Then why was the student center renovation at the top of the list of future projects in the approved Master Plan, as prepared by outside architectural and engineering consultants? Apparently they and the MU BOG who approved and accepted their report had a little more knowledge of MU's needs than you. Perhaps your "youth" is the problem there!
As for the gift from the Smiths, I believe Dr. Gilbert has indicated that it will help go towards a new business facility, when other funds are identified and obtained. If you think $25 million alone will build much of a quality and showpiece facility in today's 21st century world of higher education then your knowledge of the subject is severely lacking.
Then why was the student center renovation at the top of the list of future projects in the approved Master Plan, as prepared by outside architectural and engineering consultants? Apparently they and the MU BOG who approved and accepted their report had a little more knowledge of MU's needs than you. Perhaps your "youth" is the problem there!
As for the gift from the Smiths, I believe Dr. Gilbert has indicated that it will help go towards a new business facility, when other funds are identified and obtained. If you think $25 million alone will build much of a quality and showpiece facility in today's 21st century world of higher education then your knowledge of the subject is severely lacking.
Are they still calling for 5th to be placed underground?
Things change olde...
MU has upgraded itself to R2 status, which is a very big deal...and it will require money to maintain. If that delays the MSC construction in order to improve the academic prestige of the university, then I think thats a fair trade and one students would gladly give.
Of course words like "academic" and "prestige" might be beyond you...for old people like you are more connected with the words "complain" "b*tching" etc.
I am well aware in the grand scheme of it all that a $25 million donation will only last for a brief period of time.
But thats $25 million more than you'll ever give and merely being old doesn't translate into dollars pal, for you and people like you, it translates into entitled complaining.
In a set of comments about MU not doing any construction or adding anything or making changes to the campus and you choose to ignore a whole possible new facility for one of MU's better known programs.
That's cute.
Of course, if it bothers you that much, you can write Dr. Gilbert and simply ASK him about what projects are being done.
You can even send him your complaints about the Master Plan and hear what he has to say...complete with all of your outdated knowledge.
Sure things change, GHMY, except that some people like you, at whatever age, will stay basically perpetually IGNORANT!
If MU needs "funds" so badly, then spending significant $$$$ to hire consulting firms to do exhaustive and detailed campus facility plans ever decade or so and then either ignoring said plans or deviating greatly from them seems not only wasteful but ludicrous.
The R2 designation is based on research. Um, doesn't the Master Plan's section on needed upgrades and renovations on such things as the Morrow Library and the Science Building has some relationship to "research", GHMY? Obvious from some of your comments, you didn't spend much time in the "library", did you?
To significantly grow its enrollment, MU needs to improve its overall campus environment, and not just research facilities. Dorms and recreation and student life/social facilities like the student center need upgraded and modernized. Glad to see MU is taking some steps, even if small ones, to make such improvements. Even with their prestige, programs like medicine and pharmacy will NOT add greatly to the University's total enrollment numbers. It is in the area of undergraduate students that MU needs to try and significantly increase, IMO.
Sorry, my comments seem to upset you. Just know, with my "outdated knowledge" or not, I've been supporting MU since well before you were still struggling as a child trying to put on your underwear over your head! Hope you and all your current "knowledge" have least finally succeeded in that endeavor!
I highly doubt Morrow was the contributor to the R2 status. If it was, what would need to be upgraded? Something wanted but not actually needed.
Congrats, the whole "I'm older than you so my support is better because of it." Yeah, you can be ignorant at 20, then be 100 years old and unless you've changed your intelligence level (you haven't) you're still ignorant, just older.
The sad thing is you've supported MU for so long but still complain on here, like it's going to make a difference. While younger generations are actually doing things, documenting their successes, and reaching far more people than you ever will.
Funny you speak of how you were doing things while I was trying to put underwear over my head, yet the youths on MU's campus are doing things and you're struggling to figure out the Twitter machine and other methods to keep up with them.
When you can't, you complain about what they're doing...struggling to understand...
Your method of complaining to people on a forum is outdated. Get off your rear and go down to Old Main and figure out whats going on.
Report back to us when you have.
I highly doubt Morrow was the contributor to the R2 status. If it was, what would need to be upgraded? Something wanted but not actually needed.
Congrats, the whole "I'm older than you so my support is better because of it." Yeah, you can be ignorant at 20, then be 100 years old and unless you've changed your intelligence level (you haven't) you're still ignorant, just older.
The sad thing is you've supported MU for so long but still complain on here, like it's going to make a difference. While younger generations are actually doing things, documenting their successes, and reaching far more people than you ever will.
Funny you speak of how you were doing things while I was trying to put underwear over my head, yet the youths on MU's campus are doing things and you're struggling to figure out the Twitter machine and other methods to keep up with them.
When you can't, you complain about what they're doing...struggling to understand...
Your method of complaining to people on a forum is outdated. Get off your rear and go down to Old Main and figure out whats going on.
Report back to us when you have.
Typical snot nosed, my generation has all the answers response, GoHerdMarshallYes. Yep, nothing and no one mattered before you were hatched!! You obviously have ALL the answers, so go off in your little self centered little world and come up with the solutions for everything, just make sure you keep everyone at Old Main informed!! I'm sure they will be grateful for your "help"!
The R2 status was due to a change of methodology by the particular entity doing the ranking. There has been no great research awakening at MU. They continue to do what they have the capability of doing.
What sort of changes did they make?
If thats true then surely the inclusion of the Pharmacy, PA, and Engineering schools and other emphasis on professional degrees had to have an impact on that?
Well we finally got a baseball field maybe we can get an engineering school. WhoI don’t remember specifics, only that that the news coverage stated that the methodology had been changed. Look it up if you’re interested, these publications and ranking entities shake it up every few years to attract eyeballs and clicks.
Also, MU does not have an engineering school. The engineering division is part of the College of Information Tech and Engineering. Huge difference, Marshall is a long way from having an engineering school.
Also, MU does not have an engineering school.
Who Knows maybe even a Law School!
Funny, since page 191 of the current University Catalog lists:
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Engineering, emphasis in Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Master of Science in Engineering, majors in Engineering Management, Environmental Engineering, and Transportation and Infastructure
Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
And the University website in listing all of the accreditation bodies lists, Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET
Maybe I'm missing something, but schools that grant accreditated engineering degrees are, umm, engineering schools.
Don't look now, but the taxwaste that is WV State "University" (sic) is making law school noise again. Fact is WV does not even need the one law school we have. There are more people with law degrees than there are legal jobs.
There’s key ingredients missing that stop MU short of “school” status.
I don’t remember specifics, only that that the news coverage stated that the methodology had been changed. Look it up if you’re interested, these publications and ranking entities shake it up every few years to attract eyeballs and clicks.
Also, MU does not have an engineering school. The engineering division is part of the College of Information Tech and Engineering. Huge difference, Marshall is a long way from having an engineering school.
Funny, since page 191 of the current University Catalog lists:
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Engineering, emphasis in Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Master of Science in Engineering, majors in Engineering Management, Environmental Engineering, and Transportation and Infastructure
Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
And the University website in listing all of the accreditation bodies lists, Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET
Maybe I'm missing something, but schools that grant accreditated engineering degrees are, umm, engineering schools.
Don't look now, but the taxwaste that is WV State "University" (sic) is making law school noise again. Fact is WV does not even need the one law school we have. There are more people with law degrees than there are legal jobs.
Charleston's mall was going to be bought out by a small group of people and set offices inside.
OT: The Charleston mall was put in receivership (bankruptcy) and "sold" to the bank that the former owners owed, they have it for sale, no takers. The Macy's closes on Saturday, leaving it with just one "anchor" store (Penney's, which will be bankrupt nationally soon), the Macy's will join the Sears as simply abandoned, while the old Ward's was converted into 100% anti-Marshall (and dead last in the ratings) WOWK's studio). About 1/3rd of the interior slots vacant as well. I would not go there without a firearm, too many nightcrawlers.
Anyway, the insiders in the State House Gang and the Kanawha Court House Gang, are pushing a bill to allow the casinos to each open a "branch" in the same county. This will eventually happen and the mall will become a downtown casino, which was the plan all along. The rich white landlords of Charleston, who own all the hotels and such around the place always look out for themselves.
Old people like myself will remember that Huntington wanted a downtown casino 30 years ago, but was denied.