real men of genius (durham knew)


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 12, 2007

today, the day after the damning report for the FBI, HRC, and demonrats across america, especially those on this board, we salute you, you gullible mentally deranged MSM lapdogs. without your perseverence of allegiance to the liar's party over common sense, we wouldn't have times like these when the rest of america has yet another opportunity to point and laugh at your lunacy. RUSSIA CONSPIRACY!! is all we heard for years, and, as the rest of us already knew, it was proven to be contrived fictional bullshit put in place by yore leaders and spread by the MSM . . . and you. so crack open a nice cold glass of blended crow (not old), and chase it down with a chilled shot of shut the fvck up, because if you didn't suck down the fake news of the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA story and other bullshit riddled propaganda on the reg . . . well, you may just be one of us.

on a serious note, how does it make you guys who were sure trump had colluded with russia feel to know you were duped by your party and the MSM? i'm sure some of you will deny the report and claim it is republican or trump disinformation since trump is the one who appointed durham to open the probe, but for those with a bit of sense about themselves, we'd be interested to know how you feel about this.

in addition, if the democrats went to russia conspiracy lie levels, what else have they conjured up on trump that were downright bullshit fabrication? i'm sure there's MUCH more. hell, we've seen it with the two sham impeachments for which he was acquitted. the dem party obviously has zero boundaries when it comes to smearing their opponents, laws be damned.

but, carry on, party of sheep, i'm sure you'll downplay this as nothing and continue to eat the shitburgers served to you on the daily by yore party and the evil MSM.
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The existential threat was never one person, Donald Trump. The republic can weather an idiot in the White House.

The threat was the media, the three letter agencies, and a party going in lock step on a fabricated narrative to have the orange man's ability to win election and/or hamstring his term.

Once they've figured out they can do this without repercussion then how do you get that cat back in the bag?
I’m gonna wager that greed and oldie etc still believe in the Russia hoax despite the FBI getting flogged
you mean this guy?:

Small pox vaccinations work against monkeypox...why are you supporting Russia is it because of evil Trump?

Yes Trump would have given Russia whatever they wanted. He was buddy buddy with his genius friend.

Trump would buddy up to them and might even sell them some of those top secret documents that was found in home where it did not belong. Trump would lie and do anything to make money for himself.

Biden is not weak he is just not a friend of Putin like Trump was and still is..I am sure Russia planned this if Trump wasnt elected just like they helped him get elected the first time. Also now they are realizing it was a big mistake going into Ukraine as Biden and Congress have stood up to him with by supporting Ukraine just like most of you here disagree with in sending weapons to the Ukrainians.

Inflation is coming under control now .people are getting better paid jobs. stock market is starting to recover like it always does and Trump was in alliance with Russia he probably would have given Ukraine to Russia.

nahhhh, he'll just change it to the new bullshit narrative they're feeding him. how damn gullible can an idiot be?:

What should we use Fox, newsweak, or OAN? Give me a break. Speaking of pedophiles what about the latest on Trump and his buddy Eppstein taking turns on the 13 year old girl? Let Trump keep destroying your repuclican party. I am enjoying that very much.

today, the day after the damning report for the FBI, HRC, and demonrats across america, especially those on this board, we salute you, you gullible mentally deranged MSM lapdogs. without your perseverence of allegiance to the liar's party over common sense, we wouldn't have times like these when the rest of america has yet another opportunity to point and laugh at your lunacy. RUSSIA CONSPIRACY!! is all we heard for years, and, as the rest of us already knew, it was proven to be contrived fictional bullshit put in place by yore leaders and spread by the MSM . . . and you. so crack open a nice cold glass of blended crow (not old), and chase it down with a chilled shot of shut the fvck up, because if you didn't suck down the fake news of the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA story and other bullshit riddled propaganda on the reg . . . well, you may just be one of us.

on a serious note, how does it make you guys who were sure trump had colluded with russia feel to know you were duped by your party and the MSM? i'm sure some of you will deny the report and claim it is republican or trump disinformation since trump is the one who appointed durham to open the probe, but for those with a bit of sense about themselves, we'd be interested to know how you feel about this.

in addition, if the democrats went to russia conspiracy lie levels, what else have they conjured up on trump that were downright bullshit fabrication? i'm sure there's MUCH more. hell, we've seen it with the two sham impeachments for which he was acquitted. the dem party obviously has zero boundaries when it comes to smearing their opponents, laws be damned.

but, carry on, party of sheep, i'm sure you'll downplay this as nothing and continue to eat the shitburgers served to you on the daily by yore party and the evil MSM.
_______lying trumptard
The existential threat was never one person, Donald Trump. The republic can weather an idiot in the White House.

The threat was the media, the three letter agencies, and a party going in lock step on a fabricated narrative to have the orange man's ability to win election and/or hamstring his term.

Once they've figured out they can do this without repercussion then how do you get that cat back in the bag?
^^^another idiot

today, the day after the damning report for the FBI, HRC, and demonrats across america, especially those on this board, we salute you, you gullible mentally deranged MSM lapdogs. without your perseverence of allegiance to the liar's party over common sense, we wouldn't have times like these when the rest of america has yet another opportunity to point and laugh at your lunacy. RUSSIA CONSPIRACY!! is all we heard for years, and, as the rest of us already knew, it was proven to be contrived fictional bullshit put in place by yore leaders and spread by the MSM . . . and you. so crack open a nice cold glass of blended crow (not old), and chase it down with a chilled shot of shut the fvck up, because if you didn't suck down the fake news of the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA story and other bullshit riddled propaganda on the reg . . . well, you may just be one of us.

on a serious note, how does it make you guys who were sure trump had colluded with russia feel to know you were duped by your party and the MSM? i'm sure some of you will deny the report and claim it is republican or trump disinformation since trump is the one who appointed durham to open the probe, but for those with a bit of sense about themselves, we'd be interested to know how you feel about this.

in addition, if the democrats went to russia conspiracy lie levels, what else have they conjured up on trump that were downright bullshit fabrication? i'm sure there's MUCH more. hell, we've seen it with the two sham impeachments for which he was acquitted. the dem party obviously has zero boundaries when it comes to smearing their opponents, laws be damned.

but, carry on, party of sheep, i'm sure you'll downplay this as nothing and continue to eat the shitburgers served to you on the daily by yore party and the evil MSM.
We will never know if the Russian thing was true or not because the people involved in the decision were totally biased at the time. Not so sure how Barr feels about Trump now as he has stated that there was no fraud in the 2020 election and that Trump did in fact lose the election. So why all this talk about a decision that no one could really trust?
Given how frequently "has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation" turns out to be just "democrat election tactics" I'm starting to think democrats are more dangerous than actual Russians.
We will never know if the Russian thing was true or not because the people involved in the decision were totally biased at the time. Not so sure how Barr feels about Trump now as he has stated that there was no fraud in the 2020 election and that Trump did in fact lose the election. So why all this talk about a decision that no one could really trust?
^^^this^^^ is why we laugh at you. a four year investigation proves it was all lies, the FBI and DNC conjured up the entire farce, and you did what i correctly predicted you would do.

and, bill barr? he indicated in an interview with Bill Maher, a YUGE liberal, that he would vote trump in '24 because he doesn't trust the demoncrats.

“I certainly have made it clear I don’t think he should be our nominee, and I’m going to support somebody else for the nomination,” Barr told NBC’s “Today” show in an interview.

But “because I believe that the greatest threat to the country is the progressive agenda being pushed by the Democratic Party,” Barr added, “it’s inconceivable to me that I wouldn’t vote for the Republican nominee.”

Barr pledged to vote for Trump should he win the 2024 GOP nomination for president despite grave accusations and condemnations leveled against the former president in the former attorney general’s forthcoming book about his time in the Trump administration.
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Oldie is beyond hope. He is absolutely brain washed and will not accept anything other than what the liberal media tells him to believe. No longer (if he ever was) is he capable of disseminating truth and drawing his own conclusions.
Yep. Party before country. He will vote for a chronic liar, who has no morals or ethics, made the U S a laughing stock while in office, incited an insurrection, and attempted to over turn the results of a free and fair election. Just another trumptard.
Oldie is beyond hope. He is absolutely brain washed and will not accept anything other than what the liberal media tells him to believe. No longer (if he ever was) is he capable of disseminating truth and drawing his own conclusions.
Yep. Party before country. He will vote for a chronic liar, who has no morals or ethics, made the U S a laughing stock while in office, incited an insurrection, and attempted to over turn the results of a free and fair election. Just another trumptard.
you calling anybody out for party before country is hilarious. you can shove the rest of yore MSM parrotted bullshit. while yore at it, why not throw down a RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA tantrum.

again, where did orange man bad touch you . . .


that's actually a bit funny because the old doll dude looks a bit like you, less the blue eyes, of course. yores would have to be brown because of how full of shit you are.
Yep. Party before country. He will vote for a chronic liar, who has no morals or ethics, made the U S a laughing stock while in office, incited an insurrection, and attempted to over turn the results of a free and fair election. Just another trumptard.
I already got all the dirt into the planters, so turn around if you were on your way up to give a hand.
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Given how frequently "has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation" turns out to be just "democrat election tactics" I'm starting to think democrats are more dangerous than actual Russians.
Then you have a major problem in your thinking straight. Russia is by far the most dangerous to you and North Korea is not far behind.
Oldie is beyond hope. He is absolutely brain washed and will not accept anything other than what the liberal media tells him to believe. No longer (if he ever was) is he capable of disseminating truth and drawing his own conclusions.
That is just your opinion as the majority of real Americans not your party of white nationalist, Proud Boys,QANONS amd Aryans believe.
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Barr did state that there was no fraud in the 2020 election and that Trump indeed lost the election. This you cannot deny. He essentially called Trump a liar. But yes he is still going to vote for him if nominated because republicans are the liars with Trump and MTG leading the way.
Barr did state that there was no fraud in the 2020 election and that Trump indeed lost the election. This you cannot deny. He essentially called Trump a liar. But yes he is still going to vote for him if nominated because republicans are the liars with Trump and MTG leading the way.
serious question, are you mentally inept or is just age fvcking with yore cognitive abilities?
We will never know if the Russian thing was true or not because the people involved in the decision were totally biased at the time. Not so sure how Barr feels about Trump now as he has stated that there was no fraud in the 2020 election and that Trump did in fact lose the election. So why all this talk about a decision that no one could really trust?
The people involved were the Clinton’s the media/democrats, cia and fbi
The existential threat was never one person, Donald Trump. The republic can weather an idiot in the White House.

The threat was the media, the three letter agencies, and a party going in lock step on a fabricated narrative to have the orange man's ability to win election and/or hamstring his term.

Once they've figured out they can do this without repercussion then how do you get that cat back in the bag?
They did it with Covid also.

They will do anything to protect the power of their party and the power of the govt. The power of the govt and the real corruption lies within the lifelone upper to middle type management in DC. Not really even the political appointed positions. They come and go. It is that upper management type that is out of control.
They did it with Covid also.

They will do anything to protect the power of their party and the power of the govt. The power of the govt and the real corruption lies within the lifelone upper to middle type management in DC. Not really even the political appointed positions. They come and go. It is that upper management type that is out of control.
_____trumptard oath breaker
Weird. Did any of the clintons, media, democrats, and the CIA have charges brought against them?? How many republicans plead guilty and how many found guilty in court?
How.many plead guilty to Russian collusion