU is better than Illinois, unequivocally, is absurd. Their resumes are very, very close when you consider SOS and common level opponents.

As as I have said for weeks, NIU is not a great team. They are a good MAC team with a schedule as weak as Marshall's. There is a reason a 12-2 team was a 10 point underdog against Marshall. You do see how they struggled against very, very bad teams. You realize eastern michigan, the absolutely worst team in FBS, was beating NIU in the fourth quarter? They beat kent state, one of the worst six or seven teams, by three points. Central michigan finished fourth in their division in the MAC. Not fourth in the conference- fourth in the division. CMU lost to Syracuse 40-3. CMU lost to Kansas by 14. That CMU team? They beat NIU by 17.

there is a reason I have been so adamant on here for weeks about NIU not being very good. There is a reason I have said Illinois is on the same level and Illinois state is better. NIU has shown that all season and did again last night.