Someone Owes a Massive Apology to UVA Frat Houses

i'm waiting on the gawker article on this turn of events, though not holding my breath. '

edit: thanks to "Jackie" for fvcking over every future sexual assault victim at uva and on college campuses.
This post was edited on 12/5 2:28 PM by herdit44
Im no legal scholar, but it seems to me the frat or the university has a libel case against Rolling Stone. I know thats iffy when discussing the media, but isn't there some kind of recourse against untrue, uncorroborated, damaging stories of the scope as this one? I think the case could be made this reporter knew or should have known that what she was reporting was highly dubious.
I have no doubt the girl was raped, by someone, somewhere. That doesn't mean the article isn't full of shit. And that is unfortunate, as the main point of the article, that universities would rather stuff be swept under the rug by their in-house hearing process, is still dead on. This "journalist" has done no favors for rape victims; way to go, dumbass.
Journalist gets all excited about a big story and forgets to fact check......Lazy work.

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