Glad you broke that before Meister beat you to it.

He's stole enough thunder for the day, imo.'d be a shame to have enough respect for the kid's wishes to not blurt it out.

I'm sure people will still show the same amount of excitement tomororow when he announces though.

I mean, it is all about a guy trying to impress others on a website and not about the best player's wishes.

Makes sense.
Huff might be the obvious contention there. But in 5 seasons, if he's still at MU, it means things havent gone all that well for MU, imo.
Not necessarily. It could be that he ends up liking it here so much that he's willing to hold on for the right P5 and not just the first P5. One thing Marshall has going for it that many other G5s don't is that we don't usually crater out. You see a lot of these programs hit their peak and then crash. We're one of the only G5s where you can have sustained success. Our dip happened because we made a terrible hire in Mark Snyder not because the program was unable to sustain.

One way or the other I don't see Coach Huff here any longer than 5 seasons.
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We cut our old coach loose with a full compliment of players in the lockerroom - this isn't going to be a strip-it-to-the-studs rebuild. If Huff is what people hope he is, he should be successful right away, and by the end of year two be fielding offers from other schools.

If not we'll eat him alive by year three and it'll be on to the next one.
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Meister and rifle have beat Coach to the punch a couple of times lately. I will bring that up at the next Executive Board Meeting.
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Hang in there, Herdmeister. Your insights are always appreciated.