RFK Junior is issuing warnings over Colorado Decision. Pay Attention

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Like him or not, whatever, you better pay attention to what he says on this. He is right. Read the first paragraph and think about it.

"If Trump is kept out of office through judicial fiat rather than being defeated in a fair election, his supporters will never accept the result. This country will become ungovernable,"
"It’s time to trust the voters. It is up to the people to decide who the best candidate is. Not the courts. The people. That’s Democracy 101," Kennedy said. "When any candidate is deprived of his right to run, the American people are deprived of their right to choose."
He was already defeated in a fair election and his supporters already won’t accept the result.
Well, it was not fair. It is setting up to not be fair this time either.

There is no way 2020 was fair at all. Covid bull shit shenanigans. Going around state legislatures. Mysterious water pipes bursting. The 3am ballot dumps. Oh, and the FBI mingling in tech giants and social media.

Give it a fair shot! That is it. A fair shot.
Oh and maybe when half the country thinks it is BULLSHIT, you might have a problem there Washington DC! Wake up you nose to the air out of touch want to be Monarchs!
Not even close. oath breaker. Hillary and Gore conceded and neither have 91 criminal indictments against them.
No the only difference is they were Democrats who were actually beat without election day shenanigans
Well, it was not fair. It is setting up to not be fair this time either.

There is no way 2020 was fair at all. Covid bull shit shenanigans. Going around state legislatures. Mysterious water pipes bursting. The 3am ballot dumps. Oh, and the FBI mingling in tech giants and social media.

Give it a fair shot! That is it. A fair shot.
See? Even if he’s on the ballot, even if he loses again, it’s going to be the same tired excuses. They’ve got a whole list of them prepared so Trump can keep playing the victim and bilking supporters out of money.

Then why all of the efforts to keep him from running again? What is your side so afraid of?
Well last time he tried to have fake electors sent to overturn the results of the election. What if this time some state legislatures figure out a way to actually pull it off?

That being said, the best result is that he is on the ballot and gets beat, fair and square, again.
I didn't vote for Trump, not voting for him this time, hell I've had RFK Jr 2024 in my signature for a while now. That said, what Biden & the DOJ are doing is straight banana republic shit.
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No the only difference is they were Democrats who were actually beat without election day shenanigans
Not even close. oath breaker. Hillary and Gore conceded and neither have 91 criminal indictments against them. You're a lying idiot oath breaker.
I didn't vote for Trump, not voting for him this time, hell I've had RFK Jr 2024 in my signature for a while now. That said, what Biden & the DOJ are doing is straight banana republic shit.
You're a lying idiot.
See? Even if he’s on the ballot, even if he loses again, it’s going to be the same tired excuses. They’ve got a whole list of them prepared so Trump can keep playing the victim and bilking supporters out of money.

Well last time he tried to have fake electors sent to overturn the results of the election. What if this time some state legislatures figure out a way to actually pull it off?

That being said, the best result is that he is on the ballot and gets beat, fair and square, again.
so, none of that stuff happened?

If he gets a fair shot and loses. So be it and move on.
I didn't vote for Trump, not voting for him this time, hell I've had RFK Jr 2024 in my signature for a while now. That said, what Biden & the DOJ are doing is straight banana republic shit.
That's the point.

If Venezueal or Honduras or Kenya did this our govt would be spouting crap all over the place and would probably send in the CIA to overthrow that govt.

We have about zero cred anymore.
There’s no way that his supporters will agree that any election he loses was fair.
It wasn't fair in 2020. It is setting up to not be fair now. They have been after him since before he was even elected.

They do not want outsiders. THey do not want people they can control. THey do not want to be exposed.
^^^sound of stupidity
Sad Monsters Inc GIF by filmeditor
It wasn't fair in 2020. It is setting up to not be fair now. They have been after him since before he was even elected.

They do not want outsiders. THey do not want people they can control. THey do not want to be exposed.
I mean there you go, you’re proving my point. Did the Democratic fraud machine get that much more effective (while not even in power) between 2016 and 2020? What would you have to see to, after a Trump loss, believe that the election was fair?

And you’re more reasonable than a lot of Trump supporters. So if you’re this impossible to convince there’s no hope at all for them.
There’s no way that his supporters will agree that any election he loses was fair.
I've never bought into the stolen election stuff (although there were certainly some questionable numbers) & think the Trump supporters need to move on & focus on 2024. But the shit Biden & the DOJ are doing is beyond defensible. Not really surprising though given all the other horseshit they've pulled.

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I mean there you go, you’re proving my point. Did the Democratic fraud machine get that much more effective (while not even in power) between 2016 and 2020? What would you have to see to, after a Trump loss, believe that the election was fair?

And you’re more reasonable than a lot of Trump supporters. So if you’re this impossible to convince there’s no hope at all for them.
Yes, it did. From 2016 to 2020, they actively worked on it in some states. Second, the big beuracrat state went after Trump. They do not like him, not just because of his personallity but they want people(even if it is a R but they favord D) because someone like him is a threat to that. COuld be reducing size, asking questions, changing programs, exposing things, etc. That is a real thing and it exploded under Trump. Why? the big govt will protect itself. Period.

I have no doubt in my mind the 2020 election was not fair. I have no doublt in mind as he became a more serious candidate they did things to try to stop his campaign. I have no doubt there were those who tried to undermine his presidency(those within the govt and enemies poltically). Remember, the big govt will always be there(or they hope so) and they will do damn near anything to keep it that way. THey favor Dems. I know that.
Yes, it did. From 2016 to 2020, they actively worked on it in some states. Second, the big beuracrat state went after Trump. They do not like him, not just because of his personallity but they want people(even if it is a R but they favord D) because someone like him is a threat to that. COuld be reducing size, asking questions, changing programs, exposing things, etc. That is a real thing and it exploded under Trump. Why? the big govt will protect itself. Period.

I have no doubt in my mind the 2020 election was not fair. I have no doublt in mind as he became a more serious candidate they did things to try to stop his campaign. I have no doubt there were those who tried to undermine his presidency(those within the govt and enemies poltically). Remember, the big govt will always be there(or they hope so) and they will do damn near anything to keep it that way. THey favor Dems. I know that.

Hell yes, they did. The tried everything, still trying and they will stop at nothing, even if destroys our country.

They and their bleaters can claim they didn't weaponize the justice department, but they can't hide from the facts. Since day one, they've been after Trump and now they're trying to weaponize the Constitution by twisting the words.

LINK: FBI agent’s text disclosed by Justice watchdog: ‘We’ll stop’ Trump from becoming president

"An FBI agent who worked on the special counsel’s Russia probe texted another investigator that ‘We’ll stop’ Donald Trump from getting elected president."
Hell yes, they did. The tried everything, still trying and they will stop at nothing, even if destroys our country.

They and their bleaters can claim they didn't weaponize the justice department, but they can't hide from the facts. Since day one, they've been after Trump and now they're trying to weaponize the Constitution by twisting the words.

LINK: FBI agent’s text disclosed by Justice watchdog: ‘We’ll stop’ Trump from becoming president

"An FBI agent who worked on the special counsel’s Russia probe texted another investigator that ‘We’ll stop’ Donald Trump from getting elected president."
Of course. The machine will do anything to stop it. Anything. i have been saying that for some time. It is not even about Trump at this point.
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