This red state is becoming an ‘expat’ community for families fleeing western liberal bastions. It's not just Texas and Folorida

Godless?...Do you sometimes forget how to to breathe?
Yes. Godless.


not recognizing or obeying God.
The Bible says that God loved the world.
It does not say that God loved the church
, or that God loved the Christians, or that God loved the believers.
False x 2.
It says that God loved the WORLD.
Those who believe in Him will have the gift of eternal life.
There's more to it than saying you believe. You Godless lying trumptard.
He is everyone's God,
^^^False. Not yours. You are not one of his people. You are not a son of God. You are of your father the devil.
What does asking me about someone I didn't vote for and don't support have to do with anything?
Because you began this part of the thread with: "Including the one that said he did but really doesn't" after I made a general comment about the political elite not caring? Sure, it's a gotcha. Just because you cant keep up with your typical line of bullshit, and being called on it, isn't my problem.

"Trump promised a lot of things and didn't so shit about them." --moronic post

He basically had 3 years to "fix" 51 years of elites not giving a shit, and you apparently accept it too. He tried putting policy in place, while you sucked up the narrative of nonexistent pee tapes and crying for investigations that took up time and energy from the administration to fight and counter. He proposed policy and actions that got bogged the "CHIPS thing". Ignoring that is completely disingenuous. The pandemic lockdowns you loved also didn't help move action items forward. Again, a so-called political expert should know that.

It's always amusing when someone who bootlicks the world of big business expresses faux disdain for something like subsidies,
When did I say I "disdain" all subsidies. Some are necessary to spawn growth. Some are taxpayer boondoggles that line the pockets of a select few.
Because you began this part of the thread with: "Including the one that said he did but really doesn't" after I made a general comment about the political elite not caring? Sure, it's a gotcha. Just because you cant keep up with your typical line of bullshit, and being called on it, isn't my problem.

"Trump promised a lot of things and didn't so shit about them." --moronic post

He basically had 3 years to "fix" 51 years of elites not giving a shit, and you apparently accept it too. He tried putting policy in place, while you sucked up the narrative of nonexistent pee tapes and crying for investigations that took up time and energy from the administration to fight and counter. He proposed policy and actions that got bogged the "CHIPS thing". Ignoring that is completely disingenuous. The pandemic lockdowns you loved also didn't help move action items forward. Again, a so-called political expert should know that.

When did I say I "disdain" all subsidies. Some are necessary to spawn growth. Some are taxpayer boondoggles that line the pockets of a select few.
Empty campaign promises equal actual efforts to get legislation passed and signed? No lol.
Yes. Godless.


not recognizing or obeying God.



False x 2.


There's more to it than saying you believe. You Godless lying trumptard.

^^^False. Not yours. You are not one of his people. You are not a son of God. You are of your father the devil.

False? You provide nothing to dispute it. Your lies aren't facts. Maybe one day you'll get that through your empty skull.
Serious questions - why then and would you vote for him now and why (if he were alive and at a functioning age)? I won't dog you on any answers on this.
I've never believed in wide-open free trade. Blue color union jobs provided me with a middle class childhood and many advantages, and that's how it should be for hard working Americans and their families. It's hard to compete against paying poverty wages. NAFTA should have been called MFTA...I was never concerned about Canada, they are an equal.

Now? I dunno, is he going to drop out again and blame it on some nonsense about Republicans trying to fvck up his daughter's wedding? Yeah, I voted for him anyways then, but when I was younger I much more likely to not give any real thought beyond voting to rail against something in 1992.

I have said here before I appreciate Trump trying something with tariffs, but in the end tariffs are just a tax on consumers; corporations are content to stay with China and other shitholes. We know it takes bribery subsidies to get shit done.

I long ago tired of driving through small town America and seeing where the factories used to be.
False? You provide nothing to dispute it. Your lies aren't facts. Maybe one day you'll get that through your empty skull.
You're a Godless lying idiot that has zero understanding of the Bible. You're not a Christian, you're not saved, and your father is the devil.
You're a Godless lying idiot that has zero understanding of the Bible. You're not a Christian, you're not saved, and your father is the devil.

Using your standards, Lucifer us your daddy.
I've never believed in wide-open free trade. Blue color union jobs provided me with a middle class childhood and many advantages, and that's how it should be for hard working Americans and their families. It's hard to compete against paying poverty wages. NAFTA should have been called MFTA...I was never concerned about Canada, they are an equal.

Now? I dunno, is he going to drop out again and blame it on some nonsense about Republicans trying to fvck up his daughter's wedding? Yeah, I voted for him anyways then, but when I was younger I much more likely to not give any real thought beyond voting to rail against something in 1992.

I have said here before I appreciate Trump trying something with tariffs, but in the end tariffs are just a tax on consumers; corporations are content to stay with China and other shitholes. We know it takes bribery subsidies to get shit done.

Interestingly I see a lot of similarities between Perot and Trump. Both are/were wealthy political outsiders likely naive to the political process. Both were mocked by the mainstream media (Perot's ears and Trump's hair). Both seemed to genuinely love the US and the middle-class.

Of course there are differences, especially in their personalities, but I think history will prove them both to be correct in their positions. Much of what Perot said would occur has occurred. I think the same will be said of Trump.

I was a Buchanan Republican back in the day. He visited a US plant and had an epiphanyand changed his tune on free trade. Read this 25 year-old Atlantic article and tell me Pat wasn't right.

Though it is critical of Buchanan, who has been more correct over the last 25 years - Pat or the author?

I long ago tired of driving through small town America and seeing where the factories used to be.

Have you ever boated on the Ohio River? Crazy the abandoned plants and factories...

I didn't vote for Perot. I wasn't going to make the same mistake again and not vote for Trump.
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Using your standards, Lucifer us your daddy.
You're a Godless lying idiot that has zero understanding of the Bible. You're not a Christian, you're not saved, and your father is the devil.
Interestingly I see a lot of similarities between Perot and Trump. Both are/were wealthy political outsiders likely naive to the political process. Both were mocked by the mainstream media (Perot's ears and Trump's hair). Both seemed to genuinely love the US and the middle-class.

Of course there are differences, especially in their personalities, but I think history will prove them both to be correct in their positions. Much of what Perot said would occur has occurred. I think the same will be said of Trump.

I was a Buchanan Republican back in the day. He visited a US plant and had an epiphanyand changed his tune on free trade. Read this 25 year-old Atlantic article and tell me Pat wasn't right.

Though it is critical of Buchanan, who has been more correct over the last 25 years - Pat or the author?

Have you ever boated on the Ohio River? Crazy the abandoned plants and factories...

I didn't vote for Perot. I wasn't going to make the same mistake again and not vote for Trump.
One could say the same for Bernie Sanders, he too has consistently been on what I feel is the correct side of trade. If I were a Democrat he would have had my vote in the 2016 primary, we all know where the Clintons stand.

I have never boated the entire length of the Ohio, wtf are you a barge pilot lol. But I've traveled up and down the length of it, and yes you can see the loss of manufacturing. I've only been actually on a boat around Huntington, Louisville, and a stretch in Crawford County IN...and there's never been a factory on the river in Crawford lol, just quarries. Have you ever been to Leavenworth IN? If so, have you ate at The Overlook?
You're a Godless lying idiot that has zero understanding of the Bible. You're not a Christian, you're not saved, and your father is the devil.

Says the spreader of hate and Lucifer's favorite son.
One could say the same for Bernie Sanders, he too has consistently been on what I feel is the correct side of trade. If I were a Democrat he would have had my vote in the 2016 primary, we all know where the Clintons stand.

And Bernie used to be pro-2A...

I have never boated the entire length of the Ohio, wtf are you a barge pilot lol. But I've traveled up and down the length of it, and yes you can see the loss of manufacturing. I've only been actually on a boat around Huntington, Louisville, and a stretch in Crawford County IN...and there's never been a factory on the river in Crawford lol, just quarries. Have you ever been to Leavenworth IN? If so, have you ate at The Overlook?

No. I have just pleasure boated along various parts of the Ohio River. There are stretches of the river that are very isolated but also a lot of abandoned plants and factories. Some of these have recently been razed so the landscape from the river isn't quite so depressing.

I have eaten at a couple riverfront restaurants along US 52 but none were as nice as The Overlook looks. Might be a road trip destination sometime.

Interestingly I recently became acquainted with the youngest riverboat captain on the Ohio and Mississipi Rivers. He showed me some crazy time lapsed videos. One was a bend where you have to hit the current just right or you will be pushed into the bank. If you miss y÷ou have to hit the bank just right to bounce off and make the bend.

Another is a bridge that the span wide enough for the barges but is too low for the tow boat. A second tow is used to hold the barges in place for the main tow to be disconnected and go under a higher span and then reconnect on the other side to continue the journey. There were some others but those two stood out.
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And Bernie used to be pro-2A...

No. I have just pleasure boated along various parts of the Ohio River. There are stretches of the river that are very isolated but also a lot of abandoned plants and factories. Some of these have recently been razed so the landscape from the river isn't quite so depressing.

I have eaten at a couple riverfront restaurants along US 52 but none were as nice as The Overlook looks. Might be a road trip destination sometime.

Interestingly I recently became acquainted with the youngest riverboat captain on the Ohio and Mississipi Rivers. He showed me some crazy time lapsed videos. One was a bend where you have to hit the current just right or you will be pushed into the bank. If you miss y÷ou have to hit the bank just right to bounce off and make the bend.

Another is a bridge that the span wide enough for the barges but is too low for the tow boat. A second tow is used to hold the barges in place for the main tow to be disconnected and go under a higher span and then reconnect on the other side to continue the journey. There were some others but those two stood out.
If you ever decide to make that road trip, let me know here beforehand, I will tell you some scenic drives in that area if that is your kind of thing.
If you ever decide to make that road trip, let me know here beforehand, I will tell you some scenic drives in that area if that is your kind of thing.

Thanks and will do. I do enjoy the backroads. The last few years have been crazy and haven't gotten to do the things that l enjoy doing. Clearing my plate of several things to free up some time. Ready to do some more things like this.

The last time I wandered Indiana included boating on Hardy Lake? and then hiking to Rose Island Amusement Park.
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@Raoul Duke MU

Here is a link to an article I found. The excerpt might be about the bend the guy told me about and showed me the video on.

“This is an area called Old Southern Harbor and this is a hard turn,” Dittelberger said as Chuck Piepmeier approached downtown Cincinnati at mile 473. Captains need to think ahead and be alert on this stretch of river, and “they shoot around the bend and they slide a little sideways.”
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Both were mocked by the mainstream media (Perot's ears and Trump's hair).
Yeah, that never happens to presidents. No mainstream media ever made fun of Obama's ears, Bush's frequent "Bushisms," or anything female related to Clinton at the same rate as Perot/Trump. :rolleyes:

Both seemed to genuinely love the US and the middle-class.
Trump loves the U.S.? He married a Czech-Canadian and a Yugoslavian. He had five fabricated military deferments to avoid serving the U.S. He has supported the termination of the Constitution. He has referred to fallen military members as "losers" and "suckers" while also mocking U.S. POWs for having been caught. It takes special kind of fool to claim that somebody like that "genuinely loves the U.S."

Claiming the same about him towards the middle-class is just as absurdly stupid.

Have you ever boated on the Ohio River?
Yeah, Twain patterned Huckleberry Finn after Raoul. You didn't know?
Says the spreader of hate and Lucifer's favorite son.
You're a Godless lying idiot that has zero understanding of the Bible. You're not a Christian, you're not saved, and your father is the devil.
You're a Godless lying idiot that has zero understanding of the Bible. You're not a Christian, you're not saved, and your father is the devil.

You have zero understanding of the Bible. You're not a Christian, you're not saved, and your father is Lucifer. You're his favorite son. You worship the ground he walks on.
Wait: You guys are related? What a plot twist!

How clever. You two are of the same tribe. You both are liberals.

Conservatives, like me, are happier people, according to scientific studies.

Not that you care about science.

What's a woman?
Conservatives, like me, are happier people, according to scientific studies.
Low expectations for life will do that to you. Not having been exposed to how much is better out there leaves you in a state (both of mind and geographic location) to think your life is fine.

Not that you care about science.
Says the fool who believes in the Bible and ignores the science that disproves much of it.

What's a woman?
I am not surprised that you don't know that.
Says the fool who believes in the Bible and ignores the science that disproves much of it.

I'm a fool, yet you believe nothing created something. 🤣

You know I was being sarcastic. It is your tribe that believe men can breastfeed.
You have zero understanding of the Bible. You're not a Christian, you're not saved, and your father is Lucifer. You're his favorite son. You worship the ground he walks on.
You're a Godless lying idiot that has zero understanding of the Bible. You're not a Christian, you're not saved, and your father is the devil.
How clever. You two are of the same tribe. You both are liberals.

Conservatives, like me, are happier people, according to scientific studies.

Not that you care about science.

What's a woman?
You're a Godless lying idiot trumptard.